Smoking conversion log

Implanting a smoking fetish through an existing mind control fetish


Mistress log 1

A real log of a visitor to My erotic mind control and hypnosis site, who uses the “talk to a live person” help function to chat with Me. Enjoy

Mind Mistress: Hello
Visitor: Hello, real person!
Mind Mistress: Hi there!
Visitor: Saw you were on and wanted to congratulate you in person (as it were)
Visitor: about the Adam story.
Visitor: πŸ™‚
Visitor: Its quite nice.
Mind Mistress: Hope you’re having good holidays πŸ™‚
Visitor: Sexy and all that.
Mind Mistress: I’m glad you like it…
Visitor: Yes, you also
Mind Mistress: I just had a message from beth this morning, after a long absence πŸ™‚
Visitor: aww, still in touch that’s nice
Visitor: and how is s/he doing? (if I may ask)
Mind Mistress: Yes, and still in thrall πŸ™‚
Visitor: excellent
Mind Mistress: She said: so much has happened and it’s nearly a year since we last talked. I just looked at your site yesterday and saw the logs of all our chats. I’m on hormones now and well on my way to becoming the shemale that I have always wanted to be. I hope we get the chance to talk soon.
Visitor: well the fantasy has been with me forever so it’s always good to see
Mind Mistress: πŸ™‚
Visitor: well written articles/fantasy/histories of people changing.
Mind Mistress: Indeed, an occasional true story like that πŸ™‚
Visitor: exactly
Mind Mistress: There was an update on MC Stories on Dec 22… some nice stuff
Visitor: oh yes. I love that site. πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: It’s My first stop for erotica πŸ™‚
Visitor: that and ntcweb for me.. the teasing and denial pages.
Mind Mistress: Oh, don’t know that one
Mind Mistress: My other favorite one is a smoking fetish story archive
Visitor: I dont know that one, but having read your web site I’m sure you love it. πŸ™‚
Visitor: I love the mcstories that do what your pages do… show the transformation instead of having it instantly magically happen
Mind Mistress: Yeah, the, ZAP you’re a bimbo gets old…
Mind Mistress: unless there are interesting adventures
Visitor: yes..’Ted woke up in a strange bed…’
Visitor: i like seeing how he is gradually put in the bed. πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: I like the subversion process best… which is why the stories of how nice girls start smoking appeal to Me
Visitor: yes, me also.
Visitor: and the ones where the victim twists one way and that only helps the evil-doer take them quicker
Mind Mistress: oh yes πŸ™‚
Visitor: the story ‘absolute’ had that.
Visitor: a graphic to induce the victim, but she was savvy, so the suggestions took that into acount
Mind Mistress: and the interesting thing about smoking is that it’s a conversion process that changes your allegiance once you’re hooked
Visitor: oh?
Mind Mistress: yes, from anti smoker to bad girl πŸ™‚
Visitor: oh yes… prudish to wanton
Mind Mistress: since smokers are bad in our society… it changes self image
Visitor: oh thats interseting
Visitor: never thought of that
Mind Mistress: opens you up to being bad in other ways
Visitor: yes that makes sense
Mind Mistress: Since you’re already “damned”
Visitor: I could see that.
Visitor: interesting because the smoker as a bad person is a fairly new thing in society, last 15 years or so?
Mind Mistress: There’s a “I do this for pleasure and I don’t care what people think”
Mind Mistress: Yup
Mind Mistress: Very demonized now
Visitor: lol.. and you see the old Christmas movies and even the doctors smoke
Mind Mistress: Of course, the more the Moral Minority health nuts repress it, the more appealing it becomes…
Mind Mistress: yup
Visitor: well, to some.
Mind Mistress: Of course
Mind Mistress: They’re charging it with more meaning, and promoting what they fight
Visitor: what kind of meaning?
Mind Mistress: What kind of woman starts smoking these days?
Visitor: independent, I would think
Mind Mistress: Yes
Visitor: ok
Mind Mistress: Pleasure oriented
Visitor: ahh, the hedonist
Mind Mistress: ORAL pleasure oriented…
Mind Mistress: bringing this rod to her mouth…
Visitor: oh yes
Mind Mistress: and sucking on it…
Visitor: I see
Mind Mistress: taking in the milky white stuff deep inside…
Mind Mistress: πŸ™‚
Visitor: πŸ™‚
Visitor: goodness how you speak!
Mind Mistress: Words are My friends :)))
Visitor: I know.. your servants.
Mind Mistress: and the more she sucks on it…
Mind Mistress: the more her body comes to crave it…
Mind Mistress: want it…
Visitor: I visit your site fairly regularly, anlways eager for your updates. πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: need it…
Visitor: yes, the addiction
Mind Mistress: deep inside…
Mind Mistress: where it feels good…
Visitor: i used to smoke and still sometimes crave it
Mind Mistress: fills her…
Mind Mistress: fulfills her…
Visitor: hmm
Mind Mistress: Yes? πŸ˜€
Visitor: You make it sound *reallY* good!
Visitor: lol
Visitor: But then I knew that from your site.
Mind Mistress: I’m a temptress…
Visitor: Yes, true
Mind Mistress: and *very* good at warping perception…
Mind Mistress: in the most pleasurable ways…
Visitor: *
Visitor: yes, that is something about you.
Visitor: its the whole ‘danger is appealing ‘ thing
Mind Mistress: now you may not want to smoke yourself…
Mind Mistress: but you may find yourself noticing more…
Mind Mistress: when you see women smoking…
Visitor: hmm
Mind Mistress: how incredibly sensual it can be…
Mind Mistress: to watch…
Mind Mistress: a woman…
Mind Mistress: sucking…
Mind Mistress: pleasuring herself…
Mind Mistress: in full public view…
Mind Mistress: indulging…
Mind Mistress: in something naughty…
Mind Mistress: shamelessly…
Visitor: hmm
Mind Mistress: controlled by her cravings…
Visitor: but its only smoking…
Mind Mistress: more and more…
Visitor: then again
Mind Mistress: with every puff…
Visitor: your words πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: her body demanding that pleasure…
Mind Mistress: seeing a woman having a nic fit…
Mind Mistress: is quite the Mind Control experience… πŸ™‚
Visitor: i can see it
Visitor: in the mall
Visitor: sitting outside, legs crossed, lighting up
Visitor: the first drag so deep
Mind Mistress: Yess…
Mind Mistress: very deep…
Mind Mistress: need
Visitor: and that way she sighs it out…
Mind Mistress: relief…
Visitor: the craving met
Visitor: hmm
Mind Mistress: Now I’m not saying that seeing this…
Mind Mistress: or even imagining this…
Mind Mistress: is going to turn you on…
Mind Mistress: from now on…
Mind Mistress: Because I don’t know…
Mind Mistress: how eager you are…
Mind Mistress: to look for mind control where it occurs around you…
Mind Mistress: and savor those moments when they do…
Visitor: oh?
Visitor: yes that isnt a bad viewpoint
Mind Mistress: That’s totally up to you…
Mind Mistress: to be there…
Visitor: lol– today
Mind Mistress: seeing her…
Mind Mistress: just like you’re imagining…
Mind Mistress: and becoming aroused…
Visitor: i can see it, yes
Mind Mistress: more and more…
Visitor: damn near feel the smoke in my own lungs
Visitor: and yes even aroused
Visitor: a bit
Mind Mistress: and in realizing that this arousal…
Mind Mistress: is a result…
Mind Mistress: of My Evil Mind Control on you…
Mind Mistress: you might get even more aroused…
Mind Mistress: by her…
Visitor: naturally
Mind Mistress: controlled by her smoking…
Mind Mistress: and you…
Mind Mistress: having been warped into increasing arousal…
Mind Mistress: at seeing her enjoy herself …
Mind Mistress: and perhaps that pleasure…
Visitor: yes?
Mind Mistress: doesn’t appeal to you…
Mind Mistress: so you won’t be thinking in this way when you see sexy women smoking…
Mind Mistress: in fact…
Visitor: i wont?
Mind Mistress: you can try to ignore it…
Mind Mistress: ignore how they’re sucking…
Mind Mistress: their lips wrapped around the shaft of the cigarette…
Mind Mistress: pleasuring themselves…
Visitor: hmm
Mind Mistress: you can just ignore that…
Mind Mistress: not think about it at all…
Mind Mistress: and thus avoid a raging hard on from seeing women smoke…
Visitor: well …
Mind Mistress: πŸ™‚
Visitor: i suppose I wont think of a monkey too! I’m fascinated
Visitor: by how you link ideas
Mind Mistress: LOL!!!
Visitor: and associations.
Mind Mistress: And this isn’t even hypnosis πŸ™‚
Visitor: isnt it?
Mind Mistress: Just NLP and hypnotic language…
Mind Mistress: and Me having fun πŸ™‚
Visitor: yes – you seem to prefer that over the traditional inductions?
Visitor: i’m glad you’re having fun.
Visitor: because I didnt intend to take up your time
Mind Mistress: People who ask for freebies don’t get any πŸ™‚
Visitor: oh— was one of the points of your story this…
Visitor: customers can either pay and have boundaries, or not pay and take what they get with no boundaries?
Mind Mistress: People who are nice and fun and give Me an opening for mischief.. πŸ˜‰
Visitor: I try to be nice and fun! lol
Mind Mistress: πŸ™‚
Visitor: Anyway, I’ll be interested to see what I think of and dont think of and feel and dont feel (without thinking) next time I see a woman smoking
Mind Mistress: Why don’t you let Me know… I’m curious too πŸ™‚
Visitor: Certainly.
Visitor: Least I could do in return for the favor of the mind-warp. πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: But say, how do you feel when you imagine yourself seeing a woman smoke next time at the mall?
Visitor: i can see her
Visitor: and i feel … tentative? and yet am open to seeing that she is engaging in not just smoking, but
Visitor: a nice sensual act.
Visitor: an almost private act
Visitor: of pleasuring a need in her
Mind Mistress: Yess… and how her cigarettes control her mind…
Visitor: hmm, yes.
Visitor: i’m glad you’re having fun.
Visitor: because I didnt intend to take up your time
Mind Mistress: People who ask for freebies don’t get any πŸ™‚
Visitor: oh— was one of the points of your story this…
Mind Mistress: People who are nice and fun and give Me an opening for mischief.. πŸ˜‰
Visitor: customers can either pay and have boundaries, or not pay and take what they get with no boundaries?
Visitor: I try to be nice and fun! lol
Mind Mistress: πŸ™‚
Visitor: Anyway, I’ll be interested to see what I think of and don’t think of and feel and don’t feel (without thinking) next time I see a woman smoking
Mind Mistress: Why don’t you let Me know… I’m curious too πŸ™‚
Visitor: Certainly.
Mind Mistress: But say, how do you feel when you imagine yourself seeing a woman smoke next time at the mall?
Visitor: Least I could do in return for the favor of the mind-warp. πŸ™‚
Visitor: i can see her
Visitor: and i feel … tentative? and yet am open to seeing that she is engaging in not just smoking, but
Visitor: a nice sensual act.
Visitor: an almost private act
Visitor: of pleasuring a need in her
Mind Mistress: Yess… and how her cigarettes control her mind…
Visitor: hmm, yes.
Visitor: an almost private act
Visitor: of pleasuring a need in her
Mind Mistress: Yess… and how her cigarettes control her mind…
Visitor: hmm, yes.
Visitor: true
Mind Mistress: making her love this… want this…
Visitor: in a way they do, because she didnt have to choose to sit then and there and smoke
Visitor: they call out to her, don’t they.
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: Yess….
Visitor: and each little puff
Visitor: a little more addicted
Visitor: to the pleasure
Visitor: interesting
Mind Mistress: she’s a sexy slave to her oral desires…
Visitor: I love spirals like that
Mind Mistress: and conditionning herself more deeply with every puff as you say πŸ™‚
Visitor: hmm
Mind Mistress: obeying her conditionning…
Visitor: yes
Visitor: in a way
Mind Mistress: programming herself to love smoking… to need it…
Visitor: autoprogramming – how lovely
Mind Mistress: Mmm, yesss
Visitor: and you’re saying that this woman
Visitor: this sexy woman subjugated by her desires
Visitor: is a slave to her cigarettes, but more so
Visitor: a slave to her desires
Visitor: and she surely has other desires
Visitor: than smoking
Visitor: and so can be easily controlled by another
Visitor: who perhaps has control over their desires
Visitor: or am I jumping too far too fast?
Mind Mistress: What is important to note…
Mind Mistress: is that her smoking overrides her other desires…
Mind Mistress: with clockwork regularity…
Visitor: ohh
Visitor: so she desires to shop, but her addiction says stop and smoke
Mind Mistress: And she obeys
Visitor: she desires to eat, or go home to her family, but
Visitor: the addiction says no.. rest.. smoke
Visitor: and she obeys
Visitor: until the addiction is fed.
Mind Mistress: Always she obeys…
Visitor: hmm
Mind Mistress: She can put off obeying for a little while…
Visitor: certainly
Mind Mistress: but it grows increasingly uncomfortable to resist obeying…
Mind Mistress: as she knows she must…
Visitor: it is the nature of the addiction
Visitor: yes
Visitor: she would be aware of it.
Visitor: as I was when smoking
Visitor: certainly
Mind Mistress: and she has the choice of resenting the enslavement…
Mind Mistress: and feeling helpless about it…
Mind Mistress: or giving into it…
Mind Mistress: and enjoying it…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: Obeying even before the need reminds her…
Visitor: another level of conditioning
Mind Mistress: Anticipating her Mistress’s wishes…
Visitor: hmm.
Mind Mistress: and behaving like a pleasure hungry wench…
Mind Mistress: Sucking every bit of pleasure out…
Mind Mistress: Revelling in it…
Visitor: yes,
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: Can you see the glowing cloud of mist that surrounds her as she smiles… and exhales?
Visitor: perhaps looking forward to the next one
Visitor: yes I can
Mind Mistress: Basking in it…
Visitor: the little toss of the head
Visitor: that smokers often give
Mind Mistress: Oh yes… very sexy…
Visitor: the cloudy wreath growing
Visitor: yes
Visitor: i can see it very well
Visitor: hear it
Visitor: smell it
Mind Mistress: a cocoon of sensual pleasure…
Mind Mistress: which she can see…
Mind Mistress: smell…
Mind Mistress: taste…
Visitor: yes, true
Mind Mistress: and feel with her hungry lips…
Mind Mistress: wrapping themselve again and again…
Mind Mistress: around the shaft…
Mind Mistress: seeking…
Visitor: yes…
Mind Mistress: needing…
Mind Mistress: more pleasure…
Mind Mistress: more conditionning…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: Her mind fucked into submission by the pleasure drugs released in her brain…
Visitor: lovely image
Mind Mistress: and taking another puff…
Mind Mistress: cheeks hollowing…
Mind Mistress: smiling…
Mind Mistress: knowingly deepening her enslavement..
Visitor: yes
Visitor: at peace at last
Visitor: after the wanting
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: able to let her mind relax…
Mind Mistress: and go blank…
Mind Mistress: staring at the blankness of the smoke…
Visitor: i can see it yes
Mind Mistress: and the curling spirals of smoke…
Mind Mistress: spirals…
Mind Mistress: hypnotizing her…
Mind Mistress: to obey
Visitor: yes
Visitor: i can see that
Mind Mistress: Yesss
Visitor: in her cocoon
Mind Mistress: How do you feel watching her smoking?
Visitor: distracted
Visitor: aroused
Visitor: distant from the world
Mind Mistress: more and more… with every puff she takes…
Visitor: almost as if I was in the cocoon too
Mind Mistress: hard to think of anything else…
Visitor: oh yes
Mind Mistress: hard to think…
Mind Mistress: getting very hard…
Mind Mistress: for your sexy smoker…
Visitor: yes
Visitor: she’s so helpless
Mind Mistress: So helpless…
Mind Mistress: and so happy…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: enslaved and happy…
Visitor: after the first puff
Visitor: no more choices
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: no more choices…
Mind Mistress: just obey
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: and better yet…
Mind Mistress: she turns to her sexy girlfriend…
Visitor: yes?
Mind Mistress: and offers her a cigarette…
Mind Mistress: The girlfriend has been saying no…
Mind Mistress: for a while…
Mind Mistress: resisting…
Mind Mistress: but this time…
Mind Mistress: she seems to be wavering…
Mind Mistress: as her friend tempts her…
Visitor: hmm
Mind Mistress: feelings warring in her face…
Visitor: a slave and a recruiter
Mind Mistress: she hesitates…
Visitor: its only a matter of time
Mind Mistress: doesn’t say no immeditately…
Visitor: if she smokes once, her friend
Visitor: one puff and then no choices
Visitor: i’m frightened for her friend
Mind Mistress: frightened… and aroused…
Visitor: yes i admit it
Mind Mistress: Do you want her friend to give in?
Mind Mistress: to take that first puff…
Visitor: i dont know
Visitor: her friend has control now
Visitor: but would know such pleasure in losing it
Mind Mistress: Such pleasure…
Visitor: and it is gratifying somehow to see the power grow
Visitor: for some reason
Visitor: so yes,
Visitor: let her friend give in
Visitor: and take the cigarette
Visitor: in nervous fingers
Mind Mistress: She offers the cigarette…
Mind Mistress: and the friend reaches…
Mind Mistress: hesitatingly…
Visitor: yes
Visitor: looking at it
Visitor: as if it were holding some secret power
Visitor: and it is
Visitor: puts it to her lips
Visitor: the woman ofering to light it
Visitor: and the flame springs up
Visitor: and then that first puff. So harsh yet so sweet.
Mind Mistress: Yesss
Visitor: a cough and a giggle to cover up her feeling foolish at coughing
Visitor: and then another puff.
Mind Mistress: She wants to do it well…
Visitor: i can see it
Mind Mistress: To show she can do it well…
Mind Mistress: she applies herself…
Visitor: can feel the smoke almost in my own lungs watching her
Mind Mistress: to mastering this…
Visitor: yes, she does
Mind Mistress: to look good…
Visitor: yes
Visitor: easy and natural and graceful
Mind Mistress: Like her friend…
Mind Mistress: to be like her friend…
Mind Mistress: becoming like her friend…
Visitor: yes
Visitor: addicted
Visitor: needing
Visitor: obedient

Visitor: knowing it is useless to not be obedient
Visitor: that it is her friend
Mind Mistress: useless to resist…
Mind Mistress: the pleasure…
Visitor: yes
Visitor: because it gets deep in your body
Visitor: deep in your mind
Visitor: right away
Visitor: the first puff
Mind Mistress: Deep
Mind Mistress: Need to practice… to show you can do it well…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: another puff
Visitor: yes. easier now
Mind Mistress: Easier with every puff…
Visitor: more and more comfortable with it
Mind Mistress: more and more relaxed…
Mind Mistress: suave…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: Like a movie star…
Visitor: πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: glamorous…
Mind Mistress: Might have one on occasion… she thinks…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: feeling the buzz…
Visitor: she would rationalize
Mind Mistress: It’s not so bad… kind of nice actually…
Visitor: a lovely buzz
Visitor: oh its nice yes
Mind Mistress: Just when I go out…
Mind Mistress: have a drink…
Visitor: yes
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: another puff…
Visitor: another smile
Visitor: another little wave of pleasure
Visitor: they cannot be denied
Visitor: she sinks deeper
Mind Mistress: sharing some secret pleasure with her friend…
Mind Mistress: feeling the connection…
Visitor: her own cocoon of smoke around her
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: the sisterhood…
Mind Mistress: the belonging…
Visitor: oh yes
Mind Mistress: feeling naughty…
Mind Mistress: and a bit wild…
Visitor: certainly
Mind Mistress: She will accept offered cigarettes from now on…
Visitor: definitely
Mind Mistress: and because she accepts them…
Mind Mistress: they will be offered more and more often…
Visitor: oh yes
Visitor: of course
Mind Mistress: every time her friend smokes, she will offer her one…
Mind Mistress: and her friend smokes a lot…
Visitor: πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: and she will refuse some…
Mind Mistress: but less and less…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: as she paces her friend’s smoking…
Mind Mistress: more and more…
Visitor: as the addiction asserts itself
Mind Mistress: Yesss….
Mind Mistress: until one morning…
Mind Mistress: after going out…
Mind Mistress: she wakes up…
Mind Mistress: and feels…
Mind Mistress: something wrong…
Visitor: yes?
Mind Mistress: something missing…
Mind Mistress: What could it be?
Visitor: an emptiness?
Visitor: a hunger?
Visitor: no cigs!
Visitor: why wait for her friend?
Visitor: why not buy a pack
Visitor: just this once
Mind Mistress: Just this once
Visitor: its no big deal
Visitor: yes?
Mind Mistress: Of course
Visitor: still it excites her
Visitor: it would have to
Visitor: knowing she can have that feeling
Visitor: when she wants not just when its offered
Mind Mistress: Buying her first pack…
Visitor: she can yield to the craving more often.
Visitor: yes
Visitor: asking for it.
Visitor: waiting
Visitor: even trying to look nonchalant for the counterperson
Visitor: money ready
Visitor: tapping it on the counter
Visitor: and then there it is, smiling when the pack touches her fingers
Visitor: paying and immediately anticipating
Visitor: how sweet it will feel
Mind Mistress: Need
Visitor: to take that first puff of her own
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: *her* pack of cigarettes
Mind Mistress: feels funny to think that
Visitor: yes!
Visitor: but it’s a good feeling too
Visitor: half guilty
Mind Mistress: Feels comforting to hold the pack in her hand
Visitor: half exciting
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: Available…
Mind Mistress: Easy…
Visitor: the cellophane noises
Visitor: the scent
Mind Mistress: within reach…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: whenever she wants one…
Visitor: yes its more comfortable this way
Visitor: to feel good all the time
Visitor: or to be able to
Mind Mistress: Not fair to always be bumming from her friend…
Visitor: exactly
Visitor: its responsible
Mind Mistress: She’ll bring her own pack when she goes out…
Mind Mistress: *her* cigarettes…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: for *her* needs…
Mind Mistress: and maybe have one on occasion… at other times…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: at home…
Visitor: well they’re right there
Visitor: why not?
Mind Mistress: after a stressful day…
Visitor: they’re *hers*
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: just to unwind…
Mind Mistress: take a break…
Mind Mistress: and do nothing…
Visitor: of course
Mind Mistress: but relax…
Mind Mistress: enjoy…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: Mmmmm
Mind Mistress: that feels nice
Mind Mistress: not too often…
Visitor: no
Mind Mistress: just when I’m really stressed…
Visitor: right
Mind Mistress: Like when I have to meet that deadline…
Visitor: yes

Mind Mistress: Should I leave my pack at home… or in my purse?
Visitor: oh purse
Visitor: just in case
Mind Mistress: *my* pack…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: sneak out for a break…
Mind Mistress: Getting hard to concentrate…
Mind Mistress: on work…
Mind Mistress: This is just what I need…
Mind Mistress: to relax…
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: I just smoke on occasion, I tell the other smokers outside
Visitor: right
Mind Mistress: this project’s really driving me nuts…
Mind Mistress: they give me a funny smile…
Visitor: the first time they comment on it
Visitor: yes
Visitor: but smokers accept smokers
Visitor: and who cares anyway
Mind Mistress: I’ll probably quit right after it’s done…
Visitor: it feels so good
Visitor: to relax
Visitor: maybe
Mind Mistress: or maybe not…
Mind Mistress: Ah, now I can focus!
Mind Mistress: relieved…
Visitor: yes. πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: relaxed…
Mind Mistress: I needed that… πŸ™‚
Visitor: oh yes
Visitor: just sometimes
Mind Mistress: Not that I’m a smoker you know
Mind Mistress: Right
Visitor: just when out
Visitor: sometimes for drinks
Visitor: or when things are a little crazy
Mind Mistress: I mean it’s not like I smoke every day…
Visitor: right
Mind Mistress: Yeah
Mind Mistress: I’m just smoking a few a day when work is like this…
Visitor: right
Mind Mistress: My pack is empty
Mind Mistress: Did I smoke a whole pack?
Visitor: buy another
Mind Mistress: Yeah
Visitor: its no big deal
Mind Mistress: no big deal
Visitor: they were mine anyways
Visitor: so why not smoke them?
Mind Mistress: I’ll use them up when I go out
Visitor: right
Mind Mistress: Yeah
Mind Mistress: I think I’ll have one in the morning…
Mind Mistress: Helps me to wake up…
Visitor: yes they do.
Visitor: So the same store, the same guy, its so simple
Visitor: routine
Mind Mistress: Yes
Visitor: its nice to wake up with a cigarette
Visitor: and coffee
Mind Mistress: Taste good together…
Visitor: yes they do.
Visitor: πŸ™‚
Visitor: and that doesn’t mean smoking all the time
Mind Mistress: of course not
Visitor: and the pack is right there
Visitor: so why not
Mind Mistress: Maybe I’ll have another one before I go
Visitor: yes
Visitor: while getting ready
Mind Mistress: Yeah
Mind Mistress: After lunch too
Visitor: theres still plenty left
Mind Mistress: Yeah
Visitor: well going all the way from morning to lunch
Visitor: thats good
Visitor: then after lunch slip outside
Mind Mistress: I can go with the others in the smoking section…
Visitor: right
Visitor: be surrounded by smoke
Visitor: a communal cloud
Mind Mistress: It’s kinda nice being with other people who smoke πŸ™‚
Visitor: yes
Visitor: and refreshes one for the rest of the day
Visitor: a recharge
Visitor: otherwise id probably just be thinking about it anyways
Mind Mistress: The non-smokers are such sticks in the mud
Mind Mistress: yeah
Visitor: we’re not hurting anybody
Mind Mistress: Right
Mind Mistress: We just want a place where we can smoke
Visitor: and it feels sooo good.
Visitor: πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: Yeah πŸ™‚
Visitor: yeah
Mind Mistress: We?
Visitor: yeah we
Visitor: lol
Mind Mistress: Smokers?
Mind Mistress: How much do I smoke anyway? Hmmm
Visitor: two in the morning
Visitor: one or two after lunch
Visitor: one or two after work
Visitor: sometimes at break
Visitor: and then only when I go out
Visitor: thats starting to sound like a lot
Visitor: isnt it?
Mind Mistress: Yeah
Mind Mistress: Am I a smoker?
Visitor: maybe
Visitor: even if its only for a while
Visitor: it sounds like a lot
Visitor: maybe I should slow down
Mind Mistress: Let’s try it…
Mind Mistress: “I am a smoker”
Mind Mistress: hmmm
Visitor: I am a smoker.
Mind Mistress: “I love smoking”
Visitor: I don’t know
Mind Mistress: Do I?
Mind Mistress: I think I do…
Visitor: I love smoking.
Visitor: it does feel good
Mind Mistress: That feels right
Visitor: nothing like it
Visitor: the first puff is such a rush
Mind Mistress: Yeah
Mind Mistress: Should I try quitting?
Visitor: well
Visitor: sure
Visitor: everybody says its bad for you
Mind Mistress: Yeah
Visitor: but not now maybe
Visitor: just watch out how much
Mind Mistress: Maybe I don’t care how much
Mind Mistress: Maybe I just want to enjoy it
Mind Mistress: and relax
Visitor: but…
Visitor: well maybe
Visitor: for now
Visitor: after all i’m going to quit anyway later
Mind Mistress: Maybe learn those fancy inhales my friend does…
Mind Mistress: They’re kinda sexy…
Visitor: yes πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: She says some men find it really sexy
Visitor: I’ll watch her and copy her when we go out
Mind Mistress: Maybe ask her to teach me
Visitor: Yes, perhaps
Mind Mistress: after all, if a man doesn’t like my smoking…
Mind Mistress: Then he doesn’t really like me…
Mind Mistress: I’m a smoker…
Visitor: hum..
Mind Mistress: Wow, that’s weird…
Mind Mistress: but it feels right
Visitor: not all men like smokers.
Mind Mistress: That’s true
Mind Mistress: Not all men are right for me
Visitor: thats true
Mind Mistress: I’d like a man who gets hard from me just lighting up…
Mind Mistress: Who enjoys my smoking…
Mind Mistress: rather than tolerate it…
Visitor: oh thats a sexy thought
Mind Mistress: Yeah!
Visitor: just lighting up
Visitor: dark bar
Visitor: the light flashing upwards
Visitor: cigarette on my lips
Visitor: and he’s watching… desire in his eyes at the act
Visitor: hmmm
Visitor: sexy
Mind Mistress: Yeah πŸ™‚
Visitor: so its a double rush
Visitor: the rush of smoke and the rush of seeing his eyes light up
Mind Mistress: Mmmmm
Visitor: hmm
Visitor: nice
Mind Mistress: Yes
Mind Mistress: And just like I’ve realized that I’m a sexy smoker…
Visitor: very nice indeed
Mind Mistress: Have you realize you have a fetish for women who smoke? :)))
Visitor: i’m not sure what Im going to realise
Visitor: after this
Visitor: but smoking is not going to be the same
Mind Mistress: *grin*
Mind Mistress: Want the url to the smoking fetish story archive?
Visitor: yes please!
Mind Mistress: Heh heh πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress:
Mind Mistress: Do I have your permission to post our little chat? πŸ™‚
Visitor: Yes, you do.
Mind Mistress: Thank you…
Visitor: no, thank you.
Mind Mistress: Rule #2 of My practice of mind control…
Mind Mistress: The person must be happier afterwards πŸ™‚
Visitor: it’s a good rule
Mind Mistress: I think so πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: Now you may enjoy more the stories in My story gallery…
Mind Mistress: and take a look at the slave gallery as well…
Mind Mistress: they’re all captioned pics of sexy smoking and mind control…
Visitor: the smoking slave girls?
Mind Mistress: Yes
Visitor: i’ll watch them again… in fact…
Mind Mistress: πŸ™‚
Visitor: oh yes
Mind Mistress: Nice?
Visitor: i’ve seen those before but now there is so much more effect
Mind Mistress: Mmmmm
Visitor: yes.
Mind Mistress: I see (on this page tracking utility of the online help) that you’re looking at Julie… πŸ™‚
Visitor: Yes staring at her nails
Mind Mistress: So if you know of any women who need to start smoking…
Visitor: lol
Mind Mistress: you know who to send them to… right?
Mind Mistress: LOL
Mind Mistress: I can help them… πŸ™‚
Visitor: yes
Visitor: i think this one is my favorite. The loss of memory and whats important in the little tagline.
Visitor: The fraternity one.
Mind Mistress: Now seeing as My crotch is getting sore from playing with Myself and smoking…
Mind Mistress: and that My bladder is awfully full…
Visitor: and teasing
Visitor: me!
Mind Mistress: Oh yes, teasing…
Mind Mistress: and warping your mind πŸ™‚
Visitor: yes
Mind Mistress: I will wish you a wonderful day… and good reading πŸ™‚
Mind Mistress: before I pee Myself πŸ˜‰
Visitor: thanks again. happy holidays
Mind Mistress: Happy holidays πŸ™‚
Visitor: bye
Mind Mistress: bye

It’s often better to give than to receive…

Mind Mistress