Linda’s Credit Card Payment Page

The more I stare, the deeper I go to buy hypnosis CDs and sessions The more I stare, the deeper I go…

You will receive your appointment offer after filling out the appropriate Trance Request Form. See the Getting a Session page for details. Please only make session payments AFTER receiving your appointment date and time from Mind Mistress. First sessions are ALWAYS an hour.

You will see a charge to  or “ WEB-TOKENS.COM – GA  888-893-8621“ on your credit card statement. All prices are in US dollars.

After making payment, you will receive a confirmation email. If you haven’t received an email after ten minutes or get an error message, you may try paying again or Contact Mind Mistress.

Purchase 5 hours and save 20%, your fifth session is free!

Session Type Per Hour 5 Hours Pay Button
Online Text Chat on Skype $140 $560
Phone/Skype Call $220 $880
In-Person $300 $1200
Group $350 + travel expenses $1400
Audio CDs $65
View CDs
Coaching $25
Donation $10
1/2 Online Text Chat on Skype $70
1/2 Phone/Skype Call $110

Please note that prices were updated in September 2023, after being unchanged since 2001. To account for inflation, a 50$ price tag from 2001 would be 76$ in 2023, as each dollar is worth less. I’ve increased prices by about half the inflation amount.