Adult Hypnotic Wishes
2003 Guestbook Archive
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Dear Mistress,
I’m writing with a few questions, I’m a 20 year old male. i like woman more than i like guys, but there is still some attraction to men, which is why i’m writing this. After looking through your site,
I was wondering if you might give me a few suggestions. I have never been hypnotized before, so i was wondering if I bought the first three CDs, (trance training, Sub-consciousness, and elegance) Would the CD’s work on me, even though i have no other experience of being hypnotized? Or do i have to buy an online session with you first? Also i was wondering if it is possible for a man to have a female orgasm everytime a dildo or cock goes into his butt. Also i’d like to add that i am in the closet about my attration to men, although i have met a man who will let me live with him while i am feminized. So I could listen to the third CD without having to come out of the closet right away. let me know please.
Daniel <>
placerville, CA USA – Tuesday, December 30, 2003 at 20:25:48 (EST)
this sissy slut thanks you and looks forward to working with you to become the best slut this sissy can be. kisses, ricki xxxooo
ricki <>
florida usa – Friday, December 26, 2003 at 02:16:18 (EST)
i think a slight case of spam might have crept in…:-)
selena <>
Westbury, Wiltshire UK – Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 22:19:18 (EST)
Why am I here once again at your site, why do I desire to feel the things a woman feels? Why has this compulsion been with me since childhood. Stole my mom’s and sisters undies while growing up. And off and on throughout my life gone through phases of cross dressing, mostly the underthings, although I did have a dress or two, but never went out cross dressed, I would be an ugly woman. I found your site about a year ago, and now keep coming back?
mendakay the sissy
– Tuesday, December 23, 2003 at 11:02:02 (EST)
I have read Unintended Consequences last night. Today I felt a strong
desire to buy a packet of cigarettes, which I did (menthol lites) and
smoked my first ever cigarette. Also I went into a ladies dress shop and
bought a lovely black mini skirt.
Your sissy slave
London, England – Monday, December 22, 2003 at 18:06:52 (EST)
I listened to Elegance every day for several weeks, and the conditioning has taken over. Mistresses instructions have become a routine part of daily life. Now into the third week of Youth and even so soon it has had a noticeable effect. The tape measure does not lie. And now Vixen is available( I want it I want it), but what is a girl to do? would it be allright to use each of them without interfering with the effect of the other?
Barbara <>
UK – Sunday, December 21, 2003 at 05:47:30 (EST)
When do you think VIXEN will be ready for sale? I would like for it to have a long-term effect. I’d like to take this “trip” knowing, in advance, it was a one-way trip. I’d like to “see” myself in a female body for the rest of my life. Are you good enough to permanently trap my mind in a female body I can NEVER, EVER, get out of? Go for it!
Jayne Vaughan <>
Venice, FL USA – Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at 08:51:53 (EST)
Dear Mind Mistress,Reiko is so grateful and thankful for the Guidance that YOUR cd imparts on her.Reiko listens to the Elegance cd at least once a day if not twice on the days that are not committed to vanilla world obligations. Yet Reiko needs YOUR Direction in the process of ridding herself of the submale in which her nature is captive in.More and more ,YOUR words are true and are received with a thousand bows of obedience.Thank You Mistress.
Reiko <Drq21555>
Atlanta, Ga USA – Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at 02:14:39 (EST)
I have a suggestion for you mistress. How about using hypnosis to put someone in the body of their favourite celebrity. including all the personality traits they’re believed to have (by the hypnotized subject).
My partner and I would love to take turns being for example Britney Spears. If I could listen to a prerecorded cd and at the end believe (including visual /auditory haluscinations)that i am britney. looking down and seeing britney’s body and speaking and hearing britney’s voice (regardless of which gender/size/shape it is in reality).
A companion cd could contain a simiar hypnosis set that would allow my partner to look at me and see britney spears, as well as hear my voice as britney, and of course touch me and feel britney (with all the important parts of course–regardless of what body parts i have in the real world).
I’m sure a smart mistress such as yourself would be able to make a matching pair of cd’s that allowed the subject to select the person they want to be/see, maybe making use of pictures or videos or some kind of visual reminder that the subject would have to have (i’m thinking music video). Especially if this could become a trained ability that could be used on a regular/occasional basis and adapted with time by the users to allow a couple to be with each other as whatever celebrity of the week they want.
Think of the possiblities… a couple could have sex with each other… as each other. Or as britney spears and christina aguleria. Wives could make their husbands turn into shania twain and have some good lesbian action with her.
My only request for this one is that it would be temporary… with user decided triggers to quit (i’d like phone ringing to bring me out personally) that wouldn’t affect how the user acts/feels in the rest of their life. And that it be reusable with the user selecting who they want to be.
feel free to edit this if you want to put it in your guestbook.. if not then please accept my humble suggestion.
canada – Monday, December 15, 2003 at 14:49:32 (EST)
Just dropped by. Nice site! You are welcome to add your site details, URL FREE to this complementary health directory and get FREE memberships and National registration if that is your interest.
Sian <>
Bham, W mids UK – Saturday, December 13, 2003 at 18:47:44 (EST)
i just wanted to say thank You to Mind Mistress for…well, just about everything really. Specifically i see that Vixen will be done soon, and since that’s the one i was hoping for, i’m very happy. Hopefully i will be able to order it after Christmas.
selena <>
Westbury, Wiltshire UK – Friday, December 12, 2003 at 18:36:14 (EST)
Hello Mind Mistress,
I have often wondered what it would be like to be turned into a female. My dad is a transvestite and I have always naturally felt like I should have been female. Even my mom told me that she wanted a little girl when she was pregnant for me. The feeling of being female is not due to physicality but, more of emotions and feelings. To be quite specific, I feel my emotions and feelings like a woman would and have crossdressed in the past. My friends don’t know about this and I’m completely attracted to women with big tits. The bigger the better. I also find women with milk very enticing. I would love to experience what sucking the milk out of a woman would be like.
The reason I’m writing you is to give you a fantasy for people who like the whole BE(breast enlargement) and lactation fantasy while being turned into a female. OK, here goes.
I start going out with a woman that has about a FF cup size and she’s caught me staring at them quite a bit. She asks me one night about why I stare at her tits all the time. I tell her it’s something I’ve always done, like an obsession. We get into a conversation over the size of her tits compared to other sizes and discuss some kinky/fetish type things each other likes. She asks me to bring her home. After getting her home, she starts putting her tits all over me.
Not just blatantly putting her tits on me but getting me worked up by brushing them against me. As well, she starts asking if I’d ever had a woman that has milk and rubs and squeezes her tits. By this point I can barely keep from grabbing her and having my way and when I turn around she only has her skin tight shorts on. Next thing I know, she’s feeding me her big tits and I taste something sweet come out of her. After finding out it’s milk I begin to suck the hell out of her tits, draining as much of the milk as possible. Being full and not prone to moving, she straps me down to her bed and tells me I’m in for a huge suprise. She tells me after being asked that the suprise is that her milk has magical effects that make men transform into their “dreamgirl”. She tells me that all the shapes and sizes that I like women to have is what I’m getting transformed into. Not only that but, the milk only temporarily transforms only if she’s partially drained and it’s for a reason.
She tells me that she could sense that I wanted to experience what it’s like in a woman’s body temporarily and that she knows that I’d stay that way if I liked it. After the change, she keeps me strapped down so I can’t fight her and she begins licking and sucking, squeezing and rubbing and I can’t help but feel just how much better it feels in a female body.
Write me and let me know if this might interest you.
sincerely wanting,
buddgha <>
Lake Charles, LA USA – Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 21:57:40 (EST)
Dear Mind Mistress i have written another fantasy story about being hypnotised. i do hope that it amuses YOU and that it may be good enough to post on YOUR wonderful site. Here it is.
My wife, Rebecca, and I are in our mid thirties. We have no children, as my sperm count is too low. We decided a long time ago that we would not adopt. We live in a rather close-nit community and due to the fact that we have no children, we have been able to put a lot of money into our home. Our neighbor on one side is a widow named Kathy; she is in her 40s and does not like either of us. It is a long story but has to do with an argument over trimming some trees on the property line. The incident happened over a decade ago but she still will not speak to either of us. So we enjoy always smiling and waving at her and calling out hello, just to watch her turn her head and pretend she doesn’t see us. The neighbors on the other side of us live in a very small run down house. It is the biggest eyesore on the block. The woman’s name is Mary; she lives in the house with her husband Jeff and his father who everyone calls Pap. Mary is in her late 40s and her husband Jeff is about 10 years younger than her. Pap must be at least in his early 70s. Mary is a short round woman, about 5 feet 4, with bleached blond hair that is short and curly. She has large breasts, which she shows off by wearing no bra and tank tops. The problem is that the tank tops show off her fat belly as well. She has a rather large and round ass and likes to show it off by wearing very tight stretch pants. She also wears a lot of makeup and cheap costume jewelry. She has rings on every finger and every toe, not to mention her necklaces, bracelets, ankle bracelets, and multi pierced ears. She is very loud and bossy. There is no question as to who is the boss in that house. She started selling Mary-Kay cosmetics about eight months ago and invited my wife to a party. Rebecca couldn’t come up with an excuse and so she went. When she got home she couldn’t wait to tell me about the party. First of all Kathy was there and spent the whole night being nice to everyone except Rebecca, who she spent the whole night avoiding or ignoring. Then she said that they had played the old game of truth or dare. One of the guests was a psychologist that Mary and Jeff see. She hypnotized some of the women for fun and had them acting silly and even telling all kinds of stories about themselves and their sex lives. When Rebecca saw the look on my face, she assured me that she did not volunteer to be hypnotized. She did say however that Mary had revealed some strange things about her and Jeff’s relationship. There is a king size bed in the only bedroom in the house. Mary sleeps there by herself. Jeff and his father share the sofa bed in the living room. Soon after they were married, Jeff had made a joke in front of some of their friends about how much Mary snores. She has not allowed him to spend the night in her bed since.
Things were normal for a few weeks, though Rebecca seemed to be spending more and more time over at Mary and Jeff’s. Then one Friday when I got home from work she hit me with the news that we were invited to a cook out over at Mary and Jeff’s, and that we were going to go. I tried to talk her out of it, but her mind was made up. I figured if I wasn’t enjoying myself I could always come home. After all they lived right next door. When we got there Mary introduced us to their friends. Cathy was there and so were the neighbors from across the street. They were a couple in their early thirties. His name was Bob and hers was Paula. They both had tattoos and body piercing all over them, and ran a tattoo parlor in a city close buy our town. An attractive black woman who appeared to be in her early thirties was introduced to me as Sarah, their psychologist friend. There were also two older guys who appeared to be friends of Pap’s. Jeff offered me a beer and Rebecca disappeared into the house with Mary and the other women. We made small talk for a while. I could see that Pap and his two friends were getting antsy about something. They were whispering and laughing like school kids waiting on Christmas to come. Soon Mary came out the door and started over towards my house. I asked her where she was going and she just said that Rebecca had sent her to get some things that they needed. I figured it must be condiments from the kitchen or plates or silverware, or something like that. She was gone for about 15 minutes and I was getting ready to go after her to find out what she was up to when she finally came out the door with a bulging brown grocery sack. I was hoping that Rebecca would check the bag to see that she wasn’t stealing from us. Mary had no sooner gone into the house than Sarah came out. She pulled me away from the barbeque grill and said that she wanted to talk to me. She had a large gold pendent hanging around her neck on a gold chain. We sat facing each other in two lawn chairs and as she bent over and leaned in toward me and began talking in a very soft sensual voice I couldn’t help but watch that pendent between those two very firm breasts. I don’t remember what she said, only that she made me feel very relaxed and yet excited at the same time. We took a walk back by the garden shed and I remember getting very sexually excited. But I don’t remember why. We walked back and sat in the lawn chairs. It seemed like we only talked for a few minutes but when she told me to look at my watch, I could see that we had been talking for close to an hour. Jeff, Bob, Pap and his two friends were all looking at Sarah and I and snickering. I told Sarah that I thought they were immature assholes. She just laughed and then told me to look to the door of the house. Rebecca was coming out the door followed by the other women. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Rebecca’s long red hair had been cut, so that it was very short and spiked out all over her head. She was all made up with very heavy makeup, long eye lashes, dark eye shadow, her lips seemed somehow larger and puffed up. She had bright red lipstick that was very wet looking and long fingernails painted the same shade of red as her lips. She was wearing a micro mini skirt, a tube top and black stockings and high heels. Her ears had been pierced and there were very large hoops hanging out of her ear lobes. She had a black choker collar around her neck that had some writing on it in glitter. She came out the door, right past me, straight to Pap and his friends. She got to him and put her arms around him and gave him a long, deep, wet, open-mouthed kiss. She then turned and with her arm still around him, and him smiling like the cat that just ate the canary, she said to me, “I am now Pap’s slut, him and his friends are going to fuck my brains out and make me pregnant! And when I have that baby they are going to get me pregnant again, and again, and again. I am going to fuck them and suck them and be their baby making fuck toy.” She had a big smile on her face like this was the best news anyone had ever delivered.
“NO!” I yelled, “Webecca what have dey done to wou?”
Every one began laughing at my new lisp.
“What have they done to me? What the hell has Sarah done to you? Where are your clothes? And what the hell is that strap around your puny little cock and balls? And why are you talking with that lisp?” Then as though nothing was out of the ordinary she asked, “What does your collar say? Mine says “Pap’s fuck whore.”
I looked down and sure enough I was totally naked except for my watch and a strap around my dick and balls that came up between my balls pushing them out and away from each other. My scrotum was stretched tight around them. I put my hands to my neck and I also had a collar around my neck. I started to run towards Rebecca to get us out of there when Cathy of all people yelled “STOP FAGGOT!” I stopped dead in my tracks. I wanted to run to Rebecca and take her and myself home away from these people but I just couldn’t move. Why would I listen to anything Cathy had to say? And why did she call me a faggot? Cathy then said “his says, ‘Cathy’s slut, faggot'”
Pap then said, “Give me that wedding ring.” Rebecca quickly took her diamond engagement ring and wedding band and handed them to Pap. He smiled and said, “I could probably pawn these for a thousand or more, does any one here want to buy it from me?” Mary walked up and stuck her hand out and he handed the rings to her. She was able to put the wedding band on her pinky finger and handed the diamond engagement ring to Cathy who bent down and put the diamond on her middle toe. Mary then handed me my checkbook. Cathy said, “Write Pap a check for a thousand dollars, Faggot.” I was handed a pen and with tears in my eyes wrote Pap a check for a thousand dollars. He smiled as he took the check and then ordered Rebecca to pull her skirt up around her waist, showing that she had no panties on. Then he ordered her to go sit on the edge of the picnic table and spread her legs nice and wide and play with her cunt. “Get yourself nice and wet whore.” Then he looked at me with a big smile on his face.
Cathy then said, “Okay faggot, get on your knees and go beg Pap to fuck your wife, and offer your services on getting him hard. You will always refer to her as whore and yourself as faggot from now on.” I began walking toward Pap when someone pushed me down from behind and Cathy yelled, “on your knees asshole.” I crawled over to Pap and asked, “pwease fuck my wife.” Every one was laughing at me now. I couldn’t believe I was doing this. But I couldn’t stop myself. Pap just stood there, then Jeff said, “What else do you want to do for Pap faggot?” I again said “Sur, pwease fuck my wife and pwease wet me thuck your cock.” Again there was laughter all around. Pap dropped his pants and simply said, “start sucking faggot.” I then heard Mary say that Pap and his two buddies were all on a heavy dose of Viagra and that they were all anxious to take their turns fucking whore.
I then heard Sarah tell someone that she was getting it all on video tape. Pap had both hands on the back of my head and was pumping his now stiff cock in and out of my mouth, which for some reason was locked tight around his shaft. Before he could cum he pulled his cock out of my mouth and went over to Rebecca and began fucking her right there on the picnic table in front of everyone. She was really into it, thrusting her hips into him screaming, “fuck me! fuck me harder! Fuck me.
Then I heard Cathy say, “you still have two more cocks to suck faggot.” Without even thinking I was on my knees sucking on one of Pap’s buddies cocks. Soon he replaced Pap fucking Rebecca and I was still on my knees sucking on the third man’s cock.
That evening i was led over to Cathy’s house and shown my new living quarters in her basement. Mary and Jeff moved into our house, and Rebecca stayed in Mary and Jeff’s old house with Pap and his buddies. We were informed that Rebecca and I would be going to Bob and Paula’s tattoo shop in the morning for tattoos and piercings.
i hope that YOU enjoyed my fantasy.
daphne girl <>
Ohio – Thursday, December 11, 2003 at 07:57:30 (EST)
Dear Mistress;
Im such a bimbo, forgot my email adress.
– Monday, December 08, 2003 at 17:51:30 (EST)
Dear Mistress;
I have listened to the youth cd 3 days now.eveytime i put on a bra my nipples immediatly begin to get warm and tingly. My breasts feel sore, is this normal? Also, I’ve found that i can’t stop swaying my hips when I walk and I feel so passive. Also, I look at guys crotches when im driving down the road. I’m getting a little scared.Yesterday I was driving and looking at guys crotches and I noticed i was rubbing the tip of the turn indicator like it was a penis. I’m gettin really scared about this. My wife is happy with the change, I use to rebel when she ordered me around but now I’m so passive I just accept what she says. Strange things are happening to me.
– Monday, December 08, 2003 at 17:46:51 (EST)
For those poor people who are addicted to this site only for its relaxation but suffer from shemale, transvestite, or other side effects… the solution is simple, change all thoughts of wanting things you don’t truly want into more relaxed messages like ‘I am relaxed’ or ‘The more I try to stop this the more relaxed and free I will be’. It’s all about subliminal messages and suggesting things to your subconcious, the Mistress here is a professional indeed. But don’t let that stop you from being who you TRULY are. If you still like male/female body parts smoking, ect. then give yourself commands that will limit it to private time and such. You will only be controlled if it is truly what you want. Feel free to modify commands from some of the stories you read on this site.
Best of luck.
– Monday, December 08, 2003 at 02:25:29 (EST)
Mind Mistress has suggested that i should explain that the fantasy i submitted a little while ago was supposed to be a vote for the Vixen CD. Unfortunately, i got so carried away with the fantasy that i forgot to add that slight detail…. *sigh* i am such a ditz.
i hope people enjoyed it.
selena <>
Westbury, Wiltshire UK – Sunday, December 07, 2003 at 17:46:14 (EST)
I am just writing to place my vote for the massage cd as I would like to be able to share the experience with my wife and have her approval to terminate the more male aspects of my life allowing Melissa out of the closet for good. The amnesia and sleep tracks would be great if they could be added too.
Yours for eternity,
Melissa Foxx
MFoxx <>
– Saturday, December 06, 2003 at 20:56:15 (EST)
Dear all powerful Mind Mistress,
Thanks you for your cds I love them i’m making very good progress with
them I have a total of 6 now my favorite is male charm
I love to feel like a woman need to feel like a woman I listened to Male
charm last night I was so deep that I lost all track of myself and became
Connie the girl at the bar the effects were so strong that I felt like
I was getting fucking all night long even after the session was over the
Music kicked in and ((((WOW)))) I was back on the table this time alot
more guys and cock mmmm just thinking about it gets me so worked up please
my Mistress for Christmas make your next cd Vixen I need to get rid of
my male body for good . my next favorite cd is youth mmmm I need big boobs
must have them so far they are starting have more feeling in them i’ll
keep you posted on the progress. my next favorite cd is happiness I feel
so much better not being able to think mmm infact I love listening to
this cd before Male Charm its just make me so open to everthing. Your
new cd envy I just got today I listen to it once mmmm I have get a cock
soon … I need to get a cock soon . also please put out your oral cd
mmmmmmm I can almost taste it …… PLEASE
your Cockslut bimbo
ps I love all our cd’s
elegance , trance trainer and others keep them cummming Connie
Connie <>
Horsham, PA USA – Saturday, December 06, 2003 at 18:49:43 (EST)
Dear Mistress;
forgot my email, i use to be Gene.
camille <>
– Saturday, December 06, 2003 at 18:40:23 (EST)
Dear Mistress;
I had lost intrest in reading the adam series and began driftiing back to my normal self. today I recieved the youth cd in the mail, and when my wife left this afternoon to shop and play pal around with one of her girl friends I was left alone. Even though I had no desire for breasts I felt drawn inexplicably to listen to the youth cd. In fact I couldnt wait. I was amazed at how my breasts felt warm and tingly. And after it was over i couldnt wait to put on a bra. which i have on now. i have been walking around the house swaying my hips and feeling so passive, holding my hands on my hips like a girl. it better wear off before wife comes home tonight.. she wont understand. I do hope she wants to suck my tits tonight. I can’t suggest sex with her she gets mad if i do but i do want to try out my nipples now. She has been a lot less irritated with me since ive been keeping the house neat. Maybe she will suck them more often. heres hoping. Just got up to walk to kitchen still can’t walk without swaying my hips. breasts feel so warm and tingly. cant resist using my new name. feel so passive.
– Saturday, December 06, 2003 at 17:34:18 (EST)
Mind Mistress,
You are in my mind talking with me nightly now (& during the day when I can gain control) and it feels better than I’ve ever known for now, listening & desperately needing to obay~ obsessing on every word you speak, I have completly transformed into that which my immoral essence needs to be~perverted female Lust!
I choose VIXEN, for I have mpg’s of my very buxom essence in a file titeled, as you know being in my mind, Vixen.
Your humble slave,
Lynda Lust
Lynda Lust <>
Pleasant Hill, CA USA – Wednesday, December 03, 2003 at 01:49:26 (EST)
I’m coming.
I’m the shape in the shadows at the foot of your bed, the one you’ve been telling yourself was just a coat draped over a wardrobe door. Just a darker patch against the dark, but the more you stare, the more you see me. By the time you realise what you’re seeing, it’ll be far too late to look away. Even if you could. Even if you wanted to.
I’m coming.
Now more and more of me emerges into the unlight. Look at my skin, how soft and silky smooth it is. See my slender arms and tiny hands. I’m much stronger than I look, you know. Watch as a passing car’s headlight traces the curve of my breast, the gentle swell of my hips. See my face, my full, kissable lips, my dark dark eyes glittering in the light of star and street lamp. They’re green, but you can’t tell at night. Trace with your enraptured eyes the tumbling fall of my hair down my back to my ass, and pause there, Morocco. Have you ever seen an ass like that? You’d love to have an ass like that, wouldn’t you?
Well, it’s your lucky night, my friend, because I’m coming.
What was that? How did I suddenly get so close to you? I’ve been close to you for a long time, much closer than this. Would you rather I moved away? No? That’s good. Let’s get cosy. I know. I’ll lie on top of you like this. No, there’s hardly any weight to me at all. Not yet. Just enough to drive you crazy with wanting me. Wanting to be inside me, to fill me with yourself, to drown in me. Soon, my darling. Soon.
I’m coming.
Now as my lips meet yours, you feel the strength leaving your body. You realise too late what is happening and you try with all your heart to push me away, but it isn’t your heart any more and it doesn’t want what you want. For a moment you struggle, seeing with two pairs of eyes, caught between two opposing wills, then the weaker will crumbles and you are mine.
I get up from the bed, revelling in my luscious young body. I find the cigarettes and holder where I hid them last night, light one and take a deep drag. My other hand strays down my body, finds the sweet wet cleft where five minutes ago there was a cock, and begins to pleasure me. Every time I do this you grow weaker. Every time you submit to me I grow stronger. Soon there will be nothing left of you, nothing but a physical body to be reshaped in the image of the body of light I now see and feel. Soon I will be free to find other men to enslave, to subvert, to transform into my sweet sisters, and so onward and outward. Nothing can stop us. Nothing can stop me.
I’m coming.
selena <>
UK – Tuesday, December 02, 2003 at 19:19:37 (EST)
Dear Mistress;
Last night I dreamed I was an attendant at a boys camp in the woods somewhere and I was folding up the ends of a bench when 2 boys about 16 or 17 , who were a little taller than me came over and began telling me how to fold and unfold the ends and how it had to be done exactly right for their exercises the next day. I told them that I had already been corrected on how to do it and would do it properly the next day. They left and this Lady who was a department head at the camp or the camp mistress came over to me and began talking to me. She was a head taller than me in a black dress. She said the other girl boy at the camp danced for his meals. I suddently became aware that I had long blonde braids coming down from my head wraping around my neck, and that I had no beard stubble and looked like kinda like a young teen girl, with just a few freckles on my face. Anyway the camp mistress said to me then, “If you want to eat tonight, you will have to dance for me.” She turned and walked away and as she did I said “Ok I will” even though I didn’t want to. But I didnt want to go hungry either. Anyway all this morning the image of my face in that dream, with long blonde braided hair and a soft emasculated face keeps coming to my mind. I feel reading your posts and reading the feminization stories is spilling over into my dreams. Is this possible? Anyway I gotta get back to my house work. Don’t want to get the wife mad when she comes home this evening.
Gene <>
– Tuesday, December 02, 2003 at 13:13:36 (EST)
I have 2 good questions for you: Can someone be hypnotised for smoking
that is allergic to smoke? My wife is allergic, but if she did smoke,
I could smoke in the house again. Also, since I know that she is not into
feminization, would it be possible to hypnotise her to feminize me as
well? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Deron <>
Graham, Texas 76450 – Monday, December 01, 2003 at 11:39:00 (EST)
Dear Mistress;
The more I reread adam series the more i love cock. cum is so yummy. the wife has left for work and im alone sucking my dildo. it is so delicous. thank you for leading me to sucking is so wonderfull feeling a cock in my mouth. Also, I have begun to love doing my house work, I use to hate it. My wife does hardly any house work and gets upset with me when things arent neat and orderly. Well i find totall enjoyment cleaning the house, putting things away. its wonderfull. And she now is happier, and last night , after i cuddled up to her and kissed her so femininely she played with my nipples and sucked them for me and masturbated me. She wont let me penetrate her or play with her clit but i suggested we get a vibrating dildo and use it on her clit. And surprise of surprises she agreed, Oh I’m overjoyed. I mentioned in one of the letters to you that I did housework and after I did I found my self saying monotone like, “I love house work” Now I really love house work.i think the mind control from the adam series just spills over. um hard to type with this dildo in my mouth. the dress makes me feel so good too.
– Monday, December 01, 2003 at 10:11:48 (EST)
Dear Mistress,
Please can you work on Vixen, because I look for such trance for years, make it strong so my female site can overrule my male site, making my female self more and more real, at the expense of draining the life-force out of my male self, to make my male side weaker, while my female self gets stronger, more real and in control of my male body. So I have no chance to return in my male self and by every try to return to my male site my female self will crow stronger by every try. Till the moment the only choice I can make, is taking female hormone to become a real shemale, in that way I am really
happy, please turn my on by your powerful trance.
Regards Natasja
– Monday, December 01, 2003 at 06:01:05 (EST)
I think the Vixen CD would be great. Also adding a strong post of compeled listening and amnesia would add to its appeal. I would also like to see some memory modification CD’s produced. Seems they could be very usefull in bringing about major feminization. By creating a virtual personal history, feminization would be just a natural and expected result. If someone had always wished they where a girl, had always been attracted to men, had cross dressed since a young age, it would easily explain their desire for feminization. Just a thought, keep up the good work.
pandora <>
– Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 18:43:09 (EST)
Dear Mind Mistress,
Oh, Vixen, please. i am so tired of that man continually reasserting himself. i want him dead. i can be him far better than he can anyway. i want him downgraded to what he should be, a disguise i put on to deal with the people who don’t understand. i want to be me!!!
i’ve only been able to afford Elegance so far, but i will definitely be ordering Vixen whenever You are able to create it. i’m hoping to get Youth as a Christmas present to myself soonish…
Adoringly Yours,
selena <>
UK – Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 13:27:32 (EST)
hi mind misstress, I’m a first time poster! I visit your sight all the time and love it. I need to vote for the vixen cd. I’ve never bought a cd before, however I feel the vixen cd – its just serious, ya know? I would love to take my transformation to the next level like that. ok, xoxoxjessica.
Jessica Pangis <>
NY, NY USA – Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 11:45:32 (EST)
Dear Mistress;
My wife is 5 foot 7 not 4 foot 7. I really do need to proof read. lol. Anyway , gotta go get the house looking nice before wifey poo comes home. bye
– Saturday, November 29, 2003 at 13:15:09 (EST)
Dear Mistress;
well I’m writting this letter because you said I should say more. Lets see, Oh yea , I forgot to mention that durring that marvelous sexual experience I had Thanksgiving (by myself) that my nipples seemed warm and I know they were slightly pulsating. In my mind they seemed to be about a cup size with and egg shaped ending that was totally nipple and aurora. they were so super sensitive. Well anyway I must have had orgasms for about maybe 2 hours. wave after wave.
Mind mistress said that if i reread the adam series it would stop me from having those thoughts ” cum is yummy, I love yummy cum, etc.” from going through my mind. I kinda doubted that would work but I seemed strangely drawn back and tried to resist but finally wound up reading parts 1 , 3 , and 7 again.i wasnt reallly turned on by it. i had cum so much.but yesterday I had this strong , super strong desire to buy a dildo. And I did. I bought it on the way to work yesterday (I go to work in the early afternoon). Today, saturday, my wife is gone to a training session for her work at some hotel, she didnt say which one, and after she left I went and got the dildo, and put on one of her dresses, (we are about the same sise, she 4 foot 7 140 lbs, me 5 foot 10 155 lbs. I have been sucking on that dildo for a couple hours, my mouth is sore. feeling all giggely. INside im screaming STOP STOP STOP, but i can’t seem to stop. I can’t get excited sexually because I came so much thursday. but i feel like totally relaxed sucking it.moaning, its like sex in the mind. I am going to have to stop doing this this is crazy.
– Saturday, November 29, 2003 at 12:55:13 (EST)
Dear Mistress:
I read the adam series several days ago and what follows is a direct result of reading it. I am not homosexual, but what happened is.
yesterday I had a new experience. We were at some friends house for thanksgiving and my wife and I were standing together talking and all of a sudden I started saying in my mind “cum is yummy, I love yummy cum. I want yummy cum,” over and over these thoughts are going through my head while im looking at my wife talking to her, then I start to feel the area below my cock , above where my balls hang down, begin to expand and get aroused, then it started pulsaiting all the while im thinking “cum is yummy, etc”. then i started climaxing, not with my penis though. My wife droped something while this was going on and i knelt down to pick it up and all of a sudden my face was about 2 feet from some guys crotch. Everything in me wanted him to pull his cock out and feed me. Well it was getting hard to keep a straight face so I asked if I could lay down in the bed room because I didnt feel good all of a sudden. She said yes so i went in the bed room and lay down. well this continued for about an hour me pulsating between my legs and feeling wave after wave of ecstasy as i felt something inside me feel like something squirting. finally after wave after wave of ecstatic orgasms it ceased. and I got back with the crowd. But then it started again and I said i wanted to go home so i did. My wife stayed. On the way home, alone in my car, i began to do what must have been a chant, “cum is yummy, i love yummy cum, cock is yummy , I love yummy cock”. I felt so relaxed and mindless it was a great feeling, all stress was gone. now I dont have the desire to say “cum is yummy” and I don’t want to say that but the relaxed feeling of mindlessness was so super pleasant. I feel tempted to reread the adam series to get back in that state of mind, it is luxurious. there is more I could say about what happened but I guess I’ve said too much as it is.
Gene <>
– Friday, November 28, 2003 at 07:07:36 (EST)
Dear Mistress;
Ummmmmm I bought it. I feel relieved I finally bought it. I seem to be loosing all shame. I can’t wait till it gets here. Please hurry. pretty please. And thank you so much.
Gene <>
– Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 16:31:54 (EST)
dear Mistress; i just have to have that youth cd. I feel such a stong craving to buy it. I don’t think i can resist it. If it makes my nipples more sensitive than they already are, and they are sensitive. I feel like im floating away when she sucks them and nibbles on them and pulls them. It it gets bettter than that , which is super , I just gotta have it.
Gene <>
– Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 15:58:53 (EST)
Dear Mistress; Well I showed my wife the cds you have for sale and she said hypnotism is all a bunch of malarky, But if we should get anything it would be the youth cd because she said it would help her to have a larger nipple to suck on me. I don’t know if she was serious. I am so tempted to buy it because i get such an orgasm from having my nipples sucked. My wife has been sucking my nipples so long and denying me intercourse with her that i dont even like to masturbate . its so yucky to me. at the base of my penis i pulsate and have something like an orgasm , my penis stays small. and doesnt ejaculate, except when my wife masturbates me. I wonder what all this means, its not normal. I don’t know. also your site really affects my mind. after reading adam i kept saying stuff like “cum is yummy” So I am really kinda afraid of getting your cd. I gotta think about it.
Gene <>
– Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 13:55:55 (EST)
Dear Mistress; My wife buys me women’s cotton tshirt night gowns and has for years, she buys me womens clothes all the time that can pass for mens clothes. I complained a few years back about my knees hurting and she has bought me tights , even pink ones, to wear for support. she bought me a very frilly girdle when i complained of lower back pain, saying it would support my stomach muscles. and just the other day she gave me this girdle like slip with slightly padded bra. i wore a thick coat as i was doing chores outside. Do you think she is trying to slowly feminize me? Also durring sex she wont let me penetrate her but sucks my nipples till i go crazy and masturbates me shooting it all over my stomach usually. After reading some of these stories I am beginning to wonder.
Gene <>
portland, oregon usa – Wednesday, November 26, 2003 at 01:17:41 (EST)
Is there even a choice? VIXEN! Who couldn’t stand to have a little of that nasty man still left squeezed out?? huh??
MK’s Kathi 🙂 <You Know It.. lol>
– Tuesday, November 25, 2003 at 23:09:46 (EST)
I have purchased your trance cd and I dont feel I am being hypnotized.
is there some kind of trick that will relax me more so I do?
I read your stories and would really love to experience something my self. I am holding off right now on buying a second CD until I know this one is working. How do I know.
By the way i like the milking cow story. I can realy relate to how ash, i mean ashley feels. I have always felt the need to be a girl just havent had the nerve to explore it. I am even nervous to explore in my own house and i live alone. i always afraid someone is going to see me or find out and then no one will want to be with me.
Well i guess i am saying I was hoping the Trance CD would start something in the right direction.
Any suggestion?
Randy (Randy can be a girl name to cant it?)
Randy <>
Evansville, IN US – Monday, November 24, 2003 at 23:52:26 (EST)
I think Massage is a better choice. However, I would recommend making it a Bi-Preference CD. I would natually use it with my darling spouse. I can see me suggesting that she use it to relax. She tells me that she would but she doesn’t like that the CDs wake her up at the end. She wants something that relaxes her and helps her fall asleep.
“Well, Dear. Try this. It is called ‘Massage’ and is designed to help you relax and sleep (hehe).” She reluctantly agrees, puts on the headphones and starts to listen and is soon solidly relaxed.
The next afternoon I ask if she felt better. “Yes, but I think I need to use it again.” “Okay, you probably need to listen to it a few times anyway before it helps you”, I say.
The next day she starts talking about these cute women she noticed while at lunch. She mentiones how soft and silky their hair looked and how thier clothes were so tight she couldn’t help but notice… There was this other woman with a really cute little heart shaped ass that she noticed at the bank… “Thinking about them is making me feel summery”, she says with that look of desire.
After a few more nights of listening she wants to look up some girls girls sites and some other women she notices that “make her so hot”. She also can’t stop listening to the CD before bed. It just helps her sleep better she tells me.
By day 9 we are out shopping and she is talking to another woman. I don’t know this woman bet she is good looking and my wife and she really sem to be hitting it off. My wife tells me she is going to shop in Quattros with her “friend”. She’ll meet me in the food court she tells me… As she turns to meet her “friend” I catch that look in the other woman’s eyes as she looks at my wife… I know my wife will be pretty relaxed when I see her next. 🙂
Willow, IL – Monday, November 24, 2003 at 22:15:54 (EST)
After reading the stories and seeing the pictures I’m starting to save up money for some sessions hopfuly some phone some personal
Scott <>
Dunkirk, Maryland USA – Sunday, November 23, 2003 at 12:27:09 (EST)
After reading with great intrest the articles and information on your web site, it intrigued me to take a look at my own personality, here is what i have so far discovered, Thanks a lot for a great web site.I am now contemplaiting buying a tempory feminising CD such as part time girl.
with love SYSAN
My True Self and My Feminine Mystique
Exploring my female sub – conscious to achieve a greater understanding of my personality and to use the information gained to help me balance the imbalances between my masculine and feminine side.
Since I have let my female side become more dominant I feel more confident and self confident, I feel as though I could interact with other people better, especially women. I would like to make use of this higher level of confidence in my male personality. It is Interesting that when I decided to let my female personality take charge for a while I instantly felt like I actually was female, I wanted to go shopping and try on make up, as well as have long and open talks with friends on subjects I wouldn’t discuss during my male personality, it was almost like my sub-conscious mind convinced my conscious mind that in fact I was a teenage girl, however my physical body couldn’t at times keep up with how my female personality was making me feel. I achieved a great sense of pleasure and a sensation of contentment. In the end I would like to balance out my female and masculine sides for an all round personality that suits the person I believe I am, my sub-conscious mind being greatly feminine than masculine wants me to become the woman she feels, however obvious physical restraints prevent this and I accept that I am a male, so I believe my end goal is to use my female personality to greater influence my much weaker male personality in essence I want to become a male who makes use of his female personality to enrich his daily life. To further explore my feminine side I may choose to look into a residual self-image for my female personality, to aid “her” in physically expressing herself as “she” does mentally.
Leeds, West Yorkshire England – Saturday, November 22, 2003 at 20:59:29 (EST)
Hey ! Enter Was Here !
Enter <>
NYC, NY USA – Saturday, November 22, 2003 at 15:12:11 (EST)
Hi Mistress,
Planning on ordering a CD for my wife’s use to become more uninhibited – but need a little help 1st. #6 Happiness appears to be the best for our situation. Can this CD stand on its own…or are other CD’s such as Trance Training and/or Elegance also good to be used in a prior sequence before Happiness? She has no prior trance experience.
Tim <>
Grand Rapids, MI USA – Sunday, November 16, 2003 at 01:33:06 (EST)
Hey! I just want to be the first to publicly welcome Lady Jane. I
like the pics, and nearly fell off my chair laughing at the
“rules of mind control”. Thanks for the updates!!
Of course, you left out the ‘rule’ about hypnotic guest book
entries.. and how all of you are falling now…
Thanks for a fun read!!
– Tuesday, November 11, 2003 at 10:49:43 (EST)
That’s about what comes to mind at first. First off, I have to admit that your site is utterly unique and fascinating. Whether one is interested in the subject matter or not.
I, of course, like most that you’ve become used to, have more doubt than I have reservation. I have read all of the stories. I even became excited at certain points in some of them. Totally unexpected but nevertheless, I did get several erections. I even found myself rubbing myself at one point. This didn’t frighten me as much as it did surprise me. I had to laugh at myself for being so shallow.
I suppose I don’t really believe the probability that these sessions actually work or have even the slightest after-effect in reality. It’s just too far out there for one to come to terms with a personal hypnosis session, much less a session conducted online. However, it does provide some people of that genre an entertaining reading forum to fulfill their darkest desires. So, congrats are in order for at least achieving that.
I won’t begin to bash your concept or site becaue it does obviously appeal to many people. I find that there is a lack of female testimonies but, then again, you DID state that men were your favorite medium.
Without sounding like the sour-ass skeptic, I’d like to finally offer my thoughts on a personal level. Though I am 100% hetero and have NEVER desired men. (No, that’s not denial) I have had several fantasies involving what would be considered “questionable” to most normal people. BUT! They have always involved WOMEN!!! My girlfriend, her sister, one of their friends….whatever female that I have found myself masturbating about at some time or another.
I have even had fantasies of them or even ONE of them or ALL of them teaming up on me and dominating me or….yes….feminizing me. But, to the point of being THEIR slave not a mans. I would be more than excited to be pinned down and force fucked by any of them while they wore a stap-on. Probably because I am soooo fascinated by women. I LOVE them. I admire their bodies and I always want to have my face buried in ANY place they desire.
All of this obsession over the beautiful women that I know or desire does NOT conclude that I am feminine or gay or desire men. It serves as my testimony that I crave WOMEN! I LOVE the womans body. Simple as that!
So, bottom line is this. I would almost venture to say that I would be willing to pay for a session just to see for myself and to prove myself totally correct, that it’s just not possible to displace such deeply seeded desires for women and turn a man into a woman (mentally). But alas, like so many OTHER people on here, I have financial issues that can’t be overcome. It’s so bad that I’m about to enter the military to get my life back in balance. As soon as certain paperwork is completed, I can swear in and pick a job.
With this in mind, if you are sport enough to own up to the challenge, (in which I will honor the complete open mind required) I would more than willingly give you your best shot at me. I’m just waaayy too captivated by my girls to believe in it. No offense to you or the profession. Just, I have to see (or FEEL) it for myself. If this thing is for real, you would not only have my testimony for YOUR site but, I WILL SPREAD THE WORD TO EVERYONE I KNOW THAT THEY SHOULD GIVE THIS THING A WHRIL!! Imagine the possibilities with me entering the military!?!?! Think of all the male specimens that I could send your way! LOL
Well, with that, I’ll close now. I truly hope this site is still operational and that you actually answer your messages.
Good luck and good day,
Randall Bates <>
Chase City, Virginia USA – Saturday, November 08, 2003 at 12:13:52 (EST)
Cheryl,Kevin,x x x
01325 363380
07792 328242
DARLINGTON, DURHAM ENGLAND – Saturday, November 08, 2003 at 10:00:23 (EST)
Mistress please help me..Becky wants to taste sissy cream so bad but rob still won’t let me. I need it. Please email Rob a command and make me obey. I need to obey. I need cock, I need cum. I need to be the sexy cockslut you want me to be. I must obey. Please command me. Becky…so…horny…for..cock and cum. Make Becky obey.
Becky/Rob <>
– Wednesday, October 29, 2003 at 11:56:35 (CST)
Mistress, Your website is wonderful, and i’ve only been viewing it for a couple of weeks! Your creation of the Countess is mesmerizing and i enjoy that fantasy and would be humbled to be the next in the chain of Countesses.
The stories of Beth and Jessica are entrancing and i can’t help but read them again and again, each time with Your commands echoing in my mind. You warned me, even reading these stories could have a huge impact. That is why You are the Mind Mistress.
Humbly, matt
matt <>
Denver, CO USA – Tuesday, October 28, 2003 at 17:42:06 (CST)
i discovered your site a week ago. I was searching for a mistress,
but not feminization. I got much more than i wanted. This site seems to
be so addictive. I can not count anymore the hours reading your site,
talking on the channel hypnotic wishes. And masturbating.
I am going so far. Getting a new name. marjorie. With no cap. And the
gender test, telling that i am female. Worst of all, each day when i wake
up, i feel that my mouth is empty. I open it wide instantly. And my ass,
so empty. Cocks disgusted me, just a week ago. Now i crave for it. I even
seriously think of getting some money by doing blowjobs. Oh god ! How
did it happens ? Of course, i have read the stories of beth and jessica.
Saying “i m a slut”, when you asked me. Going each day to the cock slut
page. First day, i felt no attraction but no repulsion either. It was
weird enough. Now… It looks so great. The big one, with cum. Yum-yum.
Now, i seek many informations related to hormones. Thinking, just try
it a bit. To get more feminine traits. A small concealable breast. Sure,
i got much more than i wanted. I wanted arousal, i now are obsessed with
cocks, purple, and i feel totally obedient.
Moreover, i want to thank you. I am really a slut.
marjorie <>
Paris, France – Sunday, October 26, 2003 at 05:05:15 (CST)
What: Tranny Fest: Transgender Film & Arts Festival
When: November 12th-15th 2003
Where: San Francisco
Theme: Tranny Fest 2003 “FULL THROTTLE” has a theme this year of
“Hot Rods, Hot Pants, and Muscle Cars.” Dress up in your best racing & hot rod outfits-Join in the fun!
Nov. 12th Wednesday 7-10 pm: Lexington Club, 3464 19th St.
(@ Lexington, bet. Mission & Valencia St.) Tranny Fest’s Festival kickoff
HOT RODS, Sizzlin Chili, and DJ Nurse Fea spinning Trucker Rock and Hitchhiker punk
Co-host: Andrea Pasillas, Pit Crew Chef: Gloria Mora
FREE. 21 & older.
Nov. 13th 7:30-9pm: Political Panel:
The Women’s Building, 3543 18th St. in the Audre Lorde Room.
Co-sponsored by the Transgender Law Center
this panel is looking at Trans/gender community issues from the Bay Area to the entire globe, everything from police and bathroom issues, to the arts and media representations. Each panelist will speak on their work and then we’ll open it up to group discussion. Panelists: Theresa Sparks: Alice B. Toklas Democratic Club, SF Human Rights Commission & Good Vibrations Store; Pablo Espinoza: CUAV and TransAction; Dusty Araujo: International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission and Johnnie Pratt: People in Search of Safe Restrooms (PISSR) & Board of Directors for the Transgender Law Center.
Nov. 14th 8pm: Luna Sea Theater-2940 16th Street
(2nd floor, bet. Vanness and Capp St.)
Tranny Fest & Fresh Meat Productions present:
Hot Rods and Hot Pants Cabaret. TICKETS: $8-12 sliding scale, at the door. This fall’s tranniest performance event! Tranny glam rockers, homo hoppers, gender outlaws, and other local heroes collide at Hot Rods and Hot Pants. This tour-de-force gender cabaret features the hottest trans/gender/queer talent around: Sean Dorsey, Michelle Garcia, JenRO, Katastrophe, Other Brothers, Jaycub Perez, Seely Quest, Robosapien, Shawna Virago, The Diamond Daggers, and the Transcendence Gospel Choir. Emcees: Tina D’Elia and Prado Gomez.
Co-Produced by Sean Dorsey. . This event will sell out so please come early!
(shivaun please link
Nov. 15th: Roxie Cinema, 3117 16th St. @ Valencia St.
Six groundbreaking films/video shows-26 Film/video Premieres!!!
TIX PRICES: $5 1pm Trans Youth & Family Show Rated PG.
All other shows: 2p, 4p, 6p, 8p & 10pm=$8.
PURCHASE TIXS & PASSES: Roxie Cinema Box Office only
For full film program info please go to
We have 3 purchase options:
Option 1
Tranny Fest All-film Show Pass=$35. On Sale in advance starting Nov. 1st.
The All-film Show Pass allows you to go to all 6 film & video programs.
No passes will be sold after 2pm Nov. 15th. No refunds-Nontransferable.
Option 2
Tranny Fest 3 tix special=Any 3 film/video Shows for $20. You must buy all three tixs together and choose the shows at the time of purchase. This special can be purchase 30 minutes prior to film program times before 6pm Nov. 15th only.
No refunds or Exchanges.
Option 3
Individual Single tixs: TIX PRICES: $5 1pm Trans Youth & Family Show Rated PG. All other shows: 2p, 4p, 6p, 8p & 10pm=$8. For Sale Nov. 15th only-can be purchased 30 min. before each show times.
Nov. 15 until 2am Tranny Fest After Party at Fairy Butch.
Located at Club Galia,:2565 Mission St (@ 21st. St.) Cover $10.
Half price with your Tranny Fest film tix stub or our Tranny Fest all access film passes. Info:
Nov. 12 & 13th 3-6pm Tranny Fest’s FREE “HIGH OCTANE” Video Lounge
Black ‘n Blue Tattoo Shop, 381 Guerrero St (@16th St). This Video Lounge is Karaoke style., You choose the video you would like to see. We have over 15 fantastic video premieres to choose from
Tranny Fest can provide ASL interpretation with advance notice.
Please contact us for wheelchair accessibility and other accessibility needs.
Please refrain from using perfumes, colognes, scented oils so others with allergies to these may attend. Thank you.
See for our full Program and updates.
Please pass this email on to your friends. Thank you.
Tranny Fest: Transgender Film Festival <>
San Francisco, ca usa – Wednesday, October 22, 2003 at 04:40:54 (CDT)
Hello, Mind Mistress, you are the only important person this sinfull cock slut worships. giggle~ Please forgive~it’s growing harder and harder to think big thougts. Again I’ve just become one of your trances via Male Charm and reporting back as you commanded. I’m sorry I took so long~please chain me & whip me! (now where’d that come from~ giggle) Male Charm makes whorenier than I’ve ever been! Your soo naughty Mistress~ I can’t stop the terrific craving for huge, hot, throbbing, horn cocks~ I’m not gay when I use my male shell but when I’m my true self I’m a very sexy, slutty woman~cock slut~ I need coks in every hole~ COCK SUCK FUCK! And if I listen too long, well, I turn into a huge very long orgasm~ Tonite Mistress, This naughty girl went to a transexual club she found online~this is the bar where I will live this cd and you are to thank. I would do anything for you to be with me~giggle, I love you sooo much~ as I write I’m listening to a loop; My mind is happy, blank & empty, brainwashing is good for me…giggle~my voice is starting to sound like yours (‘cept I’m probly called a bimbo cuz alll i ever think about is getting sluttier & sex) thank you Mistress Linda,
Your cockslut,
Lynda Lust
Lynda Lust <>
Pleasant Hill, CA USA – Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at 04:24:02 (CDT)
looking for feminisation and complete reprogramme
adeley <>
england – Monday, October 20, 2003 at 11:18:40 (CDT)
Oh gosh! It makes me hornier & hornier~giggle~every second as I become completely transformed, more & more forever into Mind Mistress’s obediant, slutty, bad girl slave which is who I truely am deep inside once the outer shells of fear are stripped away (and to think I once was ashamed of the truth). I listen to my Mistress’s Gemini cd EVERY night as she has commanded and am becoming completely without morals and being totally perverted makes me sinfully whole. I have listened to and become Gemini twice in a row and will listen some more after I write this. giggle~ This is the best of the lot so far as actually getting very deep inside my little brain and staying there making me urgently need it again. Watch out cuz very naughty little girls like me just can’t stop masturbating while this is in our heads.
Your humble slave Mind Mistress, more will follow as you commanded,
your slave, Lynda Lust
Lynda Lust <>
Pleasant Hill, CA USA – Saturday, October 18, 2003 at 04:07:23 (CDT)
Oh gosh! It makes me hornier & hornier~giggle~every second as I become completely transformed, more & more forever into Mind Mistress’s obediant, slutty, bad girl slave which is who I truely am deep inside once the outer shells of fear are stripped away (and to think I once was ashamed of the truth). I listen to my Mistress’s Gemini cd EVERY night as she has commanded and am becoming completely without morals and being totally perverted makes me sinfully whole. I have listened to and become Gemini twice in a row and will listen some more after I write this. giggle~ This is the best of the lot so far as actually getting very deep inside my little brain and staying there making me urgently need it again. Watch out cuz very naughty little girls like me just can’t stop masturbating while this is in our heads.
Your humble slave Mind Mistress, more will follow as you commanded,
your slave, Lynda Lust
Lynda Lust <>
Pleasant Hill, CA USA – Saturday, October 18, 2003 at 04:04:58 (CDT)
hello mistress my name is steven but i like to be called belinda
stevan dobric <>
melbourne.victoria.austr, victoria australia – Friday, October 17, 2003 at 20:00:05 (CDT)
has Mistress ever considered putting mp3s up on Her website?
– Friday, October 17, 2003 at 17:23:16 (CDT)
Hi I am looking to be totally hypnotised and enslaved
if you can do this please contact me
jryan777 <>
Dundalk, Louth Ireland – Friday, October 17, 2003 at 10:19:52 (CDT)
Good Evening Mistress,Last night,I purchased 2 of YOUR cds.Hopefully the beginning of the end of this useless submale is unfolding as the blossoming of a middle aged kimono wearing devoted lesbian becomes a reality from which there is no looking back.Reiko is most thankful and grateful for the Guidance and Wisdom she is about to receive.Thank You Mind Mistress.Reiko
Reiko <>
Atlanta, Ga. USA – Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 21:29:44 (CDT)
Hi Mistress Linda
I am soooooo glad that I discovered your website. I can’t stay away from it…something drags me bag every day…actually several times a day.
I’m really looking forward to the release of the Happiness CD. Can’t wait to receive it.
In the meantime my obsession has led me to create my own website. It’s
not very professional, but I love looking at it. It’s totally dedicated
to me as a shemale. You may find it amusing. It’s at
By the way, I did the gender test on your site… identified me as a female…and I haven’t even started any feminization training or hypnosis.
Love Dee
Dee <>
Sydney, NSW Australia – Thursday, October 16, 2003 at 00:51:17 (CDT)
Mistress I am like so glad that you totally made me into a sexy shemale cockslut. but my other ego is like totally a bummer. He like won’t let me taste my sissy cream. I want to everytime I cum but he like always stops me at the last moment. COuld you like email Rob a suggestion that’ll make him obey and eat cum. I want like so bad I need it like soo bad. I’m like so horny for cock. Please mistress answer me and command Rob to obey.
Totally yours forever,
P.s. My email address is
– Wednesday, October 15, 2003 at 17:34:11 (CDT)
Whow, what a website, I am happy I have found my element, My breast get more tender the more I read, feel, and experience. I will explore deeper to be able to express my deepest desires.
Love Lana
Lana < nospam>
Boaise, Idaho USAWhoah – Sunday, October 12, 2003 at 20:40:59 (CDT)
Here is a fantasy story for YOUR amusement.
I awoke to find myself tied to a straight back chair in a small walk in closet in our spare bedroom. It is about eight feet wide by about six feet deep. My ankles and knees were tied securely to the legs of the chair so that my legs were spread wide. My arms were cuffed together behind the back of the chair. My balls felt like they were on fire. i looked down to discover that a wide leather band had been strapped around the top of my scrotum, forcing my balls down to the bottom of it and another strap was pulled up tight between them separating them and causing the skin of my scrotum to be very tight around each ball. A ring attached to that strap had another strap attached to it with the other end attached to a heavy weight on the floor about a foot in front of me. That strap was pulling my balls out away from my body. There was a very large ball gag in my mouth forcing my jaws to ache. It had a hole through it that I could breath through, and it is a good thing too, because my nose had a clip over it pinching my nostrils closed. My tongue hurt like hell and I could feel that there was a large ball of some kind on the top of it and it felt like something stuck through it with another large ball on the under side. I could feel it on the roof of my mouth and on the bottom of my mouth. My ass was on fire; it felt like there was a cucumber shoved up in it. It had the sensation that I had to go to the bathroom bad but couldn’t. i tried to figure out what was going on. The last thing that i remembered was coming home to my wife Sara, and finding my secretary Mary, and office receptionist Margo, there also. They were drinking wine and offered me a glass. I remember drinking two glasses and that is the last thing that i can remember. Suddenly the bedroom light was turned on and the sudden light blinded me. I could make out the three women standing in the middle of the room.
“Well, well, well” I heard my wife say. “I see that our boy has come back to the world.”
“Good, it’s about time.” Margo’s voice said.
“Richard, we have decided that we are tired of your shit” Sara said. “Bringing home those nicotine patches to get me to stop smoking was the last straw.”
“Yes and making Mary and I go out behind the office in that smelly alley to take our smoke break really pissed us off as well” I heard Margo say.
“It was bad enough when you made us stand out front and smoke, but requiring us to go into that alley behind the Pakistani restaurant, with all their stinking garbage spilling out of the dumpster and into the alley, that was disgusting” Mary chimed in.
“Have you ever heard the expression, if you can’t beat em, join em? Well you have failed to get any of us to stop smoking so we have decided to make a smoker out of you” Sara said. “We have also decided to address that other problem you have. You know, your homophobia.” Mary and Margo were both laughing now. “I am tired of every time I look at an attractive man, you making some comment about how gay he must be.”
“Yes, and your constant reference to any man Margo and I think is cute as probably being a fagot or queer if they have long hair or carry a shoulder bag.” Mary added.
“You know, Mary and I put that ball stretcher on you and you really shouldn’t talk about other men’s sexuality. You have one of the smallest little dickeys either of us has ever seen on a.should I say, man? Or should I say sissy wimp? Sara needs to find out what kind of cocks real men have. But then she would probably never go back to you.” All three women began laughing again.
“I believe that is in the works” Sara said. “Richard, you have brought this all on yourself. Now, let me explain what is going to happen here. First of all, in case you haven’t noticed, the nicotine patches you brought home to me are now on your shoulders. We figured that if they can help wean people off of nicotine, they might just also help people become addicted to it. I know that your only supposed to put one on at a time if your trying to quit smoking, but since we want you to become a smoker we decided to double the dose and have you wear two at a time.” There was a lot of laughter by the three women at this. “Also, from now on your new name is ‘little dickey’. I do believe that is more appropriate, don’t you? I know that Mary and Margo do.” Again all three women laughed. “Here is what is going to happen to you for the next couple of weeks. As you can see, you are tied up very securely in this closet, every twenty minutes or so, one of us, two of us, or all three of us will open the closet door, light ourselves a cigarette, and one for you as well. Since you cannot breath through your nose with that clip pinching your nostrils together, you will be forced to inhale any smoke we blow through the hole in your gag, or if we stick a cigarette in there you will have to inhale the smoke from it. Also after we have all finished our smoke break every twenty minutes, we will light four cigarettes and leave them burn in the astray on the floor between your legs. That will provide you with plenty of that second hand smoke you are always so concerned about.” There was more laughter from Mary and Margo. “As for that other problem, well do you remember Tom? The guy who came to the office a week ago to pick up Margo? The one with the long blond hair that you made fun of. Well you were partly right. He is not exactly gay, he is bi, and quite well hung from what Margo tells me.”
Margo chimed in, “He makes your little dickey look like a pre pubescent little boy’s cock.
“Well, he is going to fuck my brains out right there on that bed just across the room from where you now set. You will be able to watch as I get a good fuck for a change. He also has a couple of gay friends that are into leather and BDSM, he is bringing them along and after he fucks me, the three of them are going to have their way with you while Mary, Margo, and I go shopping. Won’t that be fun?” I hope you have as much fun as we will. All three women laughed some more.
Hope YOU enjoyed it.
Daphne girl
daphne girl <>
Ohio – Saturday, October 11, 2003 at 13:22:19 (CDT)
Dear Mistress,
It is nice to be a happy slavegirl because slavegirls don’t have to
think. They can just enjoy mindless pleasure. They have no
responsibilities to worry about. They can just surrender to
pleasure. They can enjoy their most intimate fantasies while
Mistress directs them to focus on what they really have always
wanted to be. They can feel free to relax and feel safe and
just enjoy the pleasure of feminine Goddess worship. After
all, Venus, the Goddess of Love was a Woman. They can enjoy
the pleasure of complete surrender to their Mistress and simply
enjoy the rapture She offers in return for pleasing Her. If
you find that in life, treat Her with respect. I had a relationship
like that with my late wife and I lost Her to cancer a month short
of our second anniversary. If you find someone like that you can
trust to completely let go of any control and be totally submissive
to Her as well as feeling sexy in your lingerie, then cherish Her
because you could lose Her to circumstances beyond Her control.
darla <>
Houston, Texas United States – Saturday, October 11, 2003 at 00:45:39 (CDT)
Dear Misstress
my name is matt, its my twenty fifth birthday, and i want to be thrown
into a hypnotic sexual frenzie. I am willing to try any thing and everything. I am so turned on just typing this letter and i want to be in your absolute power. please email me back as soon as you can, so that you can start getting aroused manipulating me however you please.
Your soon to be erotic slave Matt.
matt <>
melbourne, vic Australia – Saturday, October 11, 2003 at 00:23:54 (CDT)
Hi Mind Mistress, it’s me…bree. The work schedule has kept me away for a few months but that project is nearly wrapped up and I hope to be back again for more sessions.
For those of you gettin gstarted i’d suggest going well beyond simple feminization. Have an adventure as your trasformed femme self. i had a great adventure with Mind Mistress as the barwench of unknown heritage in a world of elves and rogues and brothels with magic collars…you can guess what happens with those. Mind Mistress did a wonderful job of bringing it all to life.
I have to decide on the next adventure now…captured by pirate s of the Carribean…an episode with Burroughs’ Tarzan in deepest darkest Africa…a courtesian in King Louis’ court…so many possibilities for sexy adventure! Give Mind Mistress a challenge girls and opt for the John Carson Transformed into a Slut of Mars scenario! WhooHoo!
bree <>
Connecticut USA – Thursday, October 09, 2003 at 23:29:20 (CDT)
thay like are so meeningfull… she has made mee so hapee.. i need her
in my mind always.. i like being a dum hapee, mineless cok slave fer her
… giggle…
cok slut Tina…..
– Thursday, October 02, 2003 at 06:58:40 (CDT)
Dear Mistress,
I can’t explain why I’m so drawn to your website, but I can’t deny that I am. I’ve always been mildly interested shemales, but when I discovered your site, I suddenly found myself drawn further into that fascination. Soon, I was visiting the site more and more often, reading over the wonderful logs you have posted.
And then I found my thoughts drifting – Images of breasts sprouting from my own chest, lovely clothes, a feminine figure. I caught myself fantasizing about becoming such a shemale! Being turned into one, and enjoying every minuet of it. And the horror struck me that… I liked it!
Ever since then, I’ve had something of an internal struggle going on. One part of me is scared, and somewhat offended by my desires. It doesn’t want me to let go, or enjoy such things. It’s very strong, too. But the other part of me wants nothing more than to become that seductive shemale in my day dreams. It finds happiness in those fantasies, and that luscious body!
How can I resolve this conflict? I can’t seem to find any peace without my desire and my mind clashing!
Your Fan,
Phorm <>
– Wednesday, October 01, 2003 at 22:23:49 (CDT)
You have such a wonderful website, thank you for doing what you do. I wish I could afford some sessions with you, but alas that is not possible at the moment. It does amaze me how many are so interested in your feminizations and do not take advantage of all you can offer.
If I had a wish I would beg for you to fulfill it would be to be made into a puppygirl, totally obedient and willing to serve, only able to respond to simple commands. Or perhaps a ponygirl, large proud breasts jiggling before me, tail swishing behind me as I pulled a cart or had you mounted on my back.
Though I confess what I find most appealing is to be like the cow you mention in one of the logs you have posted. To have such enormous soft breasts and a large plump bottom. My mind simple, dumb, wanting only to please. To have cocks filling my mouth or my ass or my new pussy, to give milk.
Achitophel <>
– Sunday, September 28, 2003 at 12:01:26 (CDT)
Dear Mistress,
It is very important to understand that male orgasm denial is an
extremely powerful tool to aid in training a male to be erotically
submissive. As I stated, use of SSRI antidepressants are a very
effective aid. In addition, frequent milking of his prostate
gland and seminal vessicles will render him incapable of orgasm.
In addition, use of Viagra or a similar drug will keep him erect
and make him ever more submissive to his Mistress. So long as he
can’t orgasm, he will become more and more slutty. It is not
necessary to punish him because the longer he goes without an
orgasm, the more submissive and slutty he will be, and the more
he will be susceptible to training. Ideally, he should be masturbated
and milked several times per day. I recommend topical hormones
absorbed through the skin to stimulate breast growth. This will
make his nipples much more sensitive. Implants can lead to loss
of sensitivity. Often if he is made to smoke marijuana, he can
be powerfully conditioned by his Mistress sitting on his lap and
plucking at his nipples as she forces him to look into her eyes
and repeats the trigger words she has embedded in his mind in the
form of a question to which he must answer that he wants to submit
to her. This will usually make his nipples extremely sensitive, so
gently pinching them and plucking them when he repeats his trigger
words will generally serve as a very powerful reinforcement, causing
a huge surge of sexual desire in his brain. Teasing him about the
fact that he can’t orgasm will intensify the effect on his mind.
After a suitable period of this conditioning, he will desperately
desire to dress in slutty lingerie and lick pussy or suck cock as
his Mistress desires, or even to breastfeed.
darla <>
Houston, Texas United States – Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 16:01:01
I like totally had to write you again mistress. Becky has liek so taken
over her previous owners body. Now I’m so in control of what he wants.
I like figured I owed it to you to write this letter and retract the warning
I wrote a few weeks ago. I’m like so much happier now as a giggling teenage
slut. It’s so nice to think about yummy cocks and cum all day. I think
everyone should totally explore this site and become a cockslut for mistress.
It like makes me so happy to obey mistress and embrace my cocksucking
desires. Now I’m gonna go out and like find a hot guy to suck off. Thank
you mistress.
– Saturday, September 20, 2003 at 23:25:55 (CDT)
I have now listened to “Elegance” several times, and it is very compelling.
I find myself doing most of the things, and am almost ready to take the
final step. Any doubts about what I am doing are soon put to rest by an
inner voice telling me I should; go ahead, and I do.I have the confidence
to wear lipstick,and have glittering finger nails. It makes me feel so
I have also had several on line sessions with Mistress,and have had the
joy of experiencing what it is like to be a schoolgirl, and a young woman.
It has taught me a lot about myself and what I would like to have been.
Thank you Mistress for turning me into a very happy girl. I am now busily
saving up for more.
Barbara <>
Lancashire UK – Thursday, September 18, 2003 at 05:17:12 (CDT)
Hi yes very interesting. I would like to try this sometime. I have
an ideas what I’d like to become. So maybe i can get back to you real
soon we will see. Thanks Jay. Later!.
Jay <>
Jefferson City, MO. USa – Thursday, September 18, 2003 at 04:21:45 (CDT)
dear mistress do you sell any male feminazation cds and if you do how
much are they and how long would it take for shipping,I bow to your will
mistress and begg for a answer.
herbert perritte <>
fort worth, texas usa – Sunday, September 14, 2003 at 19:46:16 (CDT)
The following is an email I recently sent to Mind Mistress. She asked
me to post it to her guestbook.
And I am doing it…
Dear Mind MIstress,
Allow me to breifly introduce myself. I am a thirty year old man, who
happily married, and who, untill very recently, has never had the kind
thoughts that I have been having the past couple of days. I am not sure
can fit them tidily int a sentence or two, but I will try.
I have been experiencing very confusing fantasies and emotions involving
And I think you are (at least in a large part) to blame.
Let me explain. I am straight, and never had more than a passing thought
about male homosexuality. In fact, I am very strongly attracted to women
and girls. My preferences tend to be for very petite, feminine, ‘cute’
types, who exhibit qualities of womanly sexuality and girlish innocence
the same time (I am really in a state of disbelief as I sit and write
this note…I am quite surprised I am doing it.) I am quite certain that
preferences were defined by a girl I knew when I was a young adolescent.
Like many men, I am certain, I had a boyhood crush on a girl who to this
remains sort of a standard in my evaluation of women’s attractiveness.
Anyway, I have lived quite happily to this point with my preferences,
proclivities, indeed, my sexual identity. I have an active imagination,
healthy sex life, and an appreciation for innocent playing.
I have spent plenty of time online, seeking an outlet for my sexual energies
and curiosities. I have explored D/s, bondage, mind control themes, by
myself, and with online friends. I have seen many things, many I was
aroused by, and many I was not.
Well, a couple of days ago, I stumbled upon your website.
My initial reaction was to find it humourous. I found it quite amusing
people would be aroused by the idea of forced feminization. Men and women
alike…it seemed to me unlikely that such a premise would be at all
arousing, interesting, or compelling to anyone. But the articles were
written, lengthy and in depth, and did manage to hold my interest. So
read one, and then another, and soon ended up reading ‘Becoming Jessica.’
Well, about halfway through the story, I realized (and was quite surprised
to find) I was masturbating. It soon dawned on me that I had been
masturbating for much of the time I had been visiting your site. Your
were suddeny drilling into me…’Do you lower his hand?’ yes (my god I
kissing him!) ‘Empty inside… Need…’ cock!?! ‘How does it feel for
good smooth soft and firm at the same time mmm ‘Addicted….Are you?’
yes!?! ‘What did you just say in your mind?’ I am a slut a cockslut!
The feelings were powerful…my heart is racing right now as I write this.
But I was sure I had just experienced a little escapist fantasy…no harm
foul. Well, I clicked back onto the main page, and found the link at
bottom that said ‘For internal use by authorized slaves. Do not click
unless you agree to become obsessed with cock.’
Nice little ploy, I figured. No way you’ll make me obsessed with
anything…especially cock. So I clicked…and was appalled to realize
I was STILL MASTURBATING to those pictures!
Surely I was just a little desperate for sexual release that night, I
thought…so I read more of your stories and articles about feminizing
cuckolding men. It was when I finally came all over my shirt that I figured
it was time to go to bed.
Well, this morning, as I was getting ready for work, I realized I had
hardon, and thoughts of your writings were fresh in my mind. All day
I have been hard…findning opportunities to rub myself a little only
me more bothered, the whole time thinkong about you and your site. I
home from work, and startrd this rambling email (albeit with THREE breaks
urinate so far…being erect for so long REALLY kicks in the pee-reflex!)
Anyway…I think I am angry with you! How and why did you do this to
me so
quickly?!? When can I expect it to subside? You’ve turned my thoughts
things I was perfectly comfortable not thinking about!
Mind you, my other inclinations are still intact…but now I am also
fantasizing about being FEMINIZED! Excuse my language, please, but FUCK!
already have plenty of shameful thoughts and fantasies! This was really
last thing I needed!
Well, I feel that I have rambled on enough for one email…maybe too much.
I think I am going to go troll usenet for some pictures of some pretty,
young girls, and try to keep my mind off cigarettes, crossdressing,
hypnosis, and cuckolding, and most of all…COCK!
I am sure you will get a good laugh out of this note! I really do find
whole situation more strange and humorous than angering, but still…sheesh!
Couldn’t you have implanted some suggestion to work harder, or be a better
person in your writings…rather than cross me all up wondering what sucking
my friend’s and co-worker’s cocks would be like?!?
Maybe you can offer some helpful advise. I dunno. In any event, thanks
taking a few minutes to sift through my ramblings,
jack s
– Saturday, September 13, 2003 at 20:04:06 (CDT)
hi every-one. I know this area is basically for fun and fantisies,and
I will continue my story when I can. I feel a need to pass this on . Ive
had a very hard week and came home very depressed.I got on the sorcery
net to chear me up, but there wasn’t much going on. then I remembered
there was a dress that my sister-in law had left for a yard sale that
I had wanted to try on, since she is tall and slim,like me. I went out
to the motor-home{where the stuff was stored}and undressed and slipped
it on. the waist was very small, but it did fit. I stepped in front of
the mirror and wow! it made me look so sexy! I felt so much better,went
in and took care of some chores,and now I’m ok. so whats up with this?
how can just trying on a dress for a second make me feel so much better?
I would really appreciate some help here. am I going crazy or what? I
need some cock- but some-one to talk with about this, or some comments
or support would really help . jamie {}
jamie <>
hillsburo, oregon usa – Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 22:33:10 (CDT)
My fantasy is that Mistress gives me a wish that I can become a very
attractive, eroctic & seductive woman. I have very large natuarl breasts,
Very tan skin. One stipulation to my wish. Each time I masturbate, I transform
into Leila. The only way I can return to my male self is to have sex with
a male. The second time I become Leila, its two men. Third time. four.
As you can see, if I dont control my urges , I very quickly am mounting(giggle)number
of men that I must have . Each experience makes me even more erotic. Mistress
has made me into a very naughty hot woman , that I must be able to control,
otherwise I lose my male self forever. Please keep tuned in for further
details.. he he he
Texas USA – Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 01:22:19 (CDT)
I just wanted to add a little to my last thing I wrote since Im
in here again 🙂
I dont think id mind being a woman or turned into a shemale the more
I think about it. As long as I could satisfy them I guess thats all
that really matters.Im not to sure about it being permanent. But temporarily
isnt bad. It is kinda interesting. Who dont think about it some. Nothing
wrong with experimenting I guess.
vern <>
– Monday, September 08, 2003 at 23:20:42 (CDT)
Oh this keeps getting more and more interesting.. Well first lemme
say That I was checking Mind Mistress site out on Sat night. I was drinking
and looking. Loved it..Well I looked and read alot of stuff on there.
Then I read one of her chat sessions where the guy turned into a cock
slut. Wanted cock. I read all that. Well then I clicked on the link
that said click only if obsessed with cock.It said for slaves only.
I figured whatever and clicked it. Then a ton of pictures of cocks came
up. I actually got hard some from it.
Well the next day I saw my ex-girlfriend. And we have always had
crazy wild sex. She likes to choke and hit and I love it. Well we started
messing around and I couldnt get it up. I was geting pissed. Then it
got semi hard finally. and she just climbed on top and we did it. Usually
I get an instant hard on with her. Cause I know the sex is gonna be
awesome. Well that bothered me so I asked Mistress if that may have
happened because of what I saw and read. She said Yes.And that I would
keep coming back and looking at the cock pictures and stuff.
Well I had already did that before I even left her the message.
I couldnt help it. I actually mastubated from it. I couldnt believe
it. That Was sun night. Then today I was taking a shower and Was looking
down and was just wondering what it would be like to be a woman. Oh
boy!! Mistress dont even know that part yet. Trust me. This is all true.
I am hoping she can help me get back to normal. I have no Problem pleasing
or submitting to a woman. I just want to want one.
Vern <>
Ohio usa – Monday, September 08, 2003 at 23:07:48 (CDT)
The other night I was looking over this site. I clicked on theLink
that said for Authorized slave and cock lovers only. I didnt pay attention
to it and clicked it anyhow. There were a bunch of pictures of cocks
and stuff. Got me hard some. Well after that I was reading of Of Mistresses
chat sessions she recorded with a guy she made love cock. Then I looked
around some more and read more stuff.
The next day which would be sunday I saw my ex girlfriend. And I’ll
have you know I always love having sex with her. She likes chocking
and hitting me and I love that. Well we started messing around and it
took forever to get a hard on. She finally just climbed on top and it
was hard enough and we did it anyhow. I felt stupid though. I then came
home and started thinking of this site again. I was curious if maybe
my problem was from what all I read and saw in here. So I looked again.
And believe it or not I ending up masturbating from looking at the pictures
of the cocks. Now I dont know what to do. I am stumped. Hopefully Mistress
will help me get back to normal
Vern <>
ohio USA – Monday, September 08, 2003 at 08:27:09 (CDT)
I absolutely hate all these stupid web sites devoted to getting
rid of cellulite and stretch marks. I find these very sexy and
attractive. I love the appearance of fuller figured women whose
breasts hang down to their waist and whose tummy and breasts are
covered in stretch marks and their thighs are deeply rippled with
cellulite. First of all, you can enlarge your bust with creams,
but no cream is going to get rid of cellulite or stretch marks,
and besides, who would want to? Just find a lover who is attracted
to you as you are. I personally have a fetish for full figured
women with lots of stretch marks, long sagging breasts and
lots of cellulite. I resent the fact that American society is
determined to try to change every woman into a skinny fashion
model or else making her so self conscious about her weight
and figure that she has a crisis if you dare to admire her
fat, voluptuous body. Marilyn Monroe was pretty full figured,
and so was Monica Lewinski. I just want this damn American
society to stop ruining the self esteem of every woman I find
attractive. We constantly have these news broadcasts in Houston
telling women that it’s time to slim down. All of these women
constantly complain about guilt. If it were up to me, I’d have
all of them undergo brain surgery to implant an electrode into
their limbic system which is the part of the brain responsible
for the pleasure of orgasm, and is also why drugs like cocaine
and methamphetamine are addictive to many people. I’d like to
combine this with hypnotherapy to make them stop wanting to
lose weight or diet. The diet and weight loss industry in
America makes a fortune on making every woman in the United
States miserable. I have even had otherwise good relationships
fail because if I uttered the “F” word, by which I mean “Fat,”
they would go into a month long depression and have no interest
in sex. I resent terribly that the American marketing industry
has for decades undermined my ability to find a female lover that
I find attractive without making her want to destroy everything
that I found physically attractive about her in the first place.
American women have been driven to insanity by American marketing
and media. If they have small breasts, they need to have surgery
to enlarge them. If they have large breasts, they need surgery to
reduce them. If they like sex, they have to receive drugs to
prevent them from enjoying it. If they don’t like sex, they need
to have drugs to make them constantly want it, but they aren’t
supposed to have it, because after all this is America and good
Americans aren’t supposed to enjoy sex, they are just supposed
to make babies. This whole country is so deranged with regard
to sex that Freud could devote an entire lifetime to figuring
out our problems.
darla <>
Houston, Texas United States – Monday, September 08, 2003 at 04:51:31
What the majority of people don’t seem to understand about serotonin
serotonin reuptake inhibitors is that they actually work by making the
less sensitive to serotonin. I recently had a long conversation
with the research and development department of a major
pharmaceutical company about producing a novel new class of
antidepressant and antianxiety drugs which involve direct
inhibition of serotonin receptors in the brain. We agreed
this would be far more effective than current antidepressant
and antianxiety drugs, so I think they will move to work on
this idea. On the other hand, assuming you have a sufficient
understanding of pharmacology to avoid risk, using SSRI drugs
like Zoloft or Paxil can be safely used in fairly large doses
to provide male orgasm denial. After all, physicians would not
permit psychiatric patients to take these medications without
supervision if they were all that dangerous for most people.
You just have to know what you’re doing. Unless you have an
advanced degree in biomedicine or pharmacology, you should
consult a trained medical professional before taking these
drugs. On the other hand, they can be very effective in
creating male orgasm denial. Everything in life involves
some degree of risk. An airplane could crash into your
home. You could be killed in an automobile collision.
Most people don’t realize due to marketing propaganda that
Tylenol or acetaminophen is one of the most dangerous drugs
in common use. Normally, the liver metobalizes this drug
into a harmless substance, but the enzyme pathway by which
this happens is easily saturated. Once this happens, it’s
kind of like if your toilet is clogged and overflows. The
alternate metabolic pathway produces a highly toxic substance
which kills liver cells. If this happens, you will die
unless you receive a liver transplant. People tend to fear
things they aren’t familiar with, yet they do not fear familiar
things which are far more hazardous. Operating a motor vehicle
or climbing a ladder are probably the two most hazardous things
most people will ever do, yet most people don’t even think
about the risks involved.
darla <>
Houston, Texas United States – Friday, September 05, 2003 at 13:24:16
Tina here, to tell you that hypnosis with Mistress is WONDERFUL!!
I HIGHLY recommend it…
– Friday, September 05, 2003 at 08:16:12 (CDT)
Hi Mistress,
I am so happy with the result that I have experenced so far! 🙂 To darla
your warning pertainning to medication can not be stress enough, I myself
am on medication that block the reuptake of Serotonin. I am not on Zyloft
nor would I take it since the combination of my medication and Zyloft
could be fatal for me. Mixing medication can and sometimes does have unwanted
side effects so yes it is very important that your doctor knows all the
medications that you are taking. It is also important that you follow
the correct dosage as perscribed by the doctor!!! The medication that
I am taking could be fatal if I was to double up on the dosage. Even some
herbs can be very dangerous if not used correctly and mixed with some
medications. Serotonin is going to be the next big break through in the
understanding of the mind and behavor. Serotonin may be more involved
with our sexuality than we now know. Serotonin may well be involved with
our feeling of infatuation. Serotonin imbalance have already been link
to anixity, depression, and Obsession and compulsion disorders so far.
And when it comes to your sexual feeling just accept them since there
is no cure for them you are what you are and that is that. Beside men
are robbed of their feminine by society which is wrong!! Our feminine
side is very important to our emotional health and well being. It is the
denial of our feminine side which is causing so much trouble in our society
today! And do not need medication to get in touch with it or our submissive
feelings either for that matter. What we have learned alot about our sexuality
in the past 50 years is quite astonishing considering how much there is
yet to learn. We have learned alot and are still learning about the brain
with is the most important sex organ that we have!!! For it is the brain
that controls our feeling and actions not to mention our sex glands when
the brain is damaged it can and does effect our sexuality more than you
would think. It is our brain that give up our true sexual feeling and
experences that makes us feels so happy. And what the Mind Mistress does
is break down the walls that we and society have built that block or true
sexual feelings and at the same time she makes us emotionally whole in
doing so. Thank You Mommy Mistress for that and yes I do really love you!!!
Hugs and lots of kisses Baby Jinny
Baby Jinny <>
– Thursday, September 04, 2003 at 16:33:24 (CDT)
I was asked to post his fantasy to the guest book hope you enjoy it
FANTASIES: I buy a second hand Computer text book from a store in Charring
cross road and when I get home and opened the book a very old piece of
parchment falls out of it.
I open the parchment and sees it contains instructions on how to summon
a Demon who once summoned will give you your hearts desire. I follow the
instructions and summon a very scary demon that is angry about being summoned.
The Demon looks at me and says your hearts desire is to be changed into
an 18 year old Girl I try to deny it but the demon says I have looked
into your heart and it is so. And then the demon asks what I have to pay
the price when he finds out I don’t have anything he gets angry and says
you shall have your hearts desire. My price shall be you will be a porn
model and you will not be able to say no to sexual intercourse with either
man or woman.
Then demon then raises his arms and intones a spell in some archaic language
and I feel myself losing height and my waist shrinking and my chest getting
heavier and I have a feeling like ants are crawling over me. When the
feeling subsides I see the demon smiling at me and says not bad not bad
at all. I turn and look in mirror and see a Beautiful young girl of about
18 years old and around 5’3″. With a slim waist and 36C firm pert breasts,
blonde shoulder length hair forming around a cute doll like face with
a little turned up nose. I realise that girl is me! And I am wearing a
short pleated skirt one inch high heels and a low cut skimpy top with
plenty of cleavage showing, I gasp and mutter a few words of surprise
and hear a sweet high feminine voice emanating from my throat.
The demon laughs and says you better get going Emma you don’t want to
be late for your shoot and pushes me out into the street. In a daze I
find my self walking into a photographic studio and up to the receptionist
who asks if she can help me, and as if the words were put in my mouth
I say I’m Emma I’m a model. The receptionist smiles and directs me to
the changing room and tells me to put on the costume hanging on the peg.
Which is a English schoolgirls uniform I strip off and see in the mirror
for the first time my new naked body and I feel a dampness form between
my legs.
I change into my uniform and walk out into the studios where I see another
girl around my age around 5’5″ wearing an Identical uniform to mine standing
next to a man who turns out to be the photographer the girl says hi I’m
Alisha. And points to the man and says this is Dave. Alisha must have
seen I was nervous and asks is this your first time sweetie? I nod and
she smiles don’t worry just follow my lead.
Dave picks up his camera and tells us to get on the bed and start undressing
each other as I feel Alisha unbuttoning my blouse I get really turned
on then Dave tells Alisha to kiss me I feel Alice’s tongue slip between
my lips and I feel my pussy getting moist then I am consumed with passion
has Alishas hand reaches into my panties and I start to tear off Alisha’s
clothes and she tears mine off and we start licking each other Alisha
then turns me over on my back and Dave puts his camera down and joins
us he unzips his flies and puts his erect
>penis in mouth and I suck him off while Alisha is eating out my pussy.
Then Dave takes cock from my mouth and enters my pussy and starts thrusting
while Alisha sucks on my nipples and has I am in the throws of a female
orgasm. I realise that Gary no longer exists and I am now Emma and porn
star and bisexual slut and I’ve never been happier.
Emma <>
London, UK – Wednesday, September 03, 2003 at 12:59:51 (CDT)
To the people here:
I feel that people who keep posting messages here that this site
somehow dangerous are merely experiencing anxiety over the fact
that they really desire to be transformed in some way such as
being feminized or made into a submissive sissy maid. Instead,
you all should regard it as a resource to liberate you from years
of oppressive conditioning to force you to conform to some single
model of behavior and suppress your individuality. So long as you
do not harm or oppress others, there is nothing wrong with being
freed to realize your inner erotic fantasies. The reason you feel
afraid is because you have been conditioned by years of rigid
discipline to believe you are supposed to act and look a certain
way. In my own experience, I have found that most intelligent
women enjoy dressing me in lingerie and making me submissive. You
are afraid of your true self. This is no different from the kind
of spirit quest that many native cultures engage in. Once you
liberate yourself from this inner conflict you will feel far
more happy and healthy. My sister knows that I like to dress
in lingerie and she has no problem with it. If you reveal
your true inner self, you may well find that your spouse or
significant other will be even more attracted to you. If not,
you are probably not in a healthy relationship. This site is
not about exploitation or greed. There is no reason to fear
it. You would not keep coming back to it if you don’t have
a desire to release your true self. If you want to feel more
feminine, go out to a good specialty lingerie shop and ask to
be fitted for some nice sexy lingerie. Believe me, they don’t
care about selling to men because they are in business to sell
lingerie and most of them are quite friendly to people who want
to crossdress. It’s kind of like the first time you go downhill
skiing or ride a roller coaster. It feels scary at first, but
once you let go it’s fun. Many women are anorgasmic for this
reason. They have been taught that erotic pleasure is bad,
and they can’t easily let go and just enjoy it. One of my
female friends recently visited, and when she masturbated with
a vibrator designed to stimulate the so called G-spot, she
sprayed about a pint of urine all over the bed while having
wild multiple orgasms. I might suggest reading Erica Jong’s
novel, Fear of Flying. This is really what the novel is all
about. To Rebecca: You ARE Rebecca, so just let go and enjoy
Much love,
darla <>
Houston, Texas United States – Sunday, August 31, 2003 at 18:38:29 (CDT)
hi. refering to Darla’s last insert,I to used a hormone replacement
cream called ” omni-woman progesterone ” it is herbal. I did notice a
definite increase in breast size and sensativity. I used it only occasionally,
applied directly to the breasts, it caused a pleasent sensation. if I
had used it daily I would {no doubt in my mind} be at least a size c cup
by now. I used it about 6 months and the results are perminant. unfortunantly,
I lost access to it, but as soon as I can, I will use it again: I really
need bigger breasts. I tried Zyloft once to try to quit smoking{didn’t
work. in fact it made me smoke more}and made me more agressive. some drugs
have the opposite effect on some people. I was introduced to methamphetomenes
without my knowledge{put in my coffee occasionally} and it made me jittery
and very horney, but made my cock and balls shrink up to the point of
being non-existant. this made other forms of sex very intense and I would
stay at the point of orgasm for hours, but not be able to come. I would
never condone the use of street drugs-you don’t know what’s in it, but
the loss of being able to come is very beneficial in that it keeps you
horney, rather than loosing your desire after you come. hmmm, may-be Mind-Mistress
could help out there? jamie
jamie <>
hillsburo, oregon usa – Sunday, August 31, 2003 at 15:29:58 (CDT)
I’m writing this to warn all of you who come to this siteto be careful.
I’ve been coming here for a year now and at first I thought it was just
a joke but lately I’ve been noticing some changes in myself. I feel like
I can hear mistress in my head telling me to become her sexy teenage cockslut
ditz and I can’t make it stop. Every time I jerk off it’s about being
a girl under mistress’ control and obeying her and each time I come closer
and closer to tasting my cum. Please I beg you mistress to either finish
the job and feminize me or reverse it. I want to be normal again, but
at the same time Rebecca keeps tellign me she wants to come out and I
don’t know how much longer I can fight it. Please help….cum is yummy…cum
is so yummmy…I want yummy cum in my mouth….
– Friday, August 29, 2003 at 23:50:43 (CDT)
Dear Mistress,
I have edited this a bit to emphasize the safety issues. The
drugs mentioned can react with other medications or may not
be right for every person. If in doubt, consult a physician
and tell Her about any health conditions or other medications
you may be taking. If you are a submissive male it may be
better to have a Female physician as She may be more
understanding of your submissive desires. Any good physician
or nurse will not pass judgement on your sexual fantasies or
activities so long as they do not involve abuse of others or
serious bodily harm. If they prescribe one of these drugs
for you, you don’t need to tell them what you’re going to
use it for, although anybody who reads this web site
knows Mistress and should realize that many Female nurses
and physicians as well as psychotherapists are not averse
to putting their skills to use to give pleasure to others.
After all, don’t we go to the doctor to feel better?
I am glad You are pleased. I do want to point out that at least in
the United States, obtaining Zoloft or Paxil is not a problem at
all. There are thousands of commercials advertizing these drugs.
They are not controlled substances, so you can easily get a
prescription for them. The pharmaceutical companies who make
them want to sell as much as possible, which is why they are so
heavily advertised. All you have to do is to know a nurse or
physician or just ask your physician about the symptoms they
tell you about in television commercials. The key to using them
for orgasm denial is to administer what would usually be a month’s
normal amount in several large single doses. I have direct experience
with this, and a single large dose of a drug like Zoloft or Paxil
made it impossible for me to orgasm for over a month with no
negative side effects. I masturbated constantly but could not
ever reach orgasm. Psychologically, the effect of orgasm denial
makes a male very submissive and willing to serve his Mistress.
If a male has an orgasm, he generally just wants to go to sleep.
The longer he goes without one, the more desperate he is to get
it. The lust turns his brains to mush and he generally becomes
incredibly submissive to his Mistress. These drugs increase the
supply of serotonin in the brain by inhibiting the reuptake of
it. The television commercials talk about “sexual side effects.”
What happens is that the constant supply of serotonin fools the
receptor cells into downregulating their production of membrane
receptors. It takes about a month for this effect to recover
even after the drug has long since left the body. If you are
a Female who wants to turn her husband or boyfriend into a
sissy maid who will perform oral sex on her for hours at a
time, all you have to do is to make sure he can’t have an
orgasm, so he will do anything to get one, yet he can’t.
When I took a large dose of Zoloft, it took me over a month
before I could orgasm. I became so horny that I masturbated
constantly when alone. A large supply of serotonin inhibits
the reflex in the brain that triggers orgasm. Massaging the
male prostate and the seminal vessicles at the back of the
testicles will cause semen to dribble out, but these drugs
will completely block his brain from the release of sexual
tension provided by orgasm. In addition, the denial of orgasm
will cause his sexual fantasies to become more and more intense.
He will ask his Mistress for the most kinky fantasies his mind
can imagine, such as dressing in slutty lingerie in front of
Her female friends. In this state, his Mistress can easily
use hypnotherapy to condition him to do practically anything
She wants. Just running a vibrator over his penis and testicles
will make him beg to worship Her and his mind will be completely
open to hypnotic suggestion. It is simply a fact of human
psychology that when a man is deprived of sexual release, he
becomes much more submissive and his sexual fantasies become
vastly more intense. He will love being smothered in his
Mistress’ pussy while She squirts all over his face. He will
beg on his knees for it. In most cases, these drugs are the
best male chastity device possible, because instead of physically
restraining him, they make him more horny and submissive than
other methods since he is allowed to masturbate all he wants,
he just can’t have the release of orgasm. This is far more
effective than merely denying him access to his genitals
because masturbation only increases his level of sexual
frustration and submission. In addition, the antidepressant
effect of these drugs will help keep him from becoming sad
over his inability to orgasm. He will just want to pleasure
his Mistress in the vain hope that he can have an orgasm.
He will give his Mistress hours of oral sex and love being
humiliated by going out in public wearing lingerie and
smelling like pussy. The longer he goes without an orgasm,
the more intense his fantasies will become and the more
submissive he will become. Soon he will forget what it
was like to try to dominate women and he will long to
spend the rest of his life as a sissy maid love slave.
At this point you must understand as his Mistress that
he is essentially helpless so You must take responsibility
for him as well as monitoring and controlling his access to
other Women, because he will be incapable of resisting any
Woman who exploits his fetishes and fantasies, and he will
babble uncontrollably to any Woman who attracts him about
exactly what they are. Since his mind is essentially gone,
he can’t control his behavior. If properly conditioned,
he will always love and adore his Mistress, yet he will
be incapable of resisting other Women. If you wish, you
may invite some Female friends to play with him, but he’s
now like a puppy who must be controlled since he has no
judgement. All he wants to do is lick pussy, nurse and
fondle breasts and masturbate or be fucked. It’s kind of
like the erotic equivalent of a lobotomy, only more pleasant
because as long as you are nice to him and treat him well,
he will love every minute of it.
darla <>
Houston, Texas United States – Friday, August 29, 2003 at 03:07:27 (CDT)
Dear Mistress,
I am happy you were pleased with my latest entry. The fact is that
this is a potent technique which can be enhanced. The longer a
male is denied orgasm, the more desperately he wants it and the
more submissive he becomes to his Mistress. This is a well known
fact which is often exploited by experienced Dommes. If you
start out with milking his prostate as I described, he will
enjoy it enough to want you to do it, yet he will not orgasm.
Doing this will prevent him from being able to orgasm, so you
should give him all the sexual stimulation possible. Wear a
black Wonderbra and other sexy lingerie, give him piles of
porn magazines and videos so he is as horny as possible. Also,
tease him as much as possible about his inability to cum. Hypnosis
should be continued permanently. On the other hand, the ice can
be dispensed with in most cases by starting him on a very large
dose of an antidepressant drug such as Zoloft or Paxil. In most
cases this will not interfere with erection, but it will make it
impossible for him to orgasm. Encourage him to masturbate as
much as possible. The more he masturbates, the more submissive
he will become, and once on these medications he won’t be able
to orgasm even after several weeks if they are discontinued.
He will get just to the point of orgasm, but he won’t be able
to cum no matter how hard he tries. Buy him a vibrator and
some of that new K-Y Warming Liquid lube. Give him a pair
of your panties that you have worn for a few days to sniff.
Do everything possible to sexually excite him, especially
while he is under hypnosis. After all, he can’t have an
orgasm, so the more you excite him the hornier he will become.
There is no need for a chastity device because the drug will
eliminate any possibility of orgasm, and the mild pleasure
of masturbation will only encourage him to feel frustration
and want to become ever more deeply submissive. Just be sure
he listens to his hypnotic lessons as often as possible. After
all, he will be so busy masturbating that he may lose sight of
everything else. He must be reminded that his sole purpose in
life is to serve and pleasure his Mistress.
Submissively yours,
I don’t recall if I told you this, but I used bust development
cream using phytoestrogens and progesterone for six months so
now I have very nice little perky breasts and my nipples are
extremely sensitive. When I am alone I just can’t stop playing
with them. They feel so nice. 🙂
darla <>
Houston, Texas United States – Friday, August 29, 2003 at 00:16:42 (CDT)
Hi. After six sessions I have noticed some changes which have been
good. I know that I will have to wear diapers and plastic panties for
the rest of my life. My feeling about myself and my sexuality are changing.
And I have come to realize how dependent of a person I really am. I
am even beginning to see my female side of my personality coming out
more in my interest or lack of male interest in male activities. Which
is fine with me!
I seem to be losing my male side or it is getting weaker I have
not decided which. However my feeling for women who have a motherly
personality seem to be growing stronger. I seem to be atracted to them
more and more. I also seem to be picking up other baby habits as well,
like drooling for instance. However with each session I feel better
and better. More and more I am feeling relaxed, and at peace and somewhat
happier with each session.
Alot of my guilt, fear and shame which I have felt for years and
years is leaving me and I am feeling a weight being lifted from my sholders.
Mistress mommy you are indeed helping me deal with a lot of events and
problems that I had no control over. To bad I did not get my computer
To all who read this I will tell you that the closer that you have
the first four or five session with Mind_Mistress the better the results.
It would be wise to plan a vacation and try to get as many sessions
with the Mind_Mistress as you can during your vacation as you can for
better results. I got in at least 4 sessions during my week and a half
vacation and the result were great!!! Baby Jinny
Jinny <>
– Thursday, August 28, 2003 at 12:56:14 (CDT)
Mistress, thank you so much. your site is excellent and I hope to
be able to use your services soon. my fantasy .
So, here I am ,bent over a bench ,my ass just past the edge ,my Ive lost count of how many cocks have been in me, I’m so full of jamie <> hillsburo , oregon usa – Wednesday, August 27, 2003 at 23:07:08 (CDT) As Robert’s wife placed bags of crushed ice on his penis and testicles, he began to listen to Mistress’ recording to provide orgasm control in order to teach him to submit to his wife and pleasure her. Once his genitals were shriveled from the cold, she put on a latex glove and inserted two fingers into his ass. She milked his prostate gland so that no matter how much he masturbated, he would be unable to orgasm, the desperation making him more and more submissive. While he received some pleasure from the prostate milking and from masturbation, she repeated this procedure at least twice a day so he would not be able to orgasm. He masturbated compulsively all the time when he was alone, yet his frustration grew more and more intense, reinforcing his submissive fantasies and his desire to perform prolonged oral sex on his wife as she urinated on his face. She encouraged him to dress up in lingerie and masturbate, knowing he couldn’t ever have an orgasm due to her constant milking of his prostate gland. He became her sissy maid and she controlled him easily using the trigger words Mistress had conditioned him to respond to. The more he masturbated the more he desired to serve her. darla <> Houston, Texas United States – Wednesday, August 27, 2003 at 13:56:41 Mistress just writing to let you know how your website has changed Michael aka as Jessica <> KY USA – Sunday, August 24, 2003 at 09:06:29 (CDT) Please make me a shemale? Lee <> Waco, Texas usa – Friday, August 22, 2003 at 01:57:09 (CDT) GIggle weeee… Hi all,.. Mistress instructed me to add an entry.. I feel fabulous since my last Hypno session. It’s so much more natural She really knows how to reach you… All that she says is true.. I feel so addicted to obeying her.. It’s wonderful.. weee.. Tina so horney now.. need cock so bad… P.S. All you simi interisted on lookers should give her a try.. Here her out. C’mon it will be enlightening.. mmm Mouth sooo empty… hard to focus.. ass so open… happy mindloss Tina – Thursday, August 21, 2003 at 07:23:51 (CDT) Hi Mistress Iam writing to you because your website has awaken the Michael <> Edgewood, Ky USA – Wednesday, August 20, 2003 at 18:27:58 (CDT) Dear Mommy Mistress; I just email the links where I find some of my baby girls clothes and I don’t know how I got on the subject of religious belief however back P.S. I am really looking forward to our next monday session!!!:) Baby Jinny <> – Wednesday, August 20, 2003 at 12:33:23 (CDT) hi just a letter to say i want to be adam.Oh for those who think they jim <whatnowhoney> new york – Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 10:06:35 (CDT) I was very attracted to Mind Mistress and her site, mainly because I didn’t think the cd’s would really do anything besides maybe help me My sexual attraction and obsession to women is still there, but it is And now I’m also obsessed with cock in addition to women, even though After becoming addicted to Mistress and her site and listening to Elegance And now I’m starting to obsess so much about being a woman, that I’ve I’ve been at this for awhile and that’s what’s been happening. I’ve decided sharlene (I think “shemale sharlene” is starting to sound better) 🙂 sharlene <> – Monday, August 18, 2003 at 21:29:37 (CDT) Dear Mommy Mistress; I have just finished reading some of your guess book it is quite good. Baby Jinny – Monday, August 18, 2003 at 13:20:13 (CDT) i just wanted to report that i am now smoking a pack a day. i have i was going to post this letter last night, but for some reason i could Saturday night after my wife went to bed i went out and bought two packs For some reason that is the only way that i can truley get sexually excited daphne girl daphne girl <> Ohio – Sunday, August 17, 2003 at 08:14:32 (CDT) I started comming on this site about two years ago. I was rather intrigued and a little bit excited by its content (I have It was just like a strange game for me. As an heterosexual male, I’ve About six months ago, I read the entire adam story, not believing about Then, I ordered the sub-Consciousness CD, wanting to investigate a little At the beginning I was a little anxious about the results (I think I was Thus, since about two months, I feel really addicted to Mistress, needing Moreover, I am now incredibly excited by pictures of shemales while I Now, I am seriously thinking about ordering the Elegance CD to succumb With love and devotion to my Mistress, Petra. NB: Please forgive me for my english and I hope you will forgive me for Pierre <> Toulouse, France – Friday, August 15, 2003 at 16:05:09 (CDT) Hey everyone. I have been a big fan of this site for about 6 months. Rob Rob <> Kirkland, Washington USA – Thursday, August 14, 2003 at 05:36:52 (CDT) Mind Mistress has instructed me to post my progress at becoming Some day i hope to leave even more of a lipstick smudge on some My wife almost caught me in the bathroom one day two weeks ago. i went to a bar that local lesbians frequate three nights ago. Thank YOU Mind Mistress for giving me the opportunity to confess my daphne girl daphne girl <> Ohio – Wednesday, August 13, 2003 at 12:44:12 (CDT) It is very hard to type this with my newly applied fingernails..but I stumbled across this site several weeks ago and became intrigue by the Just last night I read the log on Jessica and could not help myself when This morning I just had to read adam’s story. what a mistake. I fell into Some how it feel good though to be wearng my nails as I feel so pretty. Just to see how far I’ve gone I took the gender test and it was 86% sure As I type I wish I had paid attention to the warning. But then again maybe “beth” USA – Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at 22:45:37 (CDT) Parece que Satán me acompaña. Hace rato que sueño que una Ama me hipnotiza y me obliga a ser mujer y servirla a ella. No se hablar inglés. Quisiera mi AMA ser sometido a USTED. Guillermo <> Villa Regina, Río Negro Argentina – Sunday, August 10, 2003 at 19:20:08 Interested in the concept of this site s.elland – Saturday, August 09, 2003 at 19:43:08 (CDT) So who is it really for? Heyo Jimbo… – Friday, August 08, 2003 at 19:52:23 (CDT) Site looks interesting. I ordered the Gemini CD and will use it to jim roberts <> raleigh, nc – Thursday, August 07, 2003 at 08:34:59 (CDT) Hmmm, I just found this site yesterday and it’s, erm, interesting. GenEX Omaha, Nebraska USA – Tuesday, July 29, 2003 at 18:40:23 (CDT) Mind Manipulator – Sunday, July 27, 2003 at 13:16:27 (CDT) Dear Mind Mistress i am sorry for not ever finishing the story that i started. i would like daphne girl daphne girl <> Ohio USA – Saturday, July 26, 2003 at 12:21:27 (CDT) When Shaquila came of age, as was the custom in her tribe, the elder women trained her to pleasure her future mate. As part of this process, she was instructed in masturbation in order that she would be not only submissive but also desperately desire sex constantly. As one of the last components of her induction into womanhood, after smoking a native substance which would make her extremely subject to suggestion, the Matriarch of her tribe emptied several vials of fire ants she had gathered onto Shaquila’s large nipples which protruded firmly from her huge and already sagging breasts, and her protruding clit and inner labia, then encouraged them to sting her. The burning and itching caused her to masturbate compulsively as she listened to the posthypnotic trigger words she was programmed with to turn her into a submissive slut forever. She masturbated for hours until she finally fell into a deep sleep. At this point, she was ready to become the tribal breeding slut. She craved being knocked up as often as possible. During labor she was given the same drug to comfort her and make her forget. After several pregnancies her breasts were huge. She then was retired from breeding to suck cocks, breastfeed her lovers, and lick pussy. The rest of her waking hours were spent in endless masturbation. She was so happy that she could not imagine ever wanting to think or to live any other way. She would never leave her tribe, and would beg to be used. Each orgasm reinforced her conditioning. darla <> Houston, Texas United States – Tuesday, July 22, 2003 at 02:05:57 (CDT) came across your site and love it.Please help i long to be female and michelle <> jax, fl usa – Thursday, July 17, 2003 at 09:03:26 (CDT) I have just closed my account at nanny former processor as well. But After struggling on my own for years to find an identity dear Mistress Barbara Barbara <> Lancaster, U.K. – Thursday, July 17, 2003 at 05:23:16 (CDT) Yes, please! more transcripts! anthony <> – Friday, July 11, 2003 at 11:25:18 (CDT) I am really looking forward to the Happiness CD coming out! I have vikki <> Los Angeles, CA US – Thursday, July 10, 2003 at 14:19:31 (CDT) I just want to complement Jaquelyn on a wonderful and inspiring story. Very well written.. and such a great story!! Thanks for sharing it! As for the former processor… well, I’ll be boycotting them for extreme foolishness.. TTFN! kathi kathi – Wednesday, July 09, 2003 at 20:37:02 (CDT) Mistress, Where should I start. At the beginning I suppose. I started cross-dressing When I was 19 I really got into the internet, and as I got into the internet I found iRC by the time I was 21 and began spending a lot of time on there, 6 months ago I got chatting with a fellow admirer on iRC. We were chatting I guess that’s everything that bought me to this site. For me, the idea Three days ago I stepped into the iRc chatroom for the first time, hypnoticwishes. You cannot began to realise how much this has changed my life. I guess I apologise if much of this rambles and makes little sense. I’m still Thank you Mind Mistress for your site, and for harvesting desires in me Pamela x x x x x pamela <> UK, UK UK – Tuesday, July 08, 2003 at 16:49:10 (CDT) Could you please post some more session logs? That’s the best stuff Steve <> – Monday, July 07, 2003 at 14:03:27 (CDT) i am writing you to tell you that my husband always joke about beening joan palham, n.h usa – Tuesday, July 01, 2003 at 15:26:31 (CDT) i always love big busty woman,i am a man and would love to have a set john boston, mass usa – Tuesday, July 01, 2003 at 14:50:50 (CDT) She tells me that I need to be a girl. More and more, I’m starting to At times, I try to tell myself that I have control over not wanting to I used to be able to knock myself back to reality and out of this by resisting. Now, I go deeper and deeper whether I want to be her or whether I try sharlene sharlene <> – Sunday, June 29, 2003 at 17:53:32 (CDT) Ohhhhhhhhhhh dear here i am again. i had listened to the first two And now what i wish with all my heart is that Mistress will play with Pleeeeeaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeee! alicia alicia Ontario Canada – Saturday, June 28, 2003 at 20:53:22 (CDT) My desire is to be free of chronic pain resulting spine injury. Therefore Love Martin Martin <> Holsworthy, Devon UK – Friday, June 27, 2003 at 10:36:56 (CDT) Hello I received the Elegance CD yesterday and I have listened to it twice. Charli charli <> ione, ca usa – Tuesday, June 24, 2003 at 10:46:35 (CDT) Dear Mistress Linda,I wish you a very Happy and Healthy Birthday.I TranzLvr – Monday, June 09, 2003 at 17:40:01 (CDT) Happy Birthday Mistress Linda! Many a good girl day in coming year Hmm, purple you say 😉 or was that purple smoke Angel Angel Erikson US – Monday, June 09, 2003 at 05:53:15 (CDT) A fantasy thtat no one has proposed, that I have dreamed on occasion: I’m walking home one day, and take a back alley. Here in the alley, I At home, I pull the necklace out to get a much better look. The scarab A few days later, I get the irresistable urge to take it out and put it From then on, I become addicted to the necklace, until it gets to the Hope you all enjoy, and that someone gets the privilege of having this Anonymous <> USA – Sunday, June 08, 2003 at 23:48:08 (CDT) A fantasy that no one has proposed, that I have dreamed on occasion: I’m walking home one day, and take a back alley. Here in the alley, I At home, I pull the necklace out to get a much better look. The scarab A few days later, I get the irresistable urge to take it out and put it From then on, I become addicted to the necklace, until it gets to the Hope you all enjoy, and that someone gets the privilege of having this Anonymous <n/a> USA – Sunday, June 08, 2003 at 23:43:46 (CDT) just popped in to say happy birthday to the wonderfull (and rather so…..what are Your birthday wishes? 🙂 Mistress Siobhan <> – Sunday, June 08, 2003 at 21:46:10 (CDT) HI TO EVERYONE WHO SEES THIS, ABOUT 6 MONTHS AGO I STARTED DABBLING ON THIS SITE TO SEE IF MM REALLY EVERY TIME I DON’T BE A GOOD GIRL I GET SICK. MIND MISTRESS HAS I AM NOW FULLY PERSUING A CARREER AS A SHEMALE MISTRESS!!! I HAVE I KEEP MASSAGING MY BREASTS EVERYDAY. I STARTED ON HERBAL ESTROGENS JUST SOME ELECTROLYSIS AND A LITTLE BIT MORE WORK ON MY TECHNIQUE I AM SO HAPPY NOW THAT MY LIFE IS STARTING TO ALIGN WITH WHAT I BUT WHAT I WANT MOST IS TO BE FEATURED ON THE SHEMALE YUM SIGHT LOVE, CANDRA JAMIE LEE -WET MOIST FEMININE KISSES TO ALL AND TO ALL A SHEMALE LIFE- Candra Jamie Twin Falls, Idaho USA – Sunday, June 08, 2003 at 10:19:36 (CDT) i haven’t posted anything in awhile, but i must tell everyone about i have requested Mistress Linda to please turn me permanently into a cocksucking Now i feel INADEQUATE when i look at Women and their perfect breasts and So i have decided to get breast implants, and i work hard on my girly anyway, after my last trance session, Mistress for the first time programmed Her orders, implanted into my in hypnosis, were irresistable. Otherwise, She became VERY dominant in giving these instructions, and i absolutely Her orders were: Order a pizza to be delivered, and offer to blow the Go to an adult video store with glory holes, go in a booth, and suck strange i find both of these tasks to be VERY humiliating but exciting at the Well, i was completely dressed up in a short black skirt with stockings When the pizza guy came, i got down on my knees in front of him and asked Then i went to the adult video place and i was nervous so i browzed a i got in one and left the door open and picked a video about girls sucking Within a few minutes a guy came by, and then he got in the next booth. i waved my hand in the hole, and pretty soon he stuck his cock through i went back to my motel and fucked myself with my dildo and i came without This was the most humiliating thing i have ever done! and it was the most Be careful what you ask Mistress Linda, to do, she can really make you alecia <> Quad Cities, Illinois USA – Saturday, June 07, 2003 at 06:45:59 (CDT) looked at the site several times and though I’m not sure if it’s something I went in to the go go bar in Manila. The dim lighting hiding most of I got her one, she couldn’t have been more than 18 or 19, and got a beer I started to clear my head from the daze, teh last thing I heard was the This was now my life. There were lots of guys looking for a beautiful I felt the liquid hit the back of my thrat and continued to suck and swallow, SL – Thursday, June 05, 2003 at 04:05:25 (CDT) I never thought I would feel as I do now. Three weeks ago if someone Cheryl, this stuff really works. cheryl <> – Wednesday, June 04, 2003 at 23:55:04 (CDT) Dear MindMistress… i am totally ‘thrilled’ to have located your site on the web. i now feel with slavish love and adoration… your web-slave ‘bitch’…’peaches’… p.s. other readers are welcome to view my ‘stunning’ briefcase on Yahoo…i’m ‘peaches’ <> Washington USA – Sunday, June 01, 2003 at 19:24:04 (CDT) Dear Mind Mistress, That new picture of You is the most beautiful yet. Even if I didn’t already Adoringly, Selena Selena Pride <> – Saturday, May 31, 2003 at 17:16:44 (CDT) Dear Mistress, darla sat on the widest dildo she had yet tried, and groaned in lust as darla had a succession of plump, busty middleaged women and their more After the pool was sufficiently filled, a beer bong was placed in darla’s Worshipfully, darla darla <> Houston, Texas United States – Thursday, May 22, 2003 at 22:45:33 (CDT) Second session with Mistress today and She suggested I give a little more After this second session i feel … well wonderful is really not the Perhaps my words sound drier that other entries but it is what i felt Thank you Mistress i look forward to our next session Your doll alicia alicia Ontario Canada – Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 20:27:53 (CDT) OH! Most Powerful Mistress, I received cd#3 but could not listen to The elevator I was on the next morning got stuck. Everybody was calling How’s your makeup ? *grin* I got off the elevator walked down 8 flights of stairs got in my car drove cynthia – Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 17:26:16 (CDT) Mistress, I can’t say enough about your wonderful web pages. The Sissy Conditioning When Brad first met David, they were both at a drag bar enjoying an early show before heading out for a night of dancing. Both were straight acting ‘butch’ boys who happened to be gay. Brad noticed that the extremely feminine tranny, Briana Bottom, who was their waitress kept smiling at Brad as she minced from table to bar and back serving the drinks,but he thought nothing of it 8 Months later, Brad knew why Briana had smiled. Her and the lady had to find cute, hot, ‘butch’ boys and make them into his Sissy Fag boyfriends. David was all ready to show of his newest Sissy Creation. Brad can’t imagine how he ever thought of himself as a Top or in any kind of man role. His short skirt shows his smooth legs wonderfully Keep up the good work! Brit <> San Diego, ca USA – Sunday, May 18, 2003 at 13:32:45 (CDT) i would like to continue my fantasy about bob, Brenda, and Linda. bob has been fully trained to be a chain-smoking, cock sucking bimbo his wife, Margo, has noticed a big change in him at home and while their Then the girls from the office take Margo to a local watering hole The next day Margo insists on going to the print shop with bob. he is When Kenney finishes using bob, and his face is covered with Kenney’s As She works the large black phallus into Margo, Linda begins to i hope that this post is not offensive to anyone. Thank YOU for giving daphne girl <> Ohio – Sunday, May 18, 2003 at 05:07:17 (CDT) Wow! When Mind Mistress promises to take care us and make us happier, i have been listening to CD2 for several weeks now, almost every day. But at some point in time, i started to panic because i just couldn’t So i asked Mistress what i should do avoid loosing my job and She gave Now, i know it may sound ridiculous but i tried it. i went to work this So let’s light a cig to Mind Mistress! Natasha Québec Canada – Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 21:46:31 (CDT) Today was my very first session with Mistress. i cannot believe how She is the best! Thank you Mistress Your sexy doll alicia alicia Canada – Tuesday, May 13, 2003 at 21:29:42 (CDT) getting dominated by the day everytime i cumm here i loose the will i have to come back and back and …. i am a slave to this site need more updates. i neeeeed it silvie <> – Monday, May 12, 2003 at 19:05:53 (CDT) Mind mistress, I continue to visit the site everyday, there doesn’t thanks again for what you have done for me. Lucy Lucy <> – Monday, May 12, 2003 at 14:52:23 (CDT) Loving elegance soooo much it has taken over. I am invistigating hormone I`m ordering male charm so like I can really learn more Love ya mistress he he Tina used to be tim, yuck, now Tina !! – Thursday, May 08, 2003 at 08:02:56 (CDT) Coincidence? After receiving a suggestion from MM that kept me on the edge of girlish The moment I began to workout, the song “Hypnotized”(Bob Welch?) was played Very strange. michelle Washington, DC USA – Monday, May 05, 2003 at 19:50:50 (CDT) Dear Mistress, Mistress decided that it was time to retire steve from his studly duties and feminize him. steve would become stevie, the shapely and completely submissive slut. While steve was busy staring at and fondling darla’s huge breasts, the nurse inserted a very thin needle into the center of his prostate gland and injected a huge amount of feminizing hormones. At first, steve found the pressure inside his prostate extremely exciting and masturbated compulsively. Soon, however, the injections had their intended effect, and his prostate and testicles shrank while his breasts developed to enormous size. steve, now becoming stevie, could no longer ejaculate, yet she found it amazingly compelling to play with her breasts. After a long period of this treatment, during which her clit became quite small due to the inability to have a male erection, stevie underwent surgery to remove what was left of her testicles and prostate gland and convert her into a shemale forever. The surgery was also intended to leave her unable to control the urge to urinate in public. Once she had recovered from her operation, stevie not only was still obsessed with sucking cock, she also wanted to be fucked in every way possible. stevie and darla loved to have lesbian sex with each other as they stared helplessly at each other’s huge cleavage and fondled each other while humping each other’s thighs. They would both go out and pee in public and masturbate. Worshipfully, darla darla <> Houston, Texas United States – Monday, May 05, 2003 at 08:32:43 (CDT) MindMistress thank YOU so much for allowing me to send this fantasy. This is a fantasy and the situation that i am describing only exists within Bob owns a small printing shop on the outskirts of town. He employs three The next day at work, a young man, shows up to replace the bookkeeper. Linda becomes a regular lunch guest of Brenda’s and every time she comes Bob has always opposed smoking, but for some reason he now has ashtrays A week later, for some reason, bob could not stand male clothing. He would daphne girl <> Ohio – Monday, May 05, 2003 at 07:26:28 (CDT) i am a male sissy who has lived in the closet with my sissy needs for i am home alone right now and because of that i made a trip to the store Every time that i take a deep drag of smoke from a cigarette, i find myself Thank YOU Mistress for providing this terrific site and i hope that it daphne girl daphne girl <> Ohio – Friday, May 02, 2003 at 08:28:11 (CDT) Elegance came today and I just listened to it for the first time. Mmm…dom-neutral? I’m still having problems going deep and staying there, but I hope that Hugs, Selena Selena Pride <> – Wednesday, April 30, 2003 at 18:12:29 (CDT) Every day, in every way the attraction of this site grows stronger and michael <> Washington, DC USA – Monday, April 28, 2003 at 23:28:44 (CDT) Had my first call with Mind Mistress and it seemed to be great. I found waiting for my next session….. cheryl cheryl <> – Monday, April 28, 2003 at 19:05:38 (CDT) Dear Mind Mistress, I just discovered you site yesterday. I have been obsessed by it ever First, I was once offered the opportunity to being trained as a submissive I stumbled onto this site and now am seriously debating getting the CD So do you or anyone who sees this have any words of wisdom or advice? Thank you in advance, Rusty rusty <> spokane, wa usa – Saturday, April 26, 2003 at 19:07:24 (CDT) Dear Mistress, Given the success of the new orgasm drug, Mistress decided to see what the effect would be of combining it with the bimbo machine. darla was suitably restrained and had the bimbo helmet placed on her head. She was injected with the drug this time in order to not have her wait to experience its effects. Mistress also had a new toy, a mechanical fucking machine which would mechanically thrust a soft yet very thick dildo into darla, increasing in speed and power as she became more aroused. The dildo was well lubricated to avoid hurting darla and was inserted and activated. Soon, darla began to orgasm uncontrollably and actually shot huge jets of urine so high they landed on her own face. When the nurse was sure she was experiencing the full effect, she activated the bimbo machine at maximum power. darla groaned loudly as the now agonizing pleasure blasted her bimbo brain. She writhed in pleasure and lust, unable to stop. Now the nurse brought in a number of young men who straddled darla and fucked her face until they emptied huge loads of cum into her mouth. darla eagerly sucked them off as Mistress had programmed her to do. The more she did so, the more degraded yet sexy and submissive she felt, and the more eager she was for more. She couldn’t get enough until she passed out. steve was next, and as soon as he was sucked off by one of Mistress’ slaves, he began to cum like a racehorse. Once he appeared to be empty, the bimbo machine was similarly activated. Surprisingly, he began to blast more huge loads into the mouths of the slaves sucking his huge cock. Finally he was unable to produce any more cum, so he was left on the machine for an extended period to reinforce his training. Finally, he and darla were placed in bed together to have slutty, degrading sex the next day after they slept. Having reviewed the results, Mistress decided to employ this combination for advanced training. Worshipfully, darla darla <> Houston, Texas United States – Friday, April 25, 2003 at 05:05:11 (CDT) Dear Mind Mistress Linda, I’m sorry I haven’t written in such a long while. :^( Since our last email, and since purchasing Elegance, I’ve been on a personals site and found a wonderful woman who has an interest in a “girl” like me. Mistress, we went out on Wednesday and shopped and went back to her place My special lady noticed I was more at ease made-up and that I easily expressed emotionally charged and sensual for me rather than sexual. And she said I looked better made-up. Mmmm! :^) Obedience is Pleasure and I have You to thank. Sincerely yours, Danielle Danielle Orange County, California USA – Friday, April 18, 2003 at 21:21:11 (CDT) mary, the now helplessly enslaved college woman proceeded to seduce steve several times using lowcut dresses and pushup bras which enhanced Mistress decided that this would be a good opportunity to test the orgasm The effect of the drug was to not only make the subjects very horny and After having a few drinks which mary had laced with the drug, she and darla began to eagerly suck steve’s huge cock while she jacked the shaft darla sensed that steve was about to orgasm, so she pulled off his huge Worshipfully, darla darla <> Houston, TX United States – Friday, April 18, 2003 at 20:43:23 (CDT) Dear Mistress, Today was my first session with you, although I had been “softened up” Oh, and by the way, my mouth feels soooo empty and for the first time Respectfully yours, Ricala ricala Georgia – Thursday, April 17, 2003 at 18:16:08 (CDT) I need so much to be a gorgeous and seductive slave girl. It’s harder When I try to resist, it doesn’t work like it used to. When I do think I’m transforming more and more everyday. I’m even starting to actually see myself and thnk of myself as a woman. omygawd, how did this actually happen!?!?! I love listening to my daily cd’s and can’t wait to start sessions with sharlene 🙂 ( * )( * ) sharlene <> – Thursday, April 10, 2003 at 12:32:33 (CDT) Hi there, My name is Michelle and last week I made my first erotic home movie. I Regards, Michelle Michelle Peters <> Gelderland, Holland – Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 15:02:23 (CDT) i want to be the woman of my dreams and soil my panties when ever you pantyprincess <> cicero, illinois usa – Monday, April 07, 2003 at 11:26:49 (CDT) Shame on you, Luke. “Almost” daily? You mean you don’t check back two Or is it me being hopelessly sad? hugs, Selena Selena Pride <> – Saturday, April 05, 2003 at 13:45:33 (CST) i obey i just obey… i have spent so many days and maybe weeks, i can’t recall, listening to Now, don’t take me wrong. my will still exists. It’s just that i have Thank You so very much, Mistress! natasha Québec, Canada – Saturday, April 05, 2003 at 11:40:21 (CST) Dear Mistress,so sorry to hear of your cancellation to Collingwood TranzLvr – Friday, April 04, 2003 at 17:57:52 (CST) Dear Mistress, mary was a very horny young college coed who went to spring break wanting darla’s handler noticed mary and decided she would make a nice addition darla then stood directly in front of mary and lifted her own top to reveal Soon mary agreed to come to darla’s hotel room. she was so wet and horny. darla eagerly straddled the dildo and began to thrust her hips. mary and Finally, darla began to thrust her hips on top of mary as her nurse activated Worshipfully, darla darla <> Houston, Texas United States – Thursday, April 03, 2003 at 20:42:10 (CST) I first discovered this page a few months back.. and slowly I’ve become I am currently saving up to buy the cd’s, it will take a while but I know Thank you Mind Mistress Luke <> – Thursday, April 03, 2003 at 16:51:14 (CST) me i done land herere ooooooooooooooooo yes muguman <> lome, lome togo – Tuesday, April 01, 2003 at 05:06:41 (CST) What a cool idea. I suppose you’d have to be careful about transforming Cassiopeia <> – Monday, March 31, 2003 at 13:04:39 (CST) Dear Mistress, i went out right after i recieved Your email, i was really going to i immediately got on my knees in front of the gloryhole and grabbed i looked back at the powerful, monster cock i was now fondling i planted a kiss right on the very tip and the thick gooey cum slapped i continued to suck on the swollen knob, my tongue twirling around i suddenly felt ashamed and humiliated and turned my head away i sat back down and watched more of the video… i needed more i was a mess – there were globs of cum in my hair and my ears. It was so humiliating because there were at least a dozen men that saw Your sissy cock slut, jessica cock slut jessica – Monday, March 31, 2003 at 10:41:46 (CST) It has been a long time since i wrote and i wanted to thank you It originally started out as curiosity and interest, but has grown to i do have enough control that at work, i only wear panties, pantyhose, i have not actually succumb to taking in actual cock yet, but my will Your sissy cock slut, jessica cock slut jessica – Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 18:58:34 (CST) Dear Mistress, darla eagerly straddled the Sybian masturbation machine. Mistress had Mistress first induced a deep trance in darla so that she would be completely When she was satisfied that darla was experiencing extreme submissive darla stared blankly into space and her brain was filled with the submissive After Mistress instructed darla to go into a deep sleep to recover from Very submissively yours, darla darla <> Houston, Texas United States – Friday, March 28, 2003 at 21:25:58 (CST) I have now been able to listen to Male Charm in its entirety and it Sarah – Wednesday, March 26, 2003 at 22:49:58 (CST) I listen every day and everything you say becomes true more and more I feel so submissive and I am a happy slave girl the tea bag in my mind Please mistress just say those words GOOD GIRL hello hello hello PLEASURE, tim <. – Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 13:37:29 (CST) i’m farid of the submit of march 20 2003, i forgetted to say that my weight Farid <> – Monday, March 24, 2003 at 11:16:34 (CST) darla was sitting with her three hundred pound hourglass body on one man’s large penis embedded firmly in her ass as she was sucking on At first darla was bouncing her broad, voluptuous hips up and down but sat on his body and he was unable to move despite his desperate efforts to thrust his hips. darla was so excited that she began to urinate pleasure. darla finally brought the man in her mouth to the point that he desperately needed to cum all over her face and her sexy glasses. He soon darla then began bouncing up and down on the penis in her ass until the darla then lay down on top of him while the other man used a powerful Adoringly, Your slutty slave girl darla darla <> Houston, Texas United States – Sunday, March 23, 2003 at 19:17:22 (CST) I just finished reading Adams story and I must say, not only am I very Sincerely, Phoenix Melissa <> Davis, CA. – Sunday, March 23, 2003 at 07:26:19 (CST) 26yo man from tunisia, look beautiful, could be a beautiful woman, Farid <> – Thursday, March 20, 2003 at 21:34:58 (CST) Dear Mistress, darla’s slutty lesbian wife nancy decided to spend some of the money she had saved by turning darla into a human breast pump for lactating women as well as a bisexual slut in returning both of them to Mistress’ This time the operator of the bimbo machine strapped darla to the table upside down with her already ample feminine hips placed on several pillows. darla squealed with pleasure as the busty nurse spanked her. Once the machine was turned on, darla was used as a fuck doll by Mistress for a number of new slaves. As her mind had been completely destroyed at this point, the machine only reinforced her desire to engage in degrading, slutty sex. darla was bottle fed a formula designed to fatten her and give her hormones to enlarge her already huge breasts, hips and thighs. Once nancy’s mind had been truly destroyed, she was fed the same formula. They both bulged alluringly out of their slutty lingerie. Women and men alike were irrestably attracted to their voluptous curves encased in their incredibly slutty foundation garments, stockings and fuck-me pumps. Mistress had to send them home with a somewhat less helpless slave to care for them and breast feed both of them as they were now helpless to do anything other than spread their fat, voluptuous thighs to have sex. Worshipfully, darla darla <> Houston, TX United States – Thursday, March 20, 2003 at 20:27:47 (CST) Dear Mistress, darla’s lesbian wife decided to give her an anniversary present by sending darla back to Mistress’ clinic for a repeat visit. darla did not know that the bimbo machine had been improved to be a million times more powerful than it was when it destroyed her mind forever. This time, darla eagerly let the busty nurse strap her to the table for her treatment. She wanted to experience the pleasure she vaguely remembered from her past therapy. Since darla’s mind had already been destroyed, the nurse simply set the machine to the maximum power. She took off her uniform and let darla briefly fondle her huge breasts before she turned on the machine. The blast of pleasure immediately disabled darla. Other than wetting her panties, her eyes glazed over and she was immediately paralyzed. Satisfied that darla could no longer see her huge breasts, the nurse left the room. She left darla on the machine for twenty four hours. Over the next month, darla would be subjected to this on alternate days. darla had to be breast fed by a slut who had been programmed to be a milk cow. After this, darla’s vocabulary consisted of the word, “goo,” and she stared blankly into space while sucking her thumb and masturbating while wetting the bed. darla’s breasts were enlarged by six more cup sizes, and nurse nancy was given hormones to allow her to breastfeed darla, as she could no longer eat on her own. The only thing darla knew how to do was to spread her voluptuous thighs for anyone who wanted to have sex with her. Worshipfully, darla darla <> Houston, TX United States – Tuesday, March 18, 2003 at 17:31:16 (CST) I WILL OBEY I MUST OBEY I CAN OBEY PAUL <MIDEON6666> MILLTOWN, NEW JERSEY USA – Monday, March 17, 2003 at 12:52:19 (CST) Hi Sharlene! As I read your story I’m sitting with a big dildo up in my pussy hole If you just let go you too will being enjoying all the pleasures a cock Carolynn Jonni Carolynn Jonni Phoenix, az usa – Saturday, March 15, 2003 at 18:02:43 (CST) A friend of mine created this from a session in the open room and I I hope the formatting works out if not I will resend.. Trance Heaven….to be a Mindless slave… Trance. Mindless heaven.. No thoughts.. No will. Just a desire. To be a slave.. No other options. Must obey. You might go. But always come back. For this. Is the place. Feeds your hunger. Your desire. Need to obey. Your feelings.. Helpless. Mindlessly enslaved. No other way.. You want to feel. You need to feel. The girl inside you. Want to get out. Any resistance. Any doubts. Draining. Slipping. Deeper.. You go.. But always come back. To get more. Of the pleasure. To be. To feel. To think. To know. The girl. Locked inside. Waiting to get out. Wanting her turn. Wanting to shout. I am here. I am real. Can’t you see.. Can’t you feel. This is the way. This is the truth. Giving up. Letting go. Giving up. Forever.. Forever enslaved. To the desires inside. Letting go.. Emptiness. Only feeling. Pleasure… You know its true. A girl. Inside you. Waiting. Your wishes. To let her out. Your dreams. Let her enslave you. Wriggle. Squirm. More. Wriggle. Squirm. For more. The trance. The more you squirm. The deeper you get. The more I squirm.. The deeper I get.. Until. You cant move. I cant move. And the trance . Has taken hold.. And you are trapped. Trapped forever. More. Squirm. Wriggle around. Finding it harder. To move. Trapped. Forever trapped.. Everyone can see.. The pleasure. You feel. You cant hide. Everyone knows. You are a sissy. Inside.. That is for sure. When they look. You know they see.. What could happen to them. And knowing. What they fear. Gives you strength. To be you. Without fear. Just smile. And look at them. Know what you know. The problem with them. The problem they know. For they look. And they laugh.. The fear. The desire.. The shame. Of their mind.. For they are jealous. Of you. Is why they fuss. You get to be. You are. Free.. To feel. Like one of us. Black lace. Matching lace thong. Curve perfume.. Ear rings.. Just enough. To make them look. You can read their minds. See their thoughts… The ones who makes the biggest fuss.. Are the ones who see themselves when they look. They come. Wanting to see if it is real. This magical place. Where anything is real. Getting so easy to let go and be. Wanting. Needing.. Craving. To be. Free. Awake and be pretty. They come back. I told you. Cant stay away. This is the place. Where magic is real. It needs to be centered down the page.. Penny Lane <> Gilroy, CA USA – Friday, March 14, 2003 at 12:44:07 (CST) Dear Mistress, Thank You so much for the CDs which You sent. I have found them greatly rewarding. darla was so confused when she entered Mistress’ clinic. she wanted to submit, yet she was a little anxious. The sexy, buxom and voluptuous nurse who was to supervise her transformation greeted her warmly. she took darla to the room where her initial treatment would take place. The nurse explained to darla that it was neccessary to restrain her during her initial therapy for her own safety. After darla was disrobed and securely bound to the examining table, her legs spread wide and her feet securely up in the stirrups, the sexy nurse took off her tight, short uniform to reveal her huge watermelon sized breasts in her sexy half cup bra and her satin and lace girdle encircling her broad hips holding up the stockings which encased her heavy legs which were nicely rippled with cellulite. The nurse gently pressed a large vibrator into darla’s ass and then placed the bimbo helmet upon her head. The nurse explained that this would now destroy darla’s mind and will forever. darla cried, no, please don’t do this to me! The sexy nurse ignored darla’s pleas and turned on the powerful vibrator in her ass, then took a large wand vibrator and began to run it all over darla’s clit and testicles. darla’s will quickly was lost. darla began to beg the nurse to turn on the machine. The nurse teased her, asking if she was really sure she wanted it. Yes!, she cried. Please do it now! When the machine was activated, darla’s brain was flooded with unbearable pleasure. She screamed as she immediately ejaculated. Unknown to her, the machine was programmed so that each time she screamed the pleasure would grow ten times stronger. Of course this made her scream even more, ensuring that her mind and will would be destroyed forever. Eventually darla lost consciousness from the experience. The nurse then increased the pleasure level to a thousand times greater to ensure that darla’s mind was destroyed forever and that she would become a completely submissive lesbian slut and worship the sexy nurse. darla’s body convulsed with pleasure as this phase of her treatment took place, despite being unconscious. Afterward, darla was given hormone treatments to feminize her body as well as surgery to enlarge her breasts so that she would eventually look much like the nurse. The sexy nurse would straddle darla’s face and gyrate her ample hips until she began to urinate all over darla’s face. she would then lower herself onto darla’s face and flood darla’s face with girl juice as darla licked her clitoris, holding firmly to the nurse’s wide hips. When darla’s transformation was complete, Mistress gave darla her final programming. She would wear very slutty half cup bras and girdles with low cut blouses to show off her huge cleavage in order to seduce other women and men to come to the clinic. Her final task was to secure the nurse to the table and use the bimbo machine on her so that the two of them would live as lesbian lovers and use their voluptuous bodies to seduce other slaves. Adoringly, darla darla <> Houston, Texas United States – Friday, March 14, 2003 at 01:01:41 (CST) I know MM is right. sharlene won’t go away. That is so scarey and SO For the past year I’ve been trying to tell myself this is all just a game The other day MM told me sharlene was my REAL personality and that this Now I’m even feeling physical changes like my nipples have been getting Am I really past the point of no return? I love it so much. I can’t be sharlene <> – Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 00:17:16 (CST) Mind mistress I have no money to pay for sessions but I thought I would share with you Brian Collier <> – Monday, March 10, 2003 at 17:32:54 (CST) Have just finished listening to CD#4 and what a wonderfully min-blowing Sarah <> Sydney, NSW Australia – Saturday, March 08, 2003 at 21:04:31 (CST) Hi Mistress I am a shy male in London who just can’t help reading and rereading Adam’s Thanks Jon Jon <> London, England – Thursday, March 06, 2003 at 16:57:46 (CST) HI MISTRESS!! I am like SO happy to be able to tell you about this. Candy <> – Thursday, March 06, 2003 at 16:20:10 (CST) Oh my… Mistress… I do love the cd… I only ordered it to see if it would help me to see my body as a woman’s body, but I felt really compulsed to listen to the whole thing, so I did. I kept telling myself to stop but once it started I couldn’t stop it. I even felt a deep wave of pleasure inside of me and what it might be to feel a woman’s orgasm. Oh my,,, it’s beautiful. I only listened to the whole cd once but it made me SO excited. Even though I’m trying to fight it, I’m listening to it again now. I also LOVE the techno music. Why is this happening to me?!? Please tell me. I feel like you are making me become more and more a transexual and it’s so hard to try and stop it. I’m not gay, I love women sexually but I want to be a beautiful woman so badly. I want big gorgeous boobs and beautiful ass and hips so so badly… I’m so confused. sharlene sharlene <> – Thursday, March 06, 2003 at 08:46:18 (CST) OH! Most Powerfull & Amazing Mistress Your cd’s are WONDERFULL. They cynthia <> greensburg , pennsylvania u s a – Thursday, March 06, 2003 at 00:36:21 Are you a T-girl? or want to be? The Mistress said I should post my request here – so guess I have to obey like to dress hot and sexy are you very sexy and femine? You must love erotic things…clothing, art, stories, film and more… I am 5’11 – blonde, blue eyes, 175 lbs, trim, handsome. Write me and tell me about yourself – we can talk and exchange pictures….more? Ken Ken <> Orlando, Florida USA – Wednesday, March 05, 2003 at 21:36:07 (CST) Thank you Mistress The first CD open my mind to new levels. I am more at peace with myself Gwen – Tuesday, March 04, 2003 at 19:11:27 (CST) Hello, this is my first entry. I have been to the site many many many My heart races every time i visit the website. This is my thank you, for I promise!! I AM !!!!!!!! :))))) jerry jerry USA – Tuesday, March 04, 2003 at 13:58:09 (CST) Hi Hi everyone! I have not posted in a long time huh? I hope everyone TTFN 🙂 Mistress Kitten Mistress Kitten <> – Friday, February 28, 2003 at 17:59:00 (CST) please,insert ITALIAN inductions!!!!!!!1 marco <> – Tuesday, February 25, 2003 at 08:24:05 (CST) I feel The need to go past the point of no return and wear mascara, After all it’s so natural and the people at my office who say hello to me make it so desireable and so hard to resist. and why should I resist I need to be a happy slave girl for mistress Tina ! – Monday, February 24, 2003 at 16:59:46 (CST) Hello Mistress. I thought this site would be a wonderfull addition It’s under Virtual Feminization Clinic Barbie <themaque> – Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 21:19:12 (CST) Hi, I would like to do some hypnosis sessions but have little cash. If you David David <> – Sunday, February 23, 2003 at 06:53:07 (CST) Hello Mistress, I have never had an encounter with a mistress, let alone a shemale mistress. Steven. Steven Wilson <> Rathdrum, Idaho U.S. – Friday, February 21, 2003 at 01:35:54 (CST) i like had to write to tell everyone what a great website u have and Lisa Kansas City, Missouri USA – Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 22:30:47 (CST) I need big boobs Mistress I cannot begin to understand why, but I must tell You that I I spent much of last night reading Your site and today awoke with the Since reading Your site, this part of me – which has been carefully controlled Please forgive me for taking Your valuable time. Respectfully. michael michael – Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 18:44:31 (CST) I live in the midwest and finding a “sexy shemale” is difficult, especially I also have a recurring shemale fantasy that I would like to share with Does anyone know of such a place? If not, it’s a great business idea!! The Baron 🙂 The Baron <Baron Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky, Kentucky/Ohio Duh! – Thursday, February Hello, I wish to become a girl by hypnosis but I can’t afford the sessions. I Candra Candra Jamie Lee <> Boise, Idaho USA – Friday, February 14, 2003 at 20:55:23 (CST) i love You Mistress! Just had to say it! (Of my free will… or whatever is left of it…) natasha <> Canada – Friday, February 14, 2003 at 07:22:59 (CST) Dear Mistress, Yesterday I recieved The slave girl tape and the cock slut tape, numbers Very humbly yours, cock slave Lanny (Laura) Lanny <LANNYNYPSYCH@AOL.COM> Bronx, NY 10465 – Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 17:26:01 (CST) Tina? mmm, I’ve always liked that name, So slutty! I’m being bombarded with trigger words so hard to fight. much easier to give in. Feels so natural, so right. don’t want to fight it. Pleasure mmmmmmmm Tina!! Tim/Tina – Thursday, February 13, 2003 at 05:32:36 (CST) How dare you!! Put that trigger word. said sooo many times during the when I hear it, I think no,I shouldn,t ohhh!! Then pleasure,I should !! I try to resist But at this point I can no longer I LIKE IT TOO MUCH !! THE PANTIES FEEL SOO RITE TIM – Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 07:37:43 (CST) im married but she knows i like to cross dress but doesnt want me to david hardy <> brisbane, Queensland Australia – Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 04:29:59 can this contact help me in real life to become female ??? Chris <> somers point, new jersey usa – Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 19:08:00 (CST) The mistress is the best i have only read her stories and website, ditsybambi <> usa – Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 06:14:07 (CST) Helen Ashley’s Fantasy I meet someone on-line who says she is struggling with the affects of I have a million questions. One of which is why was she having difficulties As I cleared my head, I awakened to a shocking surprise! In the What’s going on with my chest? All I can see in the mirror of the But Helen’s intense desire sexual is soooooooo completely domineering The mistress orders me to service her customers. The pleasure I During this action the second man has been slowly and thoroughly fucking That all powerful female pleasure wave makes every atom in my body Barbra tells me there is only one way to prevent the disaster. I Ashley – Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 00:24:18 (CST) I had my first on line session with Mind Mistress two days ago. I am I went shopping yesterday, spent hours looking for skirts and tight fitting My next session is next week and the anticipation is so wonderful. I can pattieann pattieann <> Minnesota – Friday, February 07, 2003 at 06:16:57 (CST) i am sitting here typing this wondering why the hell i have spent the i didnt actually think this would happen after reading beths story! my girlfriend and i have a very good sex life i have often dressed up rebecca scotland – Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 06:10:01 (CST) A Simple Evening Prayer As evening slowly spreads her mist across the land And darkness woos me with her magic spell. I kneel in prayer before I lay my head in sleep And pray to You my Mistress my mind to keep. Let Your voice lead me through this night And Your spirit be my guiding light. Let Your Supremacy fill my heart and soul Let Your pleasure be my only goal. Do with me as You wish For You own me and my will. As my praises softly rise~ To my Goddess on Her Holy Hill. pattieann pattieann <> – Wednesday, February 05, 2003 at 20:48:08 (CST) I really have serious doubts as to whether MM can make me hallucinate Dennis Dennis <> Seattle, Washington USA – Tuesday, February 04, 2003 at 00:44:22 (CST) Dear Mistress Linda,as always I would like to congratulate you on your TranzLvr TranzLvr – Saturday, February 01, 2003 at 13:57:34 (CST) I had my second session with MM. I had the longest most intense orgasm Priscilla – Friday, January 31, 2003 at 08:37:01 (CST) i haven’t posted anything here in a long time…..but it’s time to my most recent boyfriend just left a little while ago. i can still taste Tom came here last night about an hour after my trance session with Mistress i used to be male with a TG fetish, fantasies about being forced to become With Mistress’ help, i am now alecia, a shemale cocksucking slut. For i want to have big sexy boobs….to make men horny, to make their cocks i want and need more, i need to have Mistress think for me, i have to all those lovely cocks to suck…..mmmmmmmmm they are good! Mistress has granted my deepest hidden desire! sissy alecia <> Illinois – Friday, January 31, 2003 at 07:14:03 (CST) Looked at the site when a friend said you were doing stuff on transforming Meg <> – Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 13:30:59 (CST) Hello all Just to let all know that thanks to MM I have started to wear female clothes, So now I am a happy cross dresser sitting and my keyboard. In full womans SO BE WARNED THIS WEBSITE CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE !!!! Paula – Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 10:22:18 (CST) Thought i’d post a progress report i received the Trance Training CD earlier this week, and have listened 1. even after the first time i used it, i notice increased energy. i used 2. the part of the CD where my arm is light and rises up in the air was 3. i had a real climax during one of the times, it was just amazing, not 4. i really enjoy the feelings during and after i listen. i feel like Thank You, MM, for helping me feel so wonderful… sandy <> New Haven, CT – Monday, January 20, 2003 at 12:10:18 (CST) My Dear Mistress, Thank you again for allowing me to enter your web site to read the entries. Yesterday morning I went to work, around 10 o’clock I felt a sissy climax This morning I went to work and again around 10 I had to go to the restroom Afterwork I went to the department store and purchased the panties and Thanks again my Mistress, Love your sissy mendakay mendakay <mendakay> Ga USA – Saturday, January 18, 2003 at 21:56:53 (CST) Oh! melissa darling! What an exciting dream fantasy you put there in natasha <> Canada – Friday, January 17, 2003 at 06:04:58 (CST) Mind Mistress, Thank you so much for your response to my letter I sent you. I will be Your sissy mendakay Mind Mistress wrote: You will wear your boy clit between your legs from now on, and tell everyone When you have a sissy orgasm, you will squeeze your legs tight like a Mistress mendakay wrote: Dear Mistress, Thank you for allowing me to leave you messages even though I have not I did go out today wearing pink panties with a feminine pad to catch my guess what you could not lock the main entrance door to the mens room I panicked and took off the pad and threw it in the garbage, wiped up Your sissy slut mendakay mendakay <> Ochlocknee, Ga USA – Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 21:57:59 (CST) sorry, I put the wrong e-mail address. HELP… I’ve been ensared so deeply. I always found the idea of shemales Janelle <> Bellingham, WA USA – Thursday, January 16, 2003 at 14:00:55 (CST) i hear voices am i being erotically controlled by others, and if i marc allen jubas <> hemet, ca usa – Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 09:48:10 (CST) hello mistress i’m beautiful young man (26) from north africa. my great dream is to be love farid <> – Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 20:01:34 (CST) HELP… I’ve been ensared so deeply. I always found the idea of shemales -Janelle Janelle <> Bellingham, Washington USA – Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 23:02:03 (CST) I arrived here looking for freedom. I have been so close to fulfilling About a year or so ago I had a Mistress that would dress me up. She would Once again I ran away. When I first came across Mind Mistresses site I realized I could be free There are some things that I don’t want. I don’t want to destroy my marriage. I don’t want to engage in risky sexual behavior. A few years back a friend I don’t want to interfere with how I make a living. Some things I do want. I want Mind Mistress playing around in my mind changing things to her I want to be fem and let PattieAnn have her fun. I want to feel the delicious freedom of immersing myself in sluttish perversion. I want to feel like the slut/whore I really am and have no guilt or shame I know some of these thing don’t seem compatible but I think MM can work There is more and when I have the complete list I will go ahead with my I won’t be able to do this for a month or so because someone is now home I now realize that I am past the point of no return. Do you really want to get to this point? Be careful. pattieann pattieann <> Minneapolis, Minnesota USA – Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 10:36:23 (CST) hello all. thanks to MM I am now enjoying the best of both worlds. Due to MM’s wonderful sessions, I can now switch back and forth between Dont be afraid to let MM help you get where you need to be girls. Drop Kisses The Countess ICQ 164921747 The Countess <> denver, colorado usa – Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 00:26:17 (CST) I cannot thank Mistress Linda enough. I first came across Her site She was gracious enough to allow me to have my first session. I cannot I know with all of my heart that She is indeed the one that will be able Thank You Sooooo much Mistress!! Cheri Cheri <> Minneapolis, MN USA – Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 00:11:15 (CST) I don’t know where to start… please bear with me since I am feeling I ran across MM’s site sometime last May while I was looking for some Well, after about a month, it hit me and I realized I had been trapped All along my male persona has been resisting and telling me that there’s In November I began slowly coming around again and decided to “see” if BEWARE of this site. Be forewarned… I want to stop, I can’t stop, I Please HELP! Any input or advise you can give me will be greatly appreciated. sharlene sharlene <> – Saturday, January 11, 2003 at 17:12:53 (CST) First things first. I didn’t just turn on my computer one day and find The pull in me for pretty breasts and keeping my cock weren’t implanted I came here of my own free will. I wasn’t looking for an ordinary Mistress either. I was looking for one Now if you were to ask me if this site has helped me lower my inhibitions pattieann pattieann <> Minnesota USA – Thursday, January 09, 2003 at 08:28:27 (CST) Have you ever looked back at something that happened to you and just My need to fulfill my destiny brought me here. My need to lay my will Enough about me for the moment. As you read this I want to let you know this. Your need brought you here. pattieann <> Minnesota USA – Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 17:26:15 (CST) My Mistress, Thank You Mistress..very compelling reading… I am learning so much… And regarding the gay bar,I’m glad you caught me before I proceeded with I hope It is ok… I guess I should’ve asked…but I downloaded the mural I’m thinking that the nature of my first sesson will be instead to persue As I am starting to enjoy the feelings of feminity..that you have graced With a tear of joy in my eye,,,thank you very much… I think I understand now why you prefer women..feeling so much more alive I have posted my email as you suggested… Your little cock slut , Felicia Jay <feliciacsyum203> – Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 12:10:48 (CST) My Mistress, Again thank you for replying to me,you are so kind….. It is like you said…the more I try to resist….the stronger the urges….yikes… I am indeed struggling not to act on these…cravings… The words are constantly repeating in my head… I dont know how long I’ll be able to withstand this…. I’m feeling very conflicted ,vulnerible,,feminine,and confused…. Yet the idea of being putty in your hands…turns me on so much… Your words are so powerful…they make me shudder , snap to immediate attention and obey… My will has been surrendered to you… Part of me wants to beg you for mercy..It seems the larger.part of me wants to beg for more… This is quite the adventure I’ve stumbled into… I want to book a session but I really cannot afford it right now… I will try and save,but am on a tight budget right now… I was layed off and just reciently got back to work.. Wound up having to take a job working nights and …for considerably less than I was making before… So much for my sob story… I do know and respect that this is what you do for a living… And rightly so… you are so very talented and eloquent.. Might I add…very lovely…before…and still ,yet now I lust from different perspective.. I’m certainly not asking for charity…like you said… be careful what you ask for.. I just wanted to reply to let you know I’m sincere… And still here…In my pretty panties.. Felicia Jay <> – Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 03:18:37 (CST) Dear Mistress Linda, Ashley is SO RIGHT! i came here some months back. i have been a closet heterosexual tv for i fantasize now about being a big breasted bondage bimbo … nipple clips i have never done it, but i am tempted to play with my clitty … penis i am between jobs right now, so i don’t have the funds for a session. HELP! submissively, barbie m barbie m <> – Tuesday, January 07, 2003 at 08:18:05 (CST) BE CAREFUL! This site has strange powers. There is a real danger that I came across this site about 8 months ago while surfing the net in search Anyway the Elvyra’s Web story and your site triggered a response in me During one of my increased visits, I came across GENDER TEST. I took the About a month or two ago, I peeked at the “Cock Slut Training” page. Part Well, now I’m toying with the idea of having my first session with Linda. Ashley – Monday, January 06, 2003 at 23:53:36 (CST) I have been coming to this site for over a year now.. every day, every I don’t know whats wrong with me, my skin feels like its burning if I I have read over so many of these comments.. I love them all.. but especially I have this burning inside of me to be remade.. remade into whatever Mistress O how I wish I could be hypnotised… she owns my soul already and she O Mistress Linda.. how I love you! please.. please.. take me and mold me into something new, make me into submissivly yours always, Sarah Sarah – Monday, January 06, 2003 at 16:07:33 (CST) Just wondering: Have you heard of a manga/anime series called Ranma 1/2 ? It’s about a Kay – Monday, January 06, 2003 at 15:30:14 (CST) Wow! The elf girl adventurer story is the hottest thing i heard of so far (and Seeya around, Xi Xi <> – Monday, January 06, 2003 at 15:15:04 (CST) Hello, I’ve looked around your site and i’m very fond of it. In fact James – Sunday, January 05, 2003 at 15:06:17 (CST) Helloooo Guestbook! Never signed one of these things before, but here goes. Somehow I stumbled upon Mind Mistress’ site here. Hmmm, must have been After all, it isn’t exactly easy to tell someone you want to be turned *laughing*…ok, this girl isn’t going to be doing her nails. Mistress And when this adventure is over, I’m thinking perhaps a romance novel Those of you who are already slaves to Mistress, let your hair down and Now those of you wondering about pressing the submit button, be forewarned. bree <> – Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 17:42:47 (CST) I had my second session with Misstress Linda not to long ago. I entered My first session went as well as it could. There where many interuptions My second session was very diffrent. She has started to reach into my The only thing i regret about our last session is i forgot to schedual I’m not sure who I’ll be whene this is through, but I’ll keep you posted. Matt Shreveport, LA USA – Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 23:14:28 (CST)
head just at the edge . the bench just the right height to service anyone
who desires. My mistress spent most of the day dressing me. make-up
, a long blond wig,sexy red corset
waist down to 22inches] nylons with a seam down the back ,and 6inch
pumps. this makes me very tall, but she says this will be good when
I become a mistress. then,off to the party. I didnt know about the bench.
now my cock is in a steel sleave so I cant get an erection without some
extreme pain, and chained to the bench so I can’t move to far. my breasts
on each side of the bench with an electrode attached to each nipple.
I can feel a slight tingle,but I know this can become an intense shock
if I should displease my mistress. she puts a cock shaped gag in my
mouth witch straps on and is tied. the men start coming in . each one
taking a turn with my ass, filling me .it feels soooo good that I find
myself raising up, straining against the chain to get more. shaking
my head yes and moving my ass, as if begging for more.
come that it’s running down the inside of my legs when mistress comes
up and puts a very-very large butt-plug in to keep me full of cum..Oh,it
feels so goood being that full. she takes the gag out of my mouth and
the ritchual begin’s again .sucking cock,feeling the warm sweet come
spurting in my mouth,down my throat. I hold the shaft with one hand
,working it up and down ,feeling his ball’s and then pushing my fingers
up his ass to get more come ,time after time . can’t get enough cock……to
be continued soon please e-mail me . jamie
me I was reading the stories of the slavegirls you have and I just kept
comming back and back Iam hooked and for the past couple of days been
feeling strange I crave to have Long Blonde hair and wear sexy outfits
with Highheel shoes with a 38 D cup breasts and I also long for shiny
long fingernails I want to be a woman so bad now that I can taste it I
even started calling myself Jessica for sometime now. I cannot fight the
feelings anymore and will start obeying them and you Mistress Your slavegirl
forever Jessica formerly known as Michael
he he ..
to be a mindless slut slave for Mistress…
mistros slavee slutt weeeee…sucky sucky…
inner girl in me that I thought was dead but its alive and well and the
thought of being a slavegirl really appeals to me so I thought I write
you and let you know that I want to know more of your practice and maybe
try it on myself sometime well thanks for your time yours truely Michael
fancy plastic panties. Things are going well, I must be losing control
of my bladder since I have been wetting my bed everynight since our last
session!:) I am also having to change my diapers and plastic baby panties
alot more as each day passes. Which means more diapers to wash! I am feeling
the conflicts which in myself fading and I am finding a sence of peace
within myself. I have been think that perhaps a sessions once a week would
be a good idea for awhile so that we can really make the changes permanent!
What do you think and if you were to recommed a CD for me which one would
it be? Or perhaps would a phone session be a good idea? Any way I can
feel and see the changes. I really feel good wearing my fancy rhumba panties
over my diapers!:) I really feel good about what we are doing and what
you have done to me. It feels so good!!!:) It is a shame that I did not
find you sooner. However building a house and working so many hours does
not leave much time. I am not sure exactly what is going to be the outcome
but I am sure I will be very happy and that all of the inner conflict
within myself will end and I will finally be at peace and happy with myself!!!
Looking back on the past I can really see how much has been learn about
sex and sexually but I can also see how much needs to be learned and accepted.
Look how far hypnotsis has come in it understanding and usages. As well
as the knowledge of the mind and the brain. Before I started my sessions
with you I took the “GenderTest” and they said with 86% condifdence that
“You are definitely a WOMAN!” and that was before I had my first session
with you. I wonder what it would be now? I have read you web site and
how you describe yourself and there are many thing that I agree with you
on. One is about religious fanatics!!! To me it is only there way of cover
up for their own problems and shortcomings as a way of building up there
own egos!!! It is also a power trip for them at the expense of others.
I do like to study spiritality I find it interesting since I believe that
all religious belief some amount of truth to them. That most religious
belief that have been past down my way of mouth seem to get distorted
like the game of gossip.
to the I do really thank you so much for helping me and I do wove you
very much. Love and Kisses Baby Jinny
want to be a women You must read Adam.i would be in heaven to have this
done to me as would many guys. my inner feeling would be all brought out
in the open.this is a must read be carefull i think i’m addicted to reading
of the erotic excitement and my obsession with women. Little did I know
what was in store for me after reading your pages. After reading the site
in full, I did start noticing changes in my feelings.
to relax a little, but now I’m beginning to really need to be a bimbo
slut real bad, and I’m starting to obsess about balls and cock.
also turning into an admiration, desire to be like them and major jealousy
for women and their beauty. And I can’t help that anymore because it just
is that way.
I didn’t want that or think it would happen. I’ve never even really fully
experienced a full woman’s orgasm, but I’m still obsessed.
and Male Charm, I tried to think this was all entertainment and fantasy.
I tried to resist wanting to be a gorgeous bimbo slut, big breasted woman,
being attracted to cock or even wanting to be a shemale. I fell into a
trap that the more I tried to resist, the more the need and addiction
in me grew.
actually been considering taking hormones again and doing other stuff
to get rid of my body’s male characteristics.
finally that I need to book some sessions with Mistress. Hopefully she
will help me to “straighten” things out. 🙂
It is 2:15P.M. and I am looking forward to our next session. Thing are
progressing well and as I mention I am drinking alot of water and wetting
alot. I will write about my progression back to total incontinence and
diapers and plastic baby pants later. I still want to read more of your
guest book. I am feeling more peaceful and happy with the changes as each
day goes by. I wove you, woves and kisses! Baby jinny
been mixing up my brands. i will buy two packs at a time and will usually
need to do this every other day, though i had to buy two packs Friday
morning and then again Saturday night. i sat and chain smoked a whole
pack while working on a story that i hope to post here soon. my wife was
out shopping the whole afternoon Saturday so i was able to work at the
computer and smoke wearing my ball stretcher and my lipstick and nailpolish.
i even put a tampon in my sissy hole.
only get on the therapy site. i am so glad that Mind Mistress explained
my mistake to me. i do believe that i am turning into a mindless bimbo
from this site.
of cigarettes, Misty Menthol Light 120 and Virginia Slim Menthol Light
120. Then when i came home i sat out in the garage and smoked about six
cigarettes saying over and over, “i am a stupid bimbo i am smoking more
and more to please and amuse Mind Mistress. i am inhaling this sexy smoke
into my lungs and becoming adicted to it so that Mind Mistress can laugh
at how stupid i am and how obsessed i am with Her web sight and Her suggestions.
i am a stupid bimbo, i am smoking more and more to please and amuse Mind
now, is to be smoking and thinking about how i hope and pray that it is
pleasing Mind Mistress.
always been interested in hypnosis and women controlling men), but by
the time, I felt a need to come here more and more, forgetting all other
hypnosis websites, an irresistible need…, at the point to check for
updates and re-reading stories and articles about two or three times per
day !
always believed nobody could change my sexual preferences to turn me into
a shemale who craves cocks… or tell me what to like or what to do !
But I was really excited by these concepts, it was like a challenge to
resist them.
the warnings, and since…my desires have considerably changed.
bit deeper…
opened to the idea of being hypnotized but not sure it could work well
as I am french…) and after months of listening, I can tell you it begins
to work really !!!
to please her and obey to whatever she desires. I begin to really understand
all the articles about hypnosis and feminization she has placed on her
site, and why they are there…
was disgusted with it a few months ago !!! I now spend hours to find pics
of beautiful shemales with nice breasts and cock and these excite me more
than other women !!!
to my new desires…
the time I took to share my experience.
I am still too poor to afford the mistress’s services but I am saving
up! Anyways I love to come here and trance out reading the stories. It
has turned into a real addiction. Every time I decide to go look at porn
somehow I end up just coming here and reading Adam’s story instead…
I guess I am hooked! Oh yeah I wanted to let all the future shemales out
there to know abut a really cool free site that lets you make a free account,
upload your picture, and turn yourself into a woman by adding wigs, all
kinds of makeup, and other fun stuff. Check it out at
I was able to make myself look like a very attractive woman which I now
picture in my mind every time I read the stories. Helped me out a lot
to go deeper. Thanks again Mind Mistress for this awesome site!!!
a sissy smoking slut. As i reported before, i had never smoked until
i became a regular reader of Mistress’ web site, a few months ago. i
now have a very strong craving to be a smoking sissy cocksucking slut.
i only began smoking in June. As i reported earlier, i was up to being
able to smoke three cigarettes in succession before i would get nausious.
Now i am smoking almost a pack a day. About 16 to 18 most days. For
most of these smokes i will try to get some privacy so that i can wear
lipstick and even paint my nails. i love the long slender cigarette
between my fingers with bright nail polish on. i also love to leave
the lipstick smudge on the long white filter tip.
mans cock as i suck it. i now do have cravings for the nicotine and
even if i can not get away to put on the lipstick and nailpolish i do
sneak off for a quick cigarette. i only want to smoke women’s cigarettes
and so far have smoked almost two cartons of Capri Menthol Light 120s
and three packs of Misty Menthol Light 120s, one pack of Eve Menthol
Light 120s and about two and a half packs of Virginia Slim Menthol Light
i had to quickly wipe my lipstick off with TP, flush it and my unfinished
cigarette, light a candal, and put the exaust fan on and then rush out
of the bathroom past her with my nails still painted. i quickly retreated
to the garage and cleaned the polish off my nails with remover i have
hidden there along with my cigarettes, lipstick, nailpolish, ball stretcher,
panties and bra, and fetish magazines. When i came back into the house,
she said she smelled smoke. i told her that i had to light several matches
to get the candal lit and that was probably what she smelled. i don’t
think she bought it though.
It is a long story how i got out, i usually do not go out at night without
my wife. i was supposed to be out with a couple of co-workers, but i
left them early so that i could go to this other bar. Any way, i smoked
my Virginia Slims in there. i didn’t wear lipstick or nailpolish, but
i did buy several drinks for three ladies who thought it was quite alright
that i was smoking VS 120s. i think i would like to get a pair of lady’s
slacks and a woman’s top, and mayby a pair of womens loafers to wear
out sometime. Any suggestions regarding what i might do to continue
and solidify my journey into becoming a sissy slut would be apreciated.
true nature to YOUR readers, humiliating as it is.
here goes.
Mind Mistress’s mission to convert males into cock loving slut shemales.
I admit I was skeptical at first but after what has happen to me in only
24 hours I am now a believer (and too late I might add.
went to bed beliving I was Jessica when I masturbated. I wasn’t playing
wih my penis, but my clitorus. I knew I had been in a trance as while
I read it I found myself wanting to smoke and really getting into giving
the man a blowjob. When I woke up this morning I couldn’t get that thought
of me giving head out of my mind.
the trap, too willingly I might add. All day long I kept repeatin in my
mind that I needed cock and I needed cum because it was so yummy. The
more tried to get it out my head the more it came back. I then felt this
growing need to buy a dildo and press on nails along with some lipstick.
I can’t beleive I went out and did that. I almost bought some panties,
but coldnt really determine what size I am. I purchased realistic cock
and slim dildo at an adult bookstore. It didn’t have any movie booth in
it, but if it had I believe I would have tried my hand at a glory whole.
I don’t know why, but I do. I just can’t keep staring at them.
I was a woman. When it came to the part to enter if I was a man or woman
I almost put in woman because that how strong the feelings thatI was a
I didn’treally want to be warned.
help release the slut in my wife. I’ll keep you updated but am curious
to hear other husband’s success stories.
I think there should be more of those bimbo accounts. Those were most
certainly entertaining. And maybe more description wouldn’t hurt. Just
some sort of advice…
to let YOU know what i have been doing for the past couple of months.
First of all, i am 54 years old and have never smoked, up until i found
YOUR site. i am now addicted to Capri Light Menthol 120s. my wife does
not know that i have started smoking. i only do it when she is not home
or when i am out away from home where no one knows me, visits to Columbus
or somewhere else far from home. i have smoked a whole carton, minus one
and a half packs that i still have left, since the second week of June.
When no one is home i will go into the bathroom, strap my ball stretcher
on, pulling my little nuts as far to the bottom of my ball sack as possable,
put on some lipstick, i love leaving a lipstick stain on the butt of the
cigarette, then attach one end of a small bungee cord to the end of the
ball stretcher and the other end to the edge of a floor register pulling
my ball sack as far from my body as possable. Then i will sit on the front
edge of the toilet and begin smoking my cigarettes. At first i could only
inhale the first few puffs, and i waisted many cigaretts that way. i fially
got to the point where i could inhale the whole cigarette, but one made
me a little light headed and two would give me a little nausia. i got
it to the point of being able to smoke three in a row without too much
stomach sickness. Now i still follow that ritual when i am home alone,
but when i feel the need for a smoke, i will go out into the garage when
i know that my wife is on the phone or busy doing something and sneak
a quick smoke, but though it is exciting, i do miss having my balls stretched
and especially wearing my lipstick. The Capri 120s are so small in diamiter
that they smoke down fast. i wonder what my next step should be??? Any
suggestions? What i would really like someday is to be turned into a sissy
faggot cocksucker. With a dominant Female controlling all of my actions.
If YOU or any of YOUR readers have any advice for me please e-mail me.
Thank YOU so much for this wonderful site.
my desires are over wellming i love everything about being a girl please
now I will be all anxious and worried until I book my next sessions.
has shown me who I am and how happy it has made me. With each session
I identify more and more with the real me, and live my life as Barbara
each day. I cant wait for my next session.
been obsessed with the site to see if it is available. I hope that it
won’t be too much longer.
in private when I was 11. I always knew I was different back then. The
dressing continued until I was 14. I guess by then I had grown up a little,
and had society’s b.s. rammed down my throat so much that I thought it
was wrong, that I thought it was disgusting, and I stopped. My young girly
innocence had gone and I blocked out those times til I was much older.
i went through a phase of getting into porn. It didn’t take long before
I had found for the first time pictures of Transsexuals. Not once then
did I ever think I would become one. Back then I doubt I even really thought
I’d ever sleep with one in anything other than a perverted teenage fantasy
in my own mind.
and by a lot of time I mean most of my time when I was at home. I began
looking at more and more ts pics, and began chatting in rooms like tvsex,
uktvsex, and tssex. I suppose I convinced myself by that point that I
had found what I wanted to be. A guy who wanted to date tv/cd/ts. An admirer.
I spent so much time chatting with other admirers, and with tgirls, I
had so much fun.
about what we like about tgirls and other such things. It wasn’t long
into the conversation where he rather bluntly proclaimed “come on, I know
you’d love to play the slut for me, don’t pretend you wouldn’t”. I was
shocked, I insisted at first that I was just a guy, that I couldn’t, and
wouldn’t want to do it. He was relentless, so forceful. I suppose it was
curiosity, or maybe a slight rememberance for what happened earlier in
my life when I dressed. By the end of the conversation he had got me wearing
panties, stockings, bras, fishnets and a swimsuit. He’d even got me to
leave a voicemail on his phone telling him how much of a slut I was. He
renamed me slut sophie for the night and I was shocked at how much I loved
it. Being his obedient little tart. It was like something had been released
that night, I couldn’t stop dressing since.
of being feminized, against my will, through hypnosis, or force was one
that enthralled me more than any other. But I was convinced that was all
it was, an idea, nothing more. A fantasy I was destined to forever desire
and never fulfill. Until I found this site. I was just looking through
search engines for stuff on forced feminization and training. It bought
me here. I began to read, I looked at pics. I read Adam’s forced feminization
story, and “Becoming Jessica”. I couldn’t believe it, the more I read,
the more I had to stay. It was like the site itself was feeding, developing
and helping my desires grow to a point where I couldn’t ignore them.
I expected the room to be empty, but it wasn’t. The conversation was flowing
and I soon realised that there was a ’tist in the room (who shall remain
nameless so as to save me from getting my girly bottom beaten). I joined
in the chat, and eventually ended up in a private conversation with the
’tist. She said that she was impressed by me, that she could see something
in me. I can’t describe how wonderful that made me feel. It didn’t take
long before she entranced me for the first time. I can’t begin to explain
what happened or how it happened or how it felt but there are things I
remember very very clearly. I remember that I was looking at a picture
of a beautiful transsexual, Pamela. I remember that it was really a picture
of me. I know that I felt watm and feminine. And most importantly I know
that I, that Pamela is and always must be a good girl. I remember the
picture blurring, and moving, until I could touch Pamela, but I didn’t
stop to touch her, I carried on melting into her, I became her. I had
her body.
I never had, and never would have had the conviction or the courage to
become a girl. Through my beautiful ’tist Mistress I have begun (but nowhere
near finished) unravelling what I always had inside. I’ve begun finding
things I never knew were inside. I am fascinated, I spend every second
of my day desperate to become more girly. I couldn’t stop this now if
I wanted to, and in some ways for me, that’s a big part of my enjoyment.
Giving myself over to someone, allowing them to create me from what’s
inside me. To take what I know is there and mould it, but also to find
what I never knew was there and use that to. That evil mischievous side.
The idea that over time my Mistress may decide to give me a rubber fetish
that I know nothing of, or a smoking one, or something else. That sudden
realization one day that I love something I never have before.
struggling, and as yet failing to understand it myself right now. All
I know is that I crave the feminine bliss I have felt, and that the only
possible outcome is me spending my life as pamela.
that you made grow.
here and the most interesting. I love seeing you at work! You must have
done SOMETHING interesting recently, right?
my dog,we would laugh then one night i had a few to many at a party,and
told one of my friends,befor you new it every one was laughing at my husband
saying you want to be your wife dog good boy sit get him some food dont
forget put it in a bowl,he was so mad then they told him do you realy
want to be a dog,he said yes then they got him took everything off of
him i just look at him ,he said he was joking to bad they said,he was
force on all four they but a coller on him and told me to walk him,i wasent
realy into this they said he would get everything back after i walk him
i said ok,they laugh at him saying good dog,when we were done they said
your you wife dog we took picture of you everyone well see them,when you
go home with your wife you be her dog when we have a party you come as
a dog you well learn to act like one,i told him your joke back fire your
my dog now everyone know that now i well pick up your lic, and find when
i can take you in for your shoots at the VET,the guys are comeing over
to build your dog house for you,he just look at everyone and said not
a thing just cry, know he lives the life of a dog in back of our house,my
boy friend come over we walk him togethere,i told him how happy i am for
him becomeing my dog, i would have never found the man i fell in love
with, o he hat beening our dog i just say get used of it ,the two of us
just laugh saying maybe we should have him fix,then my dog behaves very
good, i wanted everyone to know about my dog.
my self,like a Hcup or over the biger the better,even better a nice fat
ass and real big tits,or just all tits like JJ OR OVER,
feel that it’s not a thought or erotic fantasy. I can leave it alone for
a little while but not for long. I think it really is turning into a deep
and irresistable need.
be a woman because I love being with a woman so very much. I’ve been on
the outskirts looking in and wetting my feet for awhile because it blows
my mind so much. Almost like there’s no way this is real even though it’s
starting to feel like it’s going to be very real.
Now, More and more I want to be her when I see a beautiful woman. The
only problem is….. the more I tell myself I shouldn’t want to be her,
the more I feel the irresistable need and desire TO BE her and have her
beautiful boobs hanging off of my chest and squeeze her gorgeous hips
and butt in the place of mine. I feel so much mind numbing pleasure to
be her especially now when I try to resist.
to resist wanting to be her. Mmmmmmm…
cds of Mistress’s and had only three sessions. The sessions were wonderful
and completely did away with the troubles i kept giving myself. i felt
fine and free and thanked Her with all my heart. Time passed and suddenly
without warning the desires to submit to Mistress became nearly overwhelming.
We had a casual chat but nothing i could see very deep. Could i have been
wrong? After all i am a woman with a husband it can’t be me panting like
a bitch in heat for just a word from Mistress. But it is! All the desires
and needs that were from Her words are filling me. And i am begging for
Her attention. She has taken away all my control and not allowed me to
cum until She says….. And ohhhhhhhhh i have tried…. over and over
and i can feel Her pulling me back from the edge and laughing. Oh it is
true be careful what you wish for because She will fufill all your deepest
Her dolly again.
am willing to surrender to the Mistress if it please her to feminize my
body such that the more my phantomb pain diminishes the larger my butt
grows more feminine and breasts development to a size according to HER
You have a lovely voice. We will see what happens over time. Thank you.
would have sent you the greetings via ICQ,but I had my hard drive fry
on me.Wishing you all the very best,and thank you for such a beautiful
site and chatroom.Take care always.
find a small jewel box in some rubbish. I open it and see a nice necklace
with a scarab pendant. I like it and take it home to examine more closely.
is nondescript, generic gold, with purple inlays to give it definition,
and two purple stones for eyes. For some unknown reason, I can’t resist
putting the necklace on. After putting it on, the legs of the scarab lodge
themselves into my chest making it impossible to remove the necklace.
Immediately after this happens, I collapse as the transformation begins.
When I wake up, I’m perfectly feminine, and the scarab is still lodged
in my chest. About an 5 minutes later, the scarab releases, and I can
then take it off. I immediately do so, and hide the evil jewel case in
my closet.
on again. The same things happen again, it locks to my chest, and I become
femme. The difference is that it doesn’t unlock for 10 minutes. Being
more adventurous this time, I leave it on past the 10 minutes, and find
that as long as the necklace isn’t removed, I stay femme.
point where I can’t remove it for a day at a time and I resign myself
to my femme fate.
find a small jewel box in some rubbish. I open it and see a nice necklace
with a scarab pendant. I like it and take it home to examine more closely.
is nondescript, generic gold, with purple inlays to give it definition,
and two purple stones for eyes. For some unknown reason, I can’t resist
putting the necklace on. After putting it on, the legs of the scarab lodge
themselves into my chest making it impossible to remove the necklace.
Immediately after this happens, I collapse as the transformation begins.
When I wake up, I’m perfectly feminine, and the scarab is still lodged
in my chest. About an 5 minutes later, the scarab releases, and I can
then take it off. I immediately do so, and hide the evil jewel case in
my closet.
on again. The same things happen again, it locks to my chest, and I become
femme. The difference is that it doesn’t unlock for 10 minutes. Being
more adventurous this time, I leave it on past the 10 minutes, and find
that as long as the necklace isn’t removed, I stay femme.
point where I can’t remove it for a day at a time and I resign myself
to my femme fate.
purple) Mind Mistress
Lee <>
my most recent training.
makeup and long gorgeous hair, wearing their skirts and tight tops and
high heels, attracting MEN. i feel this way because Mistress Linda has
programmed it into me. the feelings are intense and irresistable. i feel
INADEQUATE when i look at men and wish they found me attractive, too.
appearance……a nice wig, makeup, short skirt, high heels, tight top
with breast forms…….to be attractive in a trashy way!
a set of specific orders i would carry out that same night.
i probably wouldn’t have done it.
love that!
delivery guy. and
same time. If not programmed as irresistable commands, tho, i probably
would not willingly degrade myself by actually doing them, i would just
fantasize and pretend so i could save my male pride.
and high heels and a tight pink top, completely made up with pink lipstick
and nail polish and perfume and my curly red wig that just brushes my
bare shoulders.
him if he’d like his tip to be a blowjob……he mumbled something and
while, but then i paid the fee and went upstairs to the booths.
it. When i touched it, i was amazed at how hard it was, harder than others
i have felt since i began my trance training with Mistress Linda. i got
down and put my lips around the head and started teasing and sucking the
male tool i love to suck soooo much and his cock just exploded cum within
a couple of minutes….the other guys i have sucked all took awhile to
cum, but this was amazing and it was amazing how much cum he pumped into
my mouth too! He left within a couple of minutes, and so did i when i
started to realize what i had just done, something i had never planned
on doing!
even touching myself, the first time that has ever happened.
intense sexual experience of my life. God help me, i love the humiliation,
the fact that She MADE me do this.
do it!
for me, thought I might add a fantasy, maybe for me, maybe for others,
but thought I should do something other than lurk.
the people sat around in the corner booths but I could tell they were
mostly older guys, mostly overweight, mostly balding, American’s, British,
Australian’s on business or on sex trips here for the young teen filipina
girls dancing on stage, some already with one of the delicate young ladies
sitting beside tehm or on their laps. I took a seat and started to watch
the show. No sooner had I sat down than I had one of the young teens dressed
only in yellow thong and matching bra top, with silver dance shoes sit
down beside me and ask me to buy her a drink.
for myself. I started to drink and listened to her soothing voice. I was
getting tired as she said something about a blowjob……
sweet voice of the Asian girl. I was on my knees, it was fairly dark.
What was going on? I felt naked, well except the small strip of material
I could fill between the cheeks of my butt. My breasts were covered by
small triangles of material too…BREASTS? what was going on? My silky
long black hair fell across my face. I was under the table, on my knees
between some fat old guys legs. My mouth was full as I realised I was
giving this guy a blowjob, I looked up and saw him smiling down at me.
I knew I had to do a good job to make sure he gave me a good tip.
young filipina like me to pleasure them. If I did a great job one might
even barfine me and take me back to their hotel where I could use my beautiful
young body to make one of these old western guys so horny…..and if I
was a really good girl one may even take me back to his country and marry
me, I would be his.
I hope he will take me back to his hotel.
told me I would be trying to get an apt to have my sex change operation,
I think they would be crazy. I have found myself feeling and thinking
like a woman, looking at men. In fact, I used to look at nude women and
get excited, now they do nothing, I can only get excited looking at men.
I need to have a sex change operation it is all I think about. As a man
I am worthless, only as a woman can I enjoy life.
through my association with you, that i will achieve my life-long dream
of becoming a big-tittied, empty-minded, gum-chewing,bimbette under your
powerful suggestions and knowledgeable guidance…you are the ‘Bomb’…!!!
sure all you aspiring she-males will be totally turned on…enjoy…’peaches’….
yearn for my own boobs, that would do it for me. It’s not just the boobs
themselves, gorgeous though they are…it’s the angle of Your head and
back, the expression on Your face. Thank You for sharing this with us.
it entered her. It was the size and length of a three liter plastic soda
bottle. She was fitted with a harness to hold it in place for 24 hours
to permanently stretch her pussy. darla was then tied up and spanked mildly
to excite her submissive nature. darla then was placed into deep trance
by Mistress and laid into a small inflatable wading pool which was dry.
Mistress had assembled a large group of female slaves for this occasion.
slender college coed daughters squat over her face and urinate all over
her. darla eagerly swallowed as much as she could. darla was driven wild
at the idea of staring at their sexy bras and foundations. darla actually
squirted onto her own face as she was wild with submissive pleasure and
lust. Soon she was lying in a pool filled with warm female urine.
now eager mouth and she was forced to swallow a gallon of warm, fresh
horse and bull semen. darla was then taken out of the pool and after being
cleaned off was made to watch a video of her slutty behavior. darla masturbated
wildly while looking at her humiliating behavior. darla could hardly wait
for her next adventure in becoming a completely submissive slut. she inserted
larger and larger objects inside to pleasure herself.
background of myself. In particular that i am a woman who is considered
a switch in the D/s world. i have never been really interested in women.
As well as a Mistress never did i think of bringing out the female in
a man. i liked my submissives to stay male as well i never really thought
about seducing women. i mean if the opportunity arose i would take it
but not seek it. i have in my submissive role i have only served a Master.
There were a few other pratical things that i wanted Mistress to take
care of as well.
way to describe it but it is the only one that comes to mind. The pratical
things i turned over to Mistress used to dominate my thoughts every moment
now they don’t even require thought. It’s gone. my interest in women has
grown to the point that i am planning exactly how to fufill the desire
of making love to another woman. i also can see my male subs becoming
more feminine too although i would not rush them but it is there and it
is growing stronger. i know it will take time but i also know that Mistress
has made changes in me that feel wonderful. Normally my week at work is
a fight to get through without great anger and frustration but it melted
away. The week was fun and very very sensual and that was so exciting.
and what i feel growing within. Her doll, feeling such pleasure and content
to be empty.
it until late that night about 1:30 AM. I should have known better. I,
of course, fell into trance almost immediately. When I came out of trance,
I was in trouble. I knew before playing the tape I had no perfume. What
was I going to do? No stores in this area are open at 2:30 AM. I didn’t
care how or where but I was going to get perfume. the only place I found
open was an allnight gas/convienance store. No perfume there but I bought
Secret Deodorant With the fresh spring scent, Oil of Olay scented of course
and a shampoo that had a perfume scent, that got me through the night.
I thought it would also get me through the next day. WRONG! Heh heh
their office, etc., to tell them, and of course you know reception in
an elevator is not good. by the time the elevator started again people
thought I was claustrophobic for shaking so much. If they had only known
it was all the phone call that drove me up the wall. The sweet word ‘Hello’….
to the mall bought perfume by Vera Wang and was spraying it on even before
I got out of the store. that happened a month ago, so why the delay? I
wasn’t sure if the effect would last or not. It has! I can’t leave the
house without perfume on. I am cleanly shaved, legs underarms, etc, I
wear pantys & pantyhose I take care of my fingernails properly & lipstick
is a must. The edge that seemed so far away, is almost on top of me and
I no longer can resist. I don’t want to resist. I only want to remain
portion falls into so many areas of my fantasies and dreams. My main fantasy
is centered around 2 boys being hypnotised and manipulated by a Mistress.
She turns one into a Dominant Gay Man who loves to Sissify Jock Boys into
being his Sissy-boy cocksucker. She then ‘serves up the turkey’ by making
the other boy extremely suseptable to becoming a Master’s Sissy Girlfriend.
I see it happening as follows:
until Briana stopped to speak to an extremely domineering lady at the
bar. They both stared at Brad at the same time, both noddded approvingly,
and then both started laughing.
pulled David away from the table for a ‘quick chat’. They implanted the
first seeds that would make David a Sissy Maker, he liked
as he minces on his 6 inch pink heels into the bar.
now. he comes into the office, takes off his clothing, puts on a wig
(he now has several, all of them styled big an puffy and in many different
colors) puts on his makeup, lights a cigarette and then begins playing
with his large collection of dildos. This keeps him happy until Linda
or Brenda bring him a man to suck off, or Kenney comes to see him. Then
he dutifully gets down on his knees and begins begging, and soon he
is sucking on a dick. Linda has now programmed him so that he cannot
get an erection unless he is smoking a cigarette or sucking a cock.
Not only that, but he must leave a lipstick print or stain on the cigarette
butt, dildo, or real cock, so he is constantly re-applying his lipstick.
he is extremely frustrated since She will not allow him to cum. There
is a long stream of pre-cum hanging from his cock almost constantly.
The women all laugh and order him to wipe it off with his hand and then
lick it from his fingers every time they see him. Then they tell him
to play with his dildos and he dutifully begins stroking or sucking
on one of them. All he can think about is his hairdo, his makeup, and
sucking cocks.
sex life has slowed a bit with age, it has now been non-existent. bob
is smoking those ridiculous long slender cigarettes and walking around
the house with nothing but a bathrobe on. he wouldn’t even be wearing
that if she didn’t insist. his mind is always off somewhere else. She
has called Brenda to see what she thinks is wrong. Brenda and Linda
have decided that it is time to bring her into the game. They go to
see bob’s wife for lunch for three straight days.
for a girl’s night out. This would not be anything unusual except for
the fact that Margo does not smoke or drink. When they get her back
home, she is drunk, and chain smoking.
nervous about it but he follows his usual routine and removes his clothing
as soon as they get into the building. he then goes into the restroom
and applies his makeup and wig. Once he emerges from his primping, Brenda,
Linda, Margo, and the other office girls call Kenney into the room.
Margo then watches and sees for the first time, her husband get down
on his knees and beg to suck another mans cock. bob does not like doing
this in front of Margo, but he has no power to refuse. All the women
begin laughing at him and calling him queer, and faggot, but he keeps
on sucking as if his life depended on it. Margo doesn’t like what she
is watching, but she can’t help herself, she finds herself laughing
and calling bob names too.
cum, Linda says to Margo, why don’t you get comfortable. Then unexplainably
Margo begins to remove her clothing. Brenda then tells bob to watch
what his lovely wife can do. Brenda removes her panties from under her
skirt and sits in an office chair with her legs spread wide. Without
another word spoken Margo gets on her knees in front of Brenda and begins
to beg to be allowed to eat her pussy. Brenda asks Margo to tell everyone
what she is first. Margo says, “i am a lesbian slut who lives to have
her pussy abused by other women and to eat other women’s pussies.” She
is then given permission to begin. bob watches in horror as his wife
buries her face in Brenda’s cunt. After she has brought Brenda to multiple
orgasms, she is ordered to lay on her back on bob’s desk. Then Linda
produces a huge black rubber dildo, she holds it in front of bob and
orders him to kiss it. Then she begins to slowly insert it into Margo’s
pussy, stretching her opening considerably.
explain to bob that they are going to make Margo lust to eat pussy and
to have unusually large things shoved up inside her. Margo is moaning
and between yelps of obvious pain, begging Linda to continue, and hurry
and get it inside of her. Linda laughs and says, “When I get done stretching
this baby out, sexual intercourse will be totally out of the question,
unless she is fucking a horse.” Everyone laughs. “Who knows, we might
be able to arrange that.” Again everyone laughs. “While I’m doing this,
why don’t you come over here and give your wife a big kiss and then
start sucking on her titties.” bob didn’t like it, but had no power
to refuse so he did as he was told. While he was bent over his wife
sucking on her nipples, he felt something press against his ass, he
turned to look and was slapped hard on the ass and told to get back
to his sucking. Then another equally large dildo was shown to him and
he heard Brenda say that they were going to stretch his ass out the
same way as Margo’s pussy. That maybe after that horse got done fucking
Margo, she would allow it to butt fuck him. Everyone laughed some more.
me an opportunity to share my fantasies.
She certainly knows how to keep Her Word!
It makes me feel so good to submit to Mistress, knowing that everyday,
i am irresistibly becoming more and more submissive to her, more and more
her happy and slutty mindless slave!
concentrate anymore on my job! Thinking is becoming so hard and so…
how should i say… irrelevant to my submissive life! It’s so much easier
to stop thinking! Yet for some arcane reason, thinking is still considered
somewhat of a requirement for a job in programming! He! he!
me the most brilliant answer ever: She simply told me to always remember
to wear my panties and hoses when i work and concentrate.
morning, wearing my most pretty panties and hoses and you know what? It
DID work! i did as she said and it ended up as one of my most productive
work days in ages! As if pleasing Mistress increases my focus on the job!
How does it work? i don’t have the slightest clue! All i know is that
Mistress is always right. And that She really did take care of me and
that i am now a much happier ladie! 🙂
More <>
much better i am feeling. When the session started i felt headachey and
tired. When done i felt full of life, no headache and very sexy. It is
now late and i still feel really good. i can’t wait for my next session
with Mistress.
to resist, resist to the pleasure….
seem to have been many updates recently, but I still visit because I love
your site so much. The recent photo of you that was used for the competition
just shows how gorgeous you are, I loved it so much that I have had it
printed on the front of a t-shirt, (a cute tight babydoll tee of course
– to go with my new raver girl look) I’ve not worn it outside yet, and
my parents haven’t seen it but it feels ooh just so good to be wearing
you on my chest. I wish I could send you a photo of me wearing it, but
I have no camera.
shots to look more feminine. I love my feminine self soooo much just being
a mindless obedient slave girl for mistress is like sooo cool.
arousal all day long, I went to my local gym. When I checked in – thinking
of MM and this site — the guy at the desk told me “you have to use the
woman’s locker room today.” Since I wasn’t paying too much attention (my
mind was elsewhere!), what I heard was “”you have to use the woman’s locker
room today?” I was stunned and felt myself blushing as i said sheepishly
“no.” He then repeated himself “you have to use the woman’s locker room
today” explaining that the locker rooms were being switched this week.
I thanked him and walked away hoping that i had not given myself away.
throughout the gym.
my own mind. Though i do think it would be great fun.
female office workers, a male bookkeeper, and about twenty men who work
in the printing plant. The male bookkeeper has just retired after working
for Bob for 20 years. It is at his retirement party that Bob is first
introduced to Linda. She is providing some adult entertainment, hypnotizing
reluctant participants from the audience to do silly adult things in front
of their co-workers. Towards the end of her program, Bob is pushed up
in front of the audience by his secretary Brenda. He claims that he cannot
be hypnotized. Linda begins talking to him and then the next thing he
knows he is headed back to his seat. He laughs and says, “See, I told
you, you would not be able to hypnotize me.” Everyone laughs and the evening
goes on.
Bob does not remember hiring him. He asks Brenda about it and she tells
him that he told her to find a replacement for the retiring bookkeeper
over a week ago. He is very puzzled by this, as he does not remember telling
her any such thing. He asks her to introduce him to the young man. Kenney
is about 25, short and a little heavy; he has red hair and freckles all
over his face and arms. He talks with a slight lisp and seems to have
noticeable feminine body language. Later that morning Bob tells Brenda
that Kenney is going to have to go. In the employee lunchroom that day
Linda shows up with Brenda and the two women invite Bob to sit and have
lunch with them. Bob says that he doesn’t have the time and turns to walk
away when Linda says, “My, you look pretty today.” For some reason, Bob
goes over and sets down between the two women.
to the office Bob only remembers having a nice lunch and conversation
with the women in his employment, though he can never remember what was
all over the office, and all three women who work for him now smoke. It
used to be only Brenda who smoked. Not only that, but he himself is now
smoking and seeming to enjoy it. The worst part of it is he is smoking
long slim cigarettes that are marketed to women. And while he smokes he
cannot stop thinking about how sexy he would be as a buxom blond with
long fingernails wearing pink lipstick and matching nail polish. Just
yesterday he was in a meeting with a couple of customers and all he could
think about was hairdos and color schemes for lipstick, nail polish, and
dresses. It was a good thing that Brenda was there to get their orders
because he just couldn’t concentrate on anything else.
come to the office and immediately remove all of his clothing. Brenda
had told him it was alright, the other women in the office, and even Kenney
didn’t seem to mind. They all laughed and giggled at how small his penis
was and made fun of him but it was all in good fun and bob laughed right
along with them. Linda came for lunch one day that week and after eating,
she invited Kenny to come into bob’s office with the rest of the office
staff. Everyone was dressed but bob, he was totally naked. She looked
at bob and asked him if there wasn’t something he wanted to ask Kenney.
bob got noticeably uncomfortable, he knew that he had to ask, but he really
didn’t want to. Linda asked him again. He felt shame but he couldn’t help
it. He walked over to Kenney and got on his knees and asked if he could
please suck on Kenney’s cock. Everyone began laughing. Kenney told him
to beg. bob then noticed several flashes of light from a camera and Brenda
running a video camera. He looked back at Linda and she nodded her head.
bob began begging Kenney to allow him to suck him off. Kenney had some
conditions. He made bob admit that he wanted to become a bimbo cock sucking
whore and agree that he would become the company slut and cocksuker. He
also aggreed that Brenda could run the company from now on and that he
would take a cut in pay so that everyone else could get a raise and Linda
could also be put on the payroll. With all that decided, right there in
front of the entire office, bob began sucking on Kenney’s cock like it
was the most important thing he would ever do in his life. The women all
laughed and made fun of him while he was doing it. Though he was humiliated,
he couldn’t stop for some reason. He had to suck cocks. Soon, the owner
of the business would be naked, wearing lipstick and nail polish and down
on his knees sucking the cocks of every male employee in the plant.
as long as i can remember. i am 54 years old and have been going to Professional
Doms since i was in my early 20s. i am addicted to Female Domination and
TG story sites and have been since we bought this computer. i am married
and have children and as far as i know, my wife knows nothing about my
submissive sissy side. This is our family computer and because of that
i am afraid to put pay pall or a message or chat connection on it, for
fear of being found out. So having a session or buying a CD is not something
that is possible for me at this time. i would very much like to contribute
some funds for the upkeep and continuation of this site but it would have
to be in the form of cash or a money order sent by snail mail and so far
i have not come across an address to do that. That being said, i want
to tell all of you who come to this site that i have become addicted to
it. It is the first place i go when i can be alone and on the computer.
i have so many fantasies that are getting stronger and stronger and seem
to be more needs than fantasies any more.
and bought a pack of Eve Ultra Light Menthol 120s, even though i do not
smoke. i am sitting here in front of the computer with my nails polished
pink, wearing pink lipstick, and smoking my cigarettes. For some reason
i have this urge that i must fulfill.
wishing that i could also suck on a big cock. Leaving my pink lipstick
stains on it like i am leving them on my cigarettes. i have not had a
session with Mistress or even been able to purchase Her CDs, but i feel
that just reading the posts, and stories on this site has somehow hypnotized
me into having to fulfill some of my fantasy secrets.
will be permissible for me to post some of my deepest and most secret
fantasies here.
Then how come I am Mistress’s happy slave girl? (not that I mind…[g])
will improve with repeated listenings. It certainly felt oh so good. Thank
You, dear Mistress.
stronger. Almost without thinking, I find myself drawn to this site –
as if heavy weights on my chest draw me closer and closer. I find myself
checking for updates as frequently as I once checked the news. Though
familiar, the site is always stimulating. The stories that seemed so bizarre
now seem natural. Thank you Mistress Linda for providing this wonderful
myself very happy and content afterwards shaving my legs, I have never
done that in the summer when its shorts season. I have asked her to make
me into a complete woman, I canot wait till I have sex as a woman with
a man.
since that moment and have spent at least 8 hours today reading all I
can. I am seeing many things here which hit too close to home, and I am
uneasy about it all.
(forced) feminized slave girl by a local Dominant man, which I declined
and now dream about constantly. Then, there is this strong attraction
I have to smoking women, and the fact that I myself smoke Bensen and Hedges
menthol cigarettes, which always looked and tasted classier to me. (I
have gone without sex for a long time and I think that explains my smoking).
I took the gender test and it came back 54% female, I can’t stop thinking
about sucking cock whenever sex is on the mind, even while looking at
nude women’s photos, yet I have never had any other attraction to men.
And lastly, I am always debating whether or not to take the plunge and
buy myself lingerie and clothing. I’ve so far fought the temptation.
collection, but fear we could be starting something from which I won’t
be able to stop. I do have a career to worry about, you know. Your site
is scary in an intoxicating way, at least for me.
and put on make-up together! (I finally shaved my beard and mustache!
No more of that nasty bearded lady look. No, no, no!)
myself in a more feminine manner. Even though I felt more vulnerable,
in her company, I was comfortable and was more open about my feelings
and thoughts. The whole experience was more
steve, another resident of her dormitory. mary had already seduced
her slim yet voluptuous figure.
drug she had designed to be a more convenient replacement for the somewhat
awkward bimbo machine. She provided mary with a sufficient quantity of
the drug for mary, steve and darla to experience the full effect. mary
was programmed to administer the drug to both steve and darla and to arrange
for steve to experience the fantasy of having sex with two busty women
at once.
submissive, but also once the subject began to orgasm, she would not be
able to stop until the drug wore off.
darla both took off their lowcut dresses to reveal their quarter cup sexy
bras and slutty lingerie. steve was immediately stunned into submission
by the sight of mary’s bra. mary straddled his chest and placed his eager
hands onto her fully exposed breasts as he stared eagerly at her voluptuous
cleavage. steve immediately disrobed.
with her left hand while massaging his massive testicles with her right
hand. mary was masturbating while steve obsessively fondled her large
breasts. darla was using Monica the Mouse, a vibrator she had inserted
earlier so her hands would be free.
cock and rapidly masturbated him. darla squealed with pleasure as steve
shot the first of many huge loads of semen onto her face and into her
open mouth. Soon darla’s sexy glasses were covered with steve’s semen
and her hair was well soaked. steve seemed to cum like a racehorse. All
three of them soon were overwhelmed with pleasure and fell asleep dreaming
of the slutty fantasies Mistress had programmed them to desire.
by repeated listenings to the Elegance cd since last Saturday. I feel
so strange–so devoid of my maleness and, at the same time, experiencing
the rise of my femininity. My mind would struggle with this, if it could,
but I don’t want to struggle. I just want to submit. I just want to obey.
Because I have no pleasure but obedience to you. I have no happiness unless
I can be your sexy little girl slave. You control my desire. You control
my pleasure. You instruct me how to think and feel, what to believe and
what I have to do to find pleasure. I am anxiously awaiting our second
session next week and am looking forward to my continued transformation
into my feminine ideal. Most importantly, I hope to have the chance to
please you by proving what a good little slave girl I can be and I just
long, more than anything else, to hear you utter those two most precious
words, “Good Girl!”.
in my life, I’m thinking about how great it would feel to have a big,
hard cock in my mouth. I just want to suck and lick and drink down some
wonderful cum, feeling the weight of my boobs as my head bobs up and down
on my lover’s shaft.
and harder to think of anything else, except for seducing more girls.
I have been bit by the fempire’s kiss…mmmm… tranforming me all throughout
my body and at the core of my being. My needs are growing so much stronger
every day. Having my own boobs gets me so intensely hot and horny. It
is not so much a desire anymore as it is now a necessity…
that this still is not real, and try to think that I want to be IN a woman,
not BE a woman, it intensifies my need to be a gorgeous horny bimbo slave.
It feels so good to see a gorgeous woman and know that my body is becoming
more and more like that. Now my male personality is lusting more and more
after the woman that he’s becoming and lusting after his own boobs….mmmm….
good girl!! 🙂
Mind Mistress. Concentrating on Elegance for now is helping me so much.
Soon, I’ll concentrate on all of the other cd’s again, then I hope to
begin sessions.
do a strip-, bathroom-, and masturbationscene in it. If you are interested
in it mail me. Hope to hear from you. My adress:
make me
or three times a day?
Mistress’s sexy CD2 and it feels so good! i can’t resist! makes me feel
so simply sexy and and and… mindless… i can’t think straight any more…
but it’s sooo good!
given it to my beautiful Mistress and now i feel so very free not having
to think anymore, not having to worry and just feeling sexy all over.
just feeling free to be the sexy lill slut that i am. i sit there for
hours, blank and empty, totally open to Mistress’s voice, while savouring
a long sexy cigarette and feeling all dizzy with the smoke that flows
into my empty mind! it’s just so fucking hot!
was already looking forward to meeting you there.But of course your health
is paramountand this epidemic is spreading.I will try to search if there
are any shows for the Transgendered community here in Toronto,Ontario.Yes
I agree with you fully that you would be a great asset to such a show
or gathering.Personally though Mistress,I feel you are a great asset no
matter where you attend.Stay well Mistress,as always respectfully yours.
to have uninhibited fun. she wore a low cut halter top to barely cover
her DD breasts and a thong panty on her slender yet voluptuous hips. she
kept lifting her halter to flash the crowd hoping to get lucky.
to Mistress’ stable. she programmed darla to approach the young woman
and seduce her. darla’s handler provided the already somewhat drunken
young woman a drink containing a very mild drug which would make her very
subject to suggestion yet not so strong that she would do anything against
her will.
the shining crystal pendant swaying hypnotically in the massive canyon
of her cleavage. mary could not look away as darla repeated the words
she had been commanded to say. mary had always wondered what it would
be like to have lesbian sex, but she was too inhibited to come on to another
darla’s nurse dressed mary in a strap on dildo harness which had two ends.
One had a nubby knob to stimulate mary’s clit while the other had a special
knob which fit inside her to stimulate her G spot. On the outside, the
dildo was very wide but not too long for darla to take completely inside
her ample hips. It had ridges all along it like the top of a man’s penis,
deep ridges all the way down.
darla both had many intense orgasms before darla became exhausted and
simply planted her massive hips onto mary’s slim figure. darla then placed
a powerful vibrator on mary’s clitoris. mary kicked her legs wildly because
she wanted to thrust her hips but was restrained by darla’s weight. mary
became increasingly frustrated and humiliated, yet she strangely wanted
darla to keep her that way.
the bimbo machine which she had attached to mary’s head while she was
staring at darla’s cleavage. mary screamed and then went blank as pleasure
flooded her inexperienced brain. Instead of wanting to be an engineer,
mary now wanted to be a slut for Mistress and attract other college students
to her stable.
more and more fascinated with what Im seeing and reading.. Its now got
to a stage where Im visiting almost daily in the hope of more updates.
Im becoming obsessed, its difficult not to when Mind Mistress is just
so beautiful, some of the posts slaves have made on the site have just
pushed me over the edge and now I’ve now decided that I want to get involved
and am ready to fully submit to Mind Mistress.
it will be worth it.. Im totally ready and willing to become your Slave
Girl. I know its going to feel great wearing girls clothes and its very
exciting knowing that Im going to probably lust after boys.. I totally
can’t wait for CD4.. that just sounds awesome.. wanting to suck cock..
needing the taste of cum I can’t wait until Im thinking this way.. even
the thought now of learning to enjoy kissing boys makes me feel hot..I
can’t wait.. Im going to fully become a Techno Cockslut, I don’t even
like techno music… but its beautiful to think that soon Mind Mistress
will change the way I think even about music, Im going to be a hip trendy
girl into techno music.. with a desire for cock and I just can’t wait.
someone into an angel or a mermaid, lest they fall and drown. If you like
sexy transformation pictures… Bye!
try not to suck cock… i put on a fem black silk stretch top, stretch
hipster jeans, black silk thong panties with a matching bra, garter
with tan stockings and 4″ black toeless heels. i also brought along
a small purse with a makeup kit inside….then drove to one of the local
adult bookstores and went into one of the booths after i asked for change.
i swear even though the outfit i was wearing was kinda conservative,
the man behind the counter was laughing at me. Alot of guys were in
the front of the store and saw me also, i heard alot of laughing. i
went to one of the booths and applied a full face of makeup (mascara,
eyeliner, lipstick); stripped down to just the bra, panties, stockings
and heels and then started watching a video; i selected a video with
shemales like instructed. i reached under my skirt and then stroked
my clitty for a few minutes when i noticed the guy in the booth next
to me was stroking off while looking at me through the gloryhole. It
was such a turn on. i turned back to the video and watched until i noticed
some movement over by the hole. When i turned back, sticking through
the hole was a hard cock, about 9″ long. My mind was reeling… i had
never been in a situation like that before and all i wanted to do was
devour the large cock.
hold of the rigid cock sticking through. My fingers were squeezing tightly
as i pumped away on this enormous rod. It felt incredible to have this
thick, rigid meat pole sliding through my hands; the soft skin sliding
over the rock hard shaft. It was then that i noticed the glob of cum
forming at the very tip and suddenly i stopped… Holy shit – what am
i doing? i’m dressed like some slut on my knees while i’m jerking off
some giant cock and it’s getting ready to cum!
and saw a thick stream of gooey cum hanging from the bloated dick head.
Overcome with lust i knew what i had to do next and moaned loudly as
i finally succumbed to the moment and tasted my first cock!
onto my chin. i moaned again as my lips parted and i tasted the semen
streaked knob, as i pressed my eager mouth around the meaty rim, sucking
it in until my lips stretched all the way round and i held the wonderful
bloated cock head in my hot, horny mouth. COCKSUCKER! The word flashed
through my brain with a jolt Yes – i was now a cocksucker – and i loved
it, tracing along the rim, poking into the slit, which continued to
ooze the hot, sticky sweet and salty cum. i let it coat my mouth savoring
the taste and the feel of having my mouth stuffed full of hot throbbing
cock and yummy, gooey gobs of sperm. i pulled my mouth from the massive
head and wiped it across my puffy lips, spitting it out onto the top
of the bloated knob and then wiped it across my face, leaving trails
across my nose and cheeks while it continued to ooze joy juice onto
my face. Just as sudden as it started, it was over. The man pulled his
cock away and i watched as he zipped up and left.
from the hole. i thought to myself, i would get out of there, go home,
get cleaned up and forget this ever happened! Boy, was i clueless! i
had no idea that i had started a series of events that would surely
change my life forever! As i got up to leave, an image burst into my
mind. It was mental picture of myself kneeling in submission to a giant
cock poking through a hole in a wall; thick, gooey wads of cum dangling
off my chin and nose; hands wrapped tightly around a thick, rigid shaft
of pounding dick meat worshipping the bloated knob with my lips and
tongue, a look of pure lust on my face as i savored the sweet semen
pumping into my mouth, filling my belly. i felt stunned, totally disoriented.
i couldn’t focus on anything and mental pictures of me stuffing my mouth
full of thick throbbing cock flooded my brain.
cock. i kneeled down in front of the gloryhole for over an hour before
i actually left. Within 5 minutes after the first, i had my second taste
of cock. He shot his load on my face after about 3-4 minutes of me sucking
it. i could feel the cum on the floor leaking through my stockings and
staining my knees. and toes. After that an older man (around 50) came
in and asked if i wanted to be his sex slave. He wanted me to go to
his place but i told him i could not do that but i would do what he
wanted there. After sucking him dry, he left. The next three men just
looked at me and laughed when i asked them if they wanted a blow job.
i sucked 7 cocks total before i was too drained to continue.
Puddles of gooey jizm had formed in the cleavage of my breast forms.
i could think of no other way to clean myself than to… Swallow it!
i was amazed at how much cum i had already swallowed and now i had to
force myself to scoop up the sticky liquid in my hands and slurp it
into my mouth!
me dressed like a slut and greedily sucking cock. When i left, three
of them were looking at me and smirking at me. i turned about three
shades of red and then walked out the store… im probably going back
tomorrow. i am now truly a cock slut.
sooo much for your wonderful hypnotic recordings. to this day i still
listen to recordings 2-4 on an almost daily basis.
obsession. By making the trigger words so common, i hear them multiple
times daily and it continues to enforce everything that you mention
on your recordings. i cant help but want to wear feminine things, makeup,
perfumes, lingerie… and thanks to recording 4; the constant craving
for cock. my girlfriend started to get weirded out after she noticed
i was wearing panties and pantyhose all the time, and of course her
catching me with makeup on a number of times didnt help matters much
either, but i honestly dont care, because although i want to keep her
happy, i do nothing but crave after men and long for the taste of cock
and cum. i cant even get an erection anymore without thinking about
yummy hard cock.
toenail polish, and perfume, but as soon as i am home, i immediately
put on a skirt or a dress, anything fem and just cover my face with
beautiful makeup.
power is slipping fast, i constatntly think about being filled with
cock and yummy cum, i find myself driving by adult bookstores that arent
on the way home from work, knowing that i can suck numerous cocks at
a gloryhole there. even though i didnt originally think the changes
would be this dramatic and the urges this strong, i am trully happy
because this is what i want. i will soon be a total cock slut, and that
will make my life complete. Thank you so much for introducing me to
this wonderful world!
employed the double penetration dildo attachment which entered darla’s
anus and vagina. The machine uses industrial strength motors to rotate
the dildo attachment as well as to vibrate at the same time. Mistress
sat on the seat provided by the maker for the partner of the user to “help.”
submissive. She placed the bimbo helmet on darla’s head and started the
Sybian. darla squealed in pleasure as Mistress increased the power. darla
began to urinate all over the waterproff saddle upon which she was desperately
pressing her hips down.
pleasure from the Sybian, she activated the bimbo machine at full power.
darla immediately became completely still as her brain was completely
disabled by pleasure. Mistress soon turned off the Sybian so as to not
rub darla’s genitals raw, but she left the bimbo machine on for an extended
sexual acts Mistress wanted her to carry out.
the stress of her session, darla awakened feeling very refreshed and happy.
she had no memory of what had happened to her other than her desperate
desire to please Mistress by engaging in every kind of extremely degrading,
submissive sex while giggling and urinating all over the bed.
must be working as I fell asleep twice during it! Also as an aside, I
don’t know if anyone has experienced this, but the CD does NOT play in
a Walkman and Mini Sound system-comes up with “no disc”, but in a NEC
player I have access to, it works beautifully. Sounds a bit like Samsung
DVD players. But anyway, all that aside, I was initially disappointed
with it as Mind Mistress started off with a situation similar to one of
her online sessions I had with her. However, there are certain things
that have been happening since my first listening which I cannot explain-feeling/looking
in the bathroom as if I was pregnant, sealing off my dick with tape and
a large paperclip, admiring where I know my fully rounded breasts will
soon be and admiring the enchanting beauty of all Women, knowing that
some day I will be one of them. Now after hearing Her instructions on
CD, I know I desire male cock when I am dressed as a slut. Women are the
epitome of perfection-males are to be used by them as they see fit.
seeps further transforminging me I am a happy slave girl
please mistress>
is 125lbs, my tall is 5’7″, my hair & eyes are brown. so, i could be really
a beautiful & sexy woman 🙂 i’m still waiting for the person (man, woman,
ts-woman, shemale or mistress) who will transform me into the woman of
my dreams.
an even larger one in her mouth, running her tongue over the extremely
sensitive spot under the tip while gently dragging her teeth over the
sensitive ridge at the top of the head. She was also stroking his penis
with one hand while massaging his testicles and prostate gland behind
them with the other.
as her attention turned to the process of oral sex, she simply
all over the bed and the man underneath her, much to his
pulled out of her mouth and as she used both hands to push her huge watermelon
sized breasts together for his view to encourage him to ejaculate, he
masturbated to an explosive orgasm and covered darla’s face with cum.
now desperate man sprayed a huge load of cum into her.
vibrator to make her scream in pleasure as the man beneath her incredibly
voluptuous hourglass figure licked the cum off of her face. Eventually
they fell asleep and dreamed of even more slutty sexual experiences.
impressed but my interest has also been piqued to the point where when
I have the money, though i’m not quite sure why I think I actually be
willing to save up the money I need for enough sessions to have similiar
permanent results. I’ve always been borderline tg but always afraid of
the repercussions of becoming a woman and i personally feel if you can
do that to a mostly straight man, You would be able to mold and shape
me much easier since I’m already bi. I will admit I do have other wishes
so to speak but with no cash this one is in no place to be making wishes
she can’t afford to pay for. at any rate. Thank You very much Mistress
Linda for the services you offer and this one sincerely hopes that she
in time will be able to afford to be molded and changed into a beautiful
perfect woman she is too afraid to become. be well and bright blessings
well educated, look for some one to help me to be a woman & to move to
a ts-friendly land.
clinic for more bimbo therapy. nancy was obsessed with the pleasure darla
seemed to feel being a helpless slut.
and licking and sucking on a cock!
can bring you like it does for me!
thought it should be shared.
and that it’s a nice fantansy. I’ve tried to resist my inner feelings/(woman)
of wanting to take it further out of fear I guess. I submitted and ordered
a few of her cd’s and began listneing to them thinking that they might
be “fun”. I never thought I’d be caught up in this so powerfully. After
awhile, I noticed that I began to think and feel more and more feminine.
I also noticed that my male personality began to loose it’s ability to
put the female personality at bay. sharlene has been taking more and more
control and making my male personlity weaker and weaker.
it was far more than just mere fantasy for me. I didn’t want to believe
that. She even told me awhile back that it was silly for me to fight because
I was past the event horizon and that there was no return. All along I’ve
been thinking in the back of my head, “yah, right…” and just going along
with it. One of MM’s Mistress slaves, Mistress Kitten, even told me that
I should just surrender and let sharlene take over and even let myself
be transformend into a shemale that sharlene wants me to be.She said sharlene
won’t go away and will put my male personality to sleep anyway.
so sensitive and I haven’t even been on hormones or had trance sessions
or anything. I find it so hard to think of anything else but being a woman,
a slut and having real boobs. I can’t stop wearing panties or listening
to MM’s cd’s. I’ve been craving contact ith her. The techno track on the
technoslut cd get me so hot and I can’t stop listening to it.
really transforming or changing this much. I thought I was a male. This
is so mind bending…
my fantasy. My fantasy is that I would black out for a second and wake
up as one of the girls that shows the prizes on the price is right. My
mind would be my own but I would have to be the girl in her body. This
girl is a long brown haired women with normal sized breasts tall skinny
long jaw line very curvy tight butt and hips. I would have to get through
a show from beginning (before the show started to end) and day being this
girl. maybe show something that I would have to put a one peace swimsuit
on. She would a boyfriend I would have to go on a date with him. basically
spend a day as a barker beauty having to fool everyone in thinking I am
this girl being careful not to bring out my man traits (how I act). sort
of a quantum leap like show. here is how a day would go. I would wake
up realize I am not a man anymore. The roommate would come in and say
get dressed we have a show to do. I get ready the best i can not knowing
girls fashions maybe having my roommate pick out an outfit while I am
in the shower. I would go to the show and go to makeup and wardrobe showing
me all the outfits I have to wear. I do the show doing what barkers beauty
do. After the show I would have to get ready for my date. But before I
find out that the next show all the girls have to become blonds. So I
go to a beauty salon to get my hair died blond. then I would go back to
find an outfit to wear. get pick up and go on the date. (I do not drink
or smoke) I get ice tea to drink. it would be weird kissing the boyfriend
but I have to as his girlfriend. Sometime during the night I have to go
to the ladys room to change my tampax. ( don’t know what its like to wear
one or have it full) he takes me home I go to bed and thats the end. I
would settle for just being a girl named Jennifer for 15 minutes and being
able to feel my femine body and see myself as a female in the mirror and
pee sitting down. but because I have no money its just a fantasy thank
you for reading. If you want to use this in any way go ahead add details
if you would like. Brian
experience it was. It certainly surpassed the efforts of the other three
and proves to what a great extent Mind Mistress goes to enslaving her
story. Don you ever visit London or is there anyone in the UK who can
help me satisfy my feminine desires?
I’m like famous! check out my web site it is sooo cool. It’s a real pleasure…
oooh… to be online. all those sexy men with their sexy cocks looking
at me! I am listening to your tape every night! I can’t wait untill my
next session!
deliver exactly what they are advertised to deliver. I recieved the first,
Trance Training, on February 24 and listened to it twice that day, once
right after work and once before bed. It’s effects were instantanious.
I woke up at 5:00 am and was compelled to play it again. I am now addicted
to trance! I listen to it at least once a day and have listened to it
as many as 3 times a day. On February 26, Subconsciouness was delivered.
I tryed to wait until the weekend before listening to it, but, after listening
to trance training that night, I had to hear it. That night I could hear
your lovely voice in my mind repeating and repeating “you obey”. Since
then I have been alternating Trance Train and Subcon. On thursday I had
a tooth pulled (a root canal gone bad) and had taken Friday off. So on
Friday i listened to both 3 times each. A bit overboard but I couldn’t
stop. That night I was beside myself, your voice running through my head
and images of myself as a slave girl. i thought i’d never get to sleep.
I cooled off listening on Sat & Sun i thought I’ll never get to work in
this condition. Monday morning I listened to Sb con before going to work
and the first half day was fairly uneventfull (your voice & the images
are constant in my mind) but at about 2:30 PM (of course i don’t know
what triggered it) I couldn’t stop looking, almost to the point of staring
at the women who work around me. NOt looking at them as i used to but
comparing hair styles, jewlery, clothing things like that. The more I
looked the more excited i got. Finally i went to the computers to try
and focus on something else. You guessed it two women took the work stations
on either side of me. I can’t even tell you what they were talking about
but i continued to get more excited to the point of shaking. i finally
found refuge in the mensroom i didn’t choke my chicken, maybe i should
have. Instead i was playing with my breast and nipples? I expect your
ellegance cd shortly and i know it will put me over the edge but i can’t
stop it because i am your obedient slave girl cynthia
– should maybe you should too and write… do you crave sex a lot? do
you like to suck cock? do you like your pussy eaten?
Hope to hear from you soon!
and I have more energy. I have never experience suchgreat deams when I
sleep. I am now into day three of the second CD. I all I want to do is
please you my mistress. Please guide me and mold me into the person you
see in me.
times and love to read all the stories over and over. I spent the last
few weeks reading them several times a day and love how exciting they
all are. It makes me very happy to come here and read them all the time,
very horny too!!! I love the stories so much!!
allowing me the pleasure of this wonderful place and to say thank you
, thank you , thank you for the delightful stories and the pleasure they
have brought me!! I went into the chat room to check things out the other
day for the first time, and everyone was wonderful and very nice to me.
I felt so welcomed. They are wonderful girls there who are a pleasure
to speak with. I suggest everyone check out the room and the stories.
You will be very happy!!!
has checked out the story about Me in the gallery. I still love to re-read
it every now and then! 🙂 By the way,I noticed a post by sharlene back
in January. Guess O/our little sessions had more of an effect on you than
you realized eh shar? lol Hope ya’ll try and enjoy the sexiest hypnotist
on the net…Mind Mistress!
when I feel so much pleasure
to your site. Candy will transform a picture of anyone into a sexy woman!
but she uses your own face, your own hidden genetics to bring out the
slut in you! I was very happy with my results. Please mistress, let your
other sluts see a new version of themselves as well?
need another person to try new techniques on or test new behaviours on,
I would be willing. I would let you publish it on your site like adam’s
forced feminization story. Please consider.
I hesitate to do this but I am so eager for an encounter with a beautiful
shemale that I will almost do anything. I don’t know if I could handle
the excitement, I am shaking so badly now. Perhaps you know some shemales
in my area. I am eagerly awaitng your reply on my knees.
how great a Mistress u r! im like sooooo horny right now i cant stand
it! i luv suckin a guys hard cock and tastin his cum as it shoots down
my throat like soooo much. every time i try to think of somethin all i
can see is a big cock instead! im so happy bein a cockslut bimbo! all
i hear is this giggly girl voice in my head singin my mind is happy blank
n empty brainwashin is good for me! i luv cock and cum soooooo much and
cant wait til i get off work tomorrow to suck more guys cocks and swallow
loads of their yummy cum. since i cant have cock right now im gonna smoke
a cig instead. suckin on cigs help me get by til i can suck more cock.
i stare at the obsessed with cock picture on your website when im smokin
and see myself sucking all their juicy cocks. i like cant exactly remember
what all we did during our sessions, but all i know is that im more horny
for cock than ive ever been! thanks Mistress!
need big boobs. The words “I need big boobs” having been running through
my mind all day. I cannot get this thought out of my mind. I need to feel
the weight of big boobs on my chest. I crave to be stacked — to experience
the feeling of having huge jugs stretching a tight sweater. I know that
I have had this craving for a very long time – perhaps forever.
need to tell You of my craving. I know that You will understand this craving.
The last thing in the world that I want is to be transformed by You into
a cock craving transvestite or shemale. I am a happily married man, father
of two and successful professional. I am a tall (6’3″) very handsome (I
am told) male with very “normal” desires except for the overwhelming desire
for big boobs.
for years – has been released. I feel as though I must write this message
to You before these words “I need big boobs” will fade from my mind.
since they are most likely escorts. When I lived in NYC, it was much easier.
What I would really like is a sexy shemale girlfriend. However, I am not
keen on the idea of cruising “gay” bars either, as I don’t want to attract
you. The fantasy is that I go away to a “camp” or a “brothel” for a weekend
where 5 to 10 sexy shemales live. All weekend long they would use me as
they wish, fucking both my ass and my mouth over and over. If such a place
existed, I’d book my reservations right now!!!
Also, are there any sexy shemales in my area or any potentials willing
to relocate?
20, 2003 at 06:28:30 (CST)
would be willing to write stories of feminization or write computer programs
for websites to trade for feminization. Please someone. I will make it
worth your while.
2 and 4. The first time listening to tape #2 was so intense I was shaking
at the end. i felt my will leaving and truly felt like obeying you. I
know you from site to be a truly gorgeous Goddess and your voice is so
hypnotic and lovely. I then listened to the cock slut tape. i was so horny
and turnesd on and after I finished I felt an urge to check out your obsessed
with cock. my G-d whats happening to me? All I kow is its beyond my control
now. I had a strong urge to listen to the tapes again and by the end of
night I had listened to the tapes again. When I got home today I had to
listen to the first tape again. I’m sure the second tape will be listened
to shortly. I don’t know where this is going (or maybe I do) but I love
the feeling of trance and I’m sure I will by the other tapes soon. Oh
by the way, my slut name is Laura. Just wanted you to know I loved the
tapes and I am already a slave to you and I,m sure my devotion will only
grow stronger. You are so sexy and dominant and I find myself becoming
increasingly submissive Thanks again for the tapes.
go any further and she fels neasy with me doing anything in the fem way.
im 43 been married for 11 yrs with no kids
but she is the best. Hopefully when i save up enough money(which may be
never at this rate)she can help me become a ditsybibo schoolgirl
hypnotically induced feminizing suggestions picked up on an adult hypnosis
site. We decide to meet in person in a restaurant. She decides she’ll
wear feminine clothing and suggests that I wear jeans and a comfortable
shirt since I’m new at cross dressing. I ask how I will recognize her
from other women in the restaurant. She says her hair will be blond,
her plum blouse will tastefully accent her 40 d breasts, and her pants
will be cut so her 28 waist and 38 inch hips will give her the air of
a fashion model. Her 3″ heels will give her a height of 6 ft, 4″. We
meet. She tells her name is Barbra and for the purposes of discretion,
she would call me mike.
with the effect of the site on her? She says she will answer all my
questions, but first she wants to show me something in her room. We
go to the room. The room is dimly lighted and in comfortably arranged
shadows. As the door closes I feel a slight pin prick. I don’t lose
consciousness, but feel light headed and extremely suggestible. She
tells me I and my world is about to permanently change. Fear crosses
my mind! All I wanted was to eliminate or reverse the hypnotic desires
implanted by the site. She looks at me and says, “My Mistress has recruited
you from your correspondence on the site. She shows me a picture of
the Mistress and for several hours I am put into ever deepening trances.
In spite of all their attempts at controlling my mind, I am conscious
enough to resist. I decide to play along until I can get away. I find
myself forced deeper and deeper into their control. After some extended
period of time (who knows, it could be hours or weeks), I relax and
drift off into a restful dream state. I had won! I defeated their attempts
at controlling my mind.
dimly lit room, I feel woman’s clothing on me! I can barely see what
looks like a form fitting black, leather-feeling skirt. I feel the smooth
silky texture of a blouse ever so slightly caressing my arms and the
back of my neck. As I lower my feet to the floor, I become acutely aware
that I’m wearing 4″ heels. I decide I should not stand up too rapidly
and avert a fall related injury. In fact I decide the best thing to
do is take them off and put on my shoes. As I bend over to remove the
shoes, I feel soft, perfumed hair fall around my cheeks and neck. It
looks deep auburn in color. How did I get these sexy feminine clothes
put on me? Who put them on me? When did they do it? In a state of subdued
panic, I look anxiously for my shoes. In fact, I briefly looked around
the room for any of my clothes. Needless to say they were nowhere in
sight. My attention shifts to the bedroom door. I hear muffled voices!
I quickly realize that no matter how I was dressed, I had to get out
of there! I stand up.
dimly lit room is the form of a tall woman with long auburn hair that
falls in long graceful waves down to about the middle of her back. She
looks as though her breasts are 40D at least. Her breasts, no my breasts!
Her bodily dimensions are 40, 28, and 38. In the room’s dim light, she
looks like a high-priced sexy call girl. How could this happen to me?!
This can’t be real! There must be some way out of the room beside the
bedroom door! The people talking in the next room seem to be coming
toward the door! I’m trapped! There is absolutely no other way out!
The door opens; 2 shadowy figures come into the room. Their pants are
unzipped and their cocks are partially erect and sticking out of their
crotches. Barbra enters and says, Helen, are you awake? I feel this
overpowering alien and yet familiar feminizing force take over my masculine
will. As the two figures draw closer and closer, the feminine power
and I merge into one entity – one female entity. I struggle to fight
off the merger. I MUST protect my masculinity.
and I find myself reabsorbed into her. We slowly and provocatively move
toward the 2 figures shrouded in shadow. Helen smiles as we walk over
to them. She lightly touches each man’s exposed cock. Waves of intense
pleasure engulf us. She wants more. What’s this; she’s making me want
more too. I decide to fight harder to regain control. I refuse to let
this. This woman, maybe I should say demon, sucks cock in my mouth.
But then I hear her say; I hear me say against my will, “But cock is
sooo gooood and I need it; I want; I MUST have it. The feelings of intense
sexual need are too much. We become one again, this time in both desire
and action. I have failed. I can no longer discern a separation between
us. I want what she wants. I have become Helen; Helen is me.
feel saps my will to resist. All I can do at this moment is do as the
Mistress commands. I so desperately want to please her. I push one of
the men onto the bed. I remove his pants and lightly blow on his exposed
cock while my tongue flicks around the head and underside of his quickly
rising engorged cock. I hear a long moan and sigh emanate from the man
on the bed. I let close my mouth close firmly over the swollen head
of his penis as my tongue circles and slides around the base of the
helmet and the top of the shaft. The female entity is an expert cock
sucker and now, so am I. She knows how to keep her tongue in contact
with the most sensitive areas of the penis. My mouth becomes a nymph
maniac’s pussy. The man on the bed screams, thrusts his hips wildly
in uncontrolled ecstasy as his cock swells and explodes sending jets
of warm thick salty cum into my captured mouth filling it to over flowing.
What I cannot swallow runs down my cheeks and chin. I squeeze the base
of his penis and push any remaining cum up his shaft and out into cum-addicted
mouth. After the last wave of pleasure has completely left his body,
he is pleasantly dazed and completely drained of cum.
my sissy clit. I feel my climax start like tidal wave rising throughout
my whole body. Its intensity builds and I ccccuuuuummmmm. Not just once,
but again and again. Each time the wave carries my whole mind and body
into pleasure areas I never before explored. The second man continues
sliding his cock slowly in and out, in and out until he reaches his
pleasure point of no return. Before he can explode Helen (the female
entity who has taken control of my mind, body, and pleasure centers)
tightens her sphincter muscles around the base of his cock and sends
him to yet a higher level of ecstasy. He has no mind, no will; he is
lost in the power of pleasure. I feel the weight of my tits swing back
and forth as he thrusts faster and harder into my juicy sissy clit.
I feel that wave build in me again.
know my masculine days are over! Finally, he feels his cum burst forth
from his rigid cock. He is yelling and cumming and cumming, again and
again until he too is completely drained and exhausted. Then everything
goes dark. When I awake Barbra stands over me and tells me I am in no
position to refuse to serve our Mistress. My mind is still hazy from
that very realistic erotic dream I just had. I ask her if she drugged
me. She tells me I’ve been in deep hypnotic trance for over 2 weeks.
I tell her trance or not that I was leaving immediately. She then inserts
a video tape of my dream plus more! I’m seen dressing up to look like
the woman (Helen) in my dream. In fact, everything that happened in
the dream was recorded on the video tape. She promises to release the
tapes to parties who could use the information to destroy my family,
business, and many of my friends. I feel desperate and trapped.
am to write a letter to my family, business associate, and friends telling
them that I left the country on an urgent assignment and will contact
them when I settled in. She said that after a few months my kidnapping
and death would be staged. During those months, I would go through the
necessary medical treatments and hypnotic conditioning to totally forcibly
feminize me. She further tells me I will serve our Mistress as a cock
addicted call girl. As soon as the words are out of her mouth, I become
extremely horney. I look down and see I’m naked. However, I have the
hair and tits I had on the tape. Before I can react to this situation,
she asks, “How do you feel Helen?” I immediately feel myself change
uncontrollably. I hear a voice, Helen’s voice, say, “sorry baby,
I run the show now. Soon we will be one. That is, you will cease to
be who you were and become me. You will never be a male again!”
not sure of all the implications of that session and I don’t know as yet
how much I can tell you about it but I do know this. It was better than
I could have hoped and longed for. I have two of Mistress CD’s so I wasn’t
sure how I would react to Her on line but it all blended together wonderfully.
I am so happy!
blouses. Nobody paid me any attention or if they did I didn’t notice.
I found a skirt that I may go back and buy today. It’s so cute. Short
and black and so sexy. I was so excited shopping. There was this warm
vibration between my legs and this huge smile on my face.
hear Mistress in my head now. “You need Me to tell you what to think.
You need Me to tell you what to do. You need Me to tell you what to be.”
It such a comfort to have Her here with me all the time now.
past two days searching for tg tv cd websites, feminization hypnosis,
and thinking to myself all day yesterday i need big boobs!
in sexy womans clothes with her and walk around feeling really sexy but
now its different its like i want this sooo much cant stop thinking this
feeling will go away but hoping it wont, i really want big boobs i want
to feel sexy and i want to suck cocks
being a buxom topless dancer with a pussy. This is what I want to experience,
but, want to be guaranteed to return as a male….Can anyone here offer
an experience and whether MM will do this for me. Please write to me a
website as well so nice to see that you have added your very own line
of CD’s to help those and many more to seek your guidance.I would like
to ask a favour of you,and I do not believe I am alone in asking if you
can post another one of your photographs.Hoping I am not too forward in
this request.As I am very sure others love to see you as well.As always
wishing you the very best.
ever. It was a lovely girly orgasm. I am going thru a transformation for
my wife. I am already her slave and want to be more obedient. MM is making
me feel more like a slave girl now. I love feeling like a girl. I woke
up this morning and licked my wife till she was ready for me to run her
shower. While I was licking her I couldn’t help but think I was licking
her as a girl. Thanks for the wonderful feelings. Priscilla
bring everyone up to date.
his cock and his cum on my lips, i can still inhale his wonderful man-scent
from his pubic hair, and i can still feel his hands holding my head down
on his gorgeous cock. i am a sexy shemale slut now, and i love it. No
worries, no pressure, just live to suck cock, to be fucked, and to make
men happy.
Linda ended. i try to remember the details of my trance, but all i really
get is going into trance and most of our conversation after waking up……changed
in the most basic ways. Permanently.
femme and bi, but with no plans to make it real.
hard, so they will cum in my mouth. i remember asking Mistress to be given
this desire…..She warned me it would be irreversible, and i think it
is, and i don’t care what the consequences are anymore to the rest of
my life. my life will completely change so i can be a sexy big-boobed
shemale and suck cock every day. Then i will be happy. i am happy now!
complete my transformation.
females. I saw the initial stuff you put up, but nothing has been added
or updated. What happened?
shave my body hair, pee siting down, using makeup, use a butt plug evey
night before I go to sleep. All this has come about when one day I was
looking for some stories about TG when I found this site. I read all the
stories and got turned on so I booked my first session with MM.Then came
sessions two and three and I found myself looking a websites about sucking
cock. Next I brought her Elegance cd and found I needed to start my transformation.
clothes. I even thought about using hormode breast cream to my breast
grow a bit more.
to it at least once daily, about 5-6 times total. it’s hard to find the
private time to do it, but i’ve already noticed some real changes —
to have trememdous trouble getting out of bed in the morning, now i awake
very refreshed and ready to go. i’ve been more productive at work as well.
initially a rough spot. i raised my arm up, but it did not FEEL particularly
different, i was just doing it as part of the program. but last night,
when i made a small movement to raise my arm, really nothing more than
a twitch, it just floated up all the way, almost over my head, nice and
slow, like it was attached to a helium balloon. i was AMAZED !!
a fast release like a male ejaculation, but a long, slow, building thing
that must be what a female orgasm feels like — an in a related topic,
i notice after each time i listen, i’m a little wet after, some pre-cum.
even after the first time i listened.
on the verge of something really exciting.
I told you last night I would send you another message when I had a little
more peace and quiet.
coming on but was not sure if maybe I had to pee. I fixed me a cup of
hot coffee with cocoa & marshmellos for cream. I stopped by the restroom
just in case before I went to the break room. I did what you told me about
sqeezing my legs together and calling myself a sissy slut in need of cum.
The sissy cum started oozing out of my clit, I caught it on my finger
and licked it off, I did this til there was no more. As I stood up I felt
another sissy orgasm rising, I held my sissy clit over my coffee cup and
got a few more drops of sissy juice in my coffee. I took the head of my
clit and wiped the last few drips on the rim of my cup where my lips would
be placed to drink from the cup. Later in the afternoon you surprised
me with another sissy orgasm, but not as intense as the morning orgasm.
again. This time you supplied me with just a few drops of sissy juice,
enough to get my taste buds wanting more of that delicious sissy juice.
Several times throughout the day I felt as though I might have an orgasm
coming on only to find I had to pee. Guess it is the cold weather. At
lunch time I went to an area department store and found the pink panties
I believe you want me to purchase. However I did not purchase them at
that time. While there I also saw a skirt and blouse that would look good
on my wife. After going back to work a called a friend of my wifes and
asked what size skirt and blouse she would wear. She gave her opinion.
I told her I was going after work to get the skirt and blouse for my wife.
About an hour later I felt another sissy orgasm coming on. I went to the
rest room and as always locked the door and drop my trousers and undies.
I held my sissy clit in one hand and the little sissy spurts started oozing
out. I quickly catch those drops on my fingers and lick and suck up those
precious sweet sissy juices. Some of it ran down my sissy clit and onto
my other hand. I had to lick some fingers from both hands clean of my
sissy juice. I think you may have rewarded me for planning to go and purchase
my new panties in person. Thank you Mistress for those sweet juices, I
never thought I would enjoy the taste of sissy cream, but I do like the
skirt and blouse set. I carried them to the counter and ask the cashier
to ring the skirt and blouse separate from my panties. An excellent way
to purchase panties with no embarrassment.
the Fantasy page!! Like i simply can’t stop dreaming about that Bimbo
Machine of your’s and i get all wet every time! If you really know someone
capable of creating such a wonderful machine, i’d be more than willing
to give my hot sexy body for the sake of science! Like i’d also gladly
volunteer my mind too but something tells me my adorable Mind Mistress
already owns what,s left of it… Too bad! And sooo good when it’s that
bad! 🙂
glad to post them in the guest book if you can tell me how to log into
the guest book. Had a good day today and have a bit to share but will
share it later in the evening when I have a little peace and quiet around
me. Maybe you will respond before I get back on line. I hope so. Thank
you for your kindness and for the control you have over me with out having
spoke with me.
what has been happening to you in the Guestbook, by posting the emailed
stories you have sent Me.
girl, and tell yourself “I’m a sissy girl” as you cum.
got the money to set up a session with you.
sissy orgasm. I stopped by my former work place for a visit. I had not
been there since I lost my job in 2001. Had a good visit with my former
coworkers. As I was leaving there I felt a sissy climax cumming on. As
soon as I opened the door to my truck I started climaxing. I was glad
no one was at my Doctors office where I had to pick up orders for an xray
of my shoulder. At that moment I so wish I could have found a public restroom,
but there were none around. So I drove on to the next town where I was
suppose to go eat lunch at my sisters restaraunt, but I had cum so much,
I needed a restroom first. I did unzip my jeans while driving down the
highway and wipe up the last bits of cum from my sissy clit. I first drove
to 2 different department stores and found restroom in the last one I
went to. I walked through the intimates section, but saw no panties I
really liked. I made it to their mens restroom and
and there were no stalls for privacy.
my clit the best i could and licked the cum from my panties and fingers.
But then I failed you my mistress, I am so sorry for failing you. I grabbed
my sissy clit and masturbated til i climaxed. I did not catch my cum and
lick it like I am ordered to do. I am so sorry my Mind Mistess, will you
forgive me.
sexy, and fantasized about being with one. But I never thought I’d want
to be one. I came upon this site about 3 or 4 months ago, and read the
Adam to Beth story 3 times that day following the instructions at the
end. I went into the chat room, and now I feel so compelled to become
that beautiful shemale I always wanted to be, at least deep down.
am, how can my desires be increased, by getting someone to send more erotic
thoughts to my mind through these voices i love being used by them.. i,m
54 year old single adult male who smoke pot, does it help bring on the
voices, and if anyone can control me without my knowledge it turns me
on alot too. marc i like being kepted by men. i claim not to be bisexual
or gay buy i love being submissive slendar hairy chested christian/jewish
man. black beard/black hair blue eyes.i,m 6’0′ tall, i weigh 125 lbs,
i need someone to seduce and control and hypnotise me by sending out telepathic
thoughts from a reciever. please sir or ms control and seduce me i want
to be under your control. i love being seduced and used sexually
transformed into a beautiful woman or shemale. could you help me and i
can do any thing for that.
sexy, and fantasized about being with one. But I never thought I’d want
to be one. I came upon this site about 3 or 4 months ago, and read the
Adam to Beth story 3 times that day following the instructions at the
end. I went into the chat room, and now I feel so compelled to become
that beautiful shemale I always wanted to be, at least deep down.
my destiny but then I have run away. I suppose some would question my
belief that I am called to be a submissive boy/girl slut. For years I
did. I would immerse myself in what many would call perversion and then
guilt and shame would herd my ‘other’ self back into control and push
this part of me back into it’s cage. I would convince myself I could keep
that part of me locked up but deep inside I knew better. The greatest
rush I have experienced has been submission. It’s hard to run away from
what you are.
always have something new for me every time we met. A new bra or dress
or stockings. One day she told me she was taking me out in public. I shook
inside the whole time I dressed and all the while when she applied my
make up. The outing was wonderful and exciting beyond my wildest expectations.
She said the next time we went out she would take me to lunch at a bar
in town that is known for people of alternative lifestyles. They have
drag shows at this bar and people interested in D/s and crossdressing
and just about anything you could call alternative goes on there. I was
intrigued but afraid.
if I really wanted. I had to think about it and it took months for me
to make the decision. I recently contacted Mind Mistress and She said
the easiest way to help me would be to change my childhood memories of
religion to Goddess worship. I have decided to go forward with this. I
now have to decided exactly what I want.
of the family died of AIDS. It was horrible.
liking. The highest form of submission for me is mind control. Submitting
my mind to the will of someone Superior to me is the ultimate.
being my true self.
it out.
during the time Mind Mistress is available.
I have a wonderful girlfriend who is now a beautiful holder smoker, and
i still enjoy converting and being with men, enslaving them happily with
my sexy holder.
my male self, and my female self just by using my sexy long holder. All
one has to do is call me by my feminine names “gina” or “the Countess”
and i become the girl of my dreams. Smoking my Virginia Slims 120s in
my holder is now pure pleasure. And my lovely girlfriend is now helping
me to convert women into sexy holder girls as well. She has already turned
her friend Carol into a holder user, even though she was a nonsmoker.
me a line and I’ll be happy to webcam for you…soon you’ll be doing more
than just watching me LOL.
searching for hope. From the first time, I kept returning every chance
I had. I felt mesmerized by Her, and Her site.
tell you how intense it was, She was able to bring me to heights like
never before and all of the hidden desires become more evident. I am looking
forward to many more sessions, and have already listened to Her CD’s several
times. I cannot help but want to be Her good slave grrl.
to erase any memories of being male…and accept my role with gratitude
and pleasure.
SO compelled to write this and don’t know why. I am a 38 y/o, 5’3″ petite
male (I’d probably look pretty cute as a female…lol). I have always
been a heterosexual male with a very intense sexual attraction to the
female body.
trance music mp3’s. I was very intrigued by it as I surfed through. I
found it highly erotic and noticed myself being hooked into and compelled
to soak up everything on it while I was trying to figure out what it was
about. Then, I read Jessica’s and Adam’s stories. I thought the warnings
were a cute trick/joke/hook to keep the reader interested, after all I
had stumbled across this site with no intentions of turning TG or anything,
but I did find Adam’s story to be quite erotic and highly entertaining.
I played along with it and read it a couple of times following the instructions
given at the end of part 7 and all along thinking it to be a joke and
funny. I took the gender test and each time it graded me greater than
86% woman. I even made the mistake of checking out the cock-slut training
page. At first I was repulsed by it, but soon started noticing that I
liked it.
into something much more powerful than me. Not being able to figure out
what was going on, I found myself feminizing more and more. I began having
an insatiable compulsion to shemales, TG story caption pics, having at
least CC or DD breasts, and wearing panties, pantyhose, woman’s sleepwear
and lingerie. Before I knew it, I was shaving my legs, growing my hair,
wearing press on nails and taking a regimine of herbal estrogens and using
progesterone creams. This was all happening with NO SESSIONS and just
through the hypnotic conditioning of MM’s site. I began hanging out in
the chat room and trying to sort through my confusion. The hypnotic fantasy
of a Fempire/and my Inner Woman being released to take total and absolute
control of my male persona despite his resistance was overbearing. I contacted
MM and although I had no sessions, she told me to begin calling myself
no way this could ever be real although it’s a nice fantasy. Trapped into
becoming female??… yeah, right… I had a few sessions with another
HypnoMistress I met online and she released my Inner Woman. All along
I wanted to prepare for sessions with MM. I seem to be a pretty difficult
hypnosis subject. It didn’t feel like anything really was really changing
in me, but I began noticing my Inner Woman talking to me and starting
to take full control. And then my attraction to Fempires and shemales
skyrocketed. Around October I got scared after a session in which I was
led to have sex as a woman with a man. I dropped everything and attempted
to go on about my male life.
I could really be hypnotised. I ordered the Trance Training Cd’s. I told
myself that they were relaxing and didn’t really put me in trance or condition
my subconcsious. I am beginning to feel that I am, indeed trapped now
and it is back full force, more powerfully than ever. I only feel comfortable
in woman’s undergarments and I have even began eating my own cum. What
is happening?? I am still extremely attracted to woman’s bodies sexually,
but now I want my body to be a woman’s body. I try to tell myself this
is not happening and I even have a girlfriend that looks like it may develop
into a meaningful committed relationship. What then?? Maybe I can bring
her to MM, tell her MM is one of my online friends and not tell her about
what is actually happening. Then MM could maybe take control of her subconscious
without her even knowing it and turn her into my lesbian Mistress or something
like that??… I dunno… I’m so confused…
can’t be trapped so intensely, what is happening?? I need to have some
sessions with MM to help me figure this out.
Please email me at:
myself at this site. I didn’t get here by following a link from the evening
news. I didn’t wake up one day recently and decide I would love to submit
my will to a Mistress.
by things I have read on Mind Mistress’s site. I didn’t start dressing
and using makeup because of anything I have seen here. The desire to kneel
before a Mistress and serve Her however She saw fit ( And if that means
kneeling before a man and orally pleasing him so be it.) didn’t just plant
itself in my pretty little head this morning.
who could enslave my mind and take my will and do with them as She saw
fit. I was looking for a Mistress that could change the endless cycle
I have been going through. (More on that later.)
or helped me to submit to what I have been seeking all along the answer
is yes! After spending some time at this site I knew Mind Mistress could
enslave me. I simply decided to feed my needs and cravings… after all
that’s why I am here isn’t is?
‘knew’ that you have found your destiny? What part your actions may or
may not have played to bring it about is of little matter. What matters
is that when you arrive you are intuitive enough to know you are precisely
where you should be.
at Linda’s feet keeps me coming back. The knowing that Linda is Superior
to me is a siren’s song that constantly calls me. The fact that I am helplessly
caught in Her web thrills every fiber of my being. Freedom is here. Absolute
slavery is here. For me they are one and the same.
Are you intuitive enough to know it? I read the Guestbook and I see so
many say they can’t afford a session. Quit putting roadblocks in your
way, quit making excuses. If you want one badly enough you will find a
way. If you run away your need will never be fulfilled. Never. There will
always be an empty part of you. That’s why you’re here. Welcome home.
no technique,,,and made an ass of myself…:)…soooo empty
and have made it my desktop photo…
my new identity…
me with..
and sensitive..
years and was simply looking for someone to dominate me as such in cyber
space. As I read about Adam and all the other material on your site, however,
things have changed. i am drawn to shemale sites now. i search for pictures
of big breasted beautiful shemales and imagine that i am them. i crave
pictures of shemales sucking cock and wish i were they. Or pictures of
dominant shemales having their cocks sucked and longing to be that fortunate
squeezing my large nipples … bound with a penis gag that i eagerly suck,
waiting for my Mistress to return so that i can suck her pussy …
… and lick up my own cum. my pulse races and i get moist just thinking
about it (like NOW).
i just keep cumming … coming back to your site to see what devilish
new torments are there to enslave me.
a heterosexual male can be changed into a womanized-cock addicted shemale.
The following is my experience.
of hypnotic stories like Elvyra’s Web. I found the story intriguing and
wanted to find more such stories. Your site had stories with warnings.
I thought that was an interesting nice touch. Eventually I read the Adam
to Beth logs. I thought warnings at the beginning of each log a neat trick
to hook the reader into wanting to see more. I wondered what you meant
RIGHT NOW!” What innocence was I saving? So I continued reading and ignoring
your warnings until Log 6. That warning caught my attention! I asked myself,
could the warning be true? How could anybody get addicted into becoming
a shemale unless they wanted to be one in the first place and were hypnotized
or drugged into believing they had to become a shemale? Since I had no
such desires, I read the last Log. I decided to not re-read the Adam to
Beth logs. I read some of your other hypnotically forced feminization
materials and left your site for a month or two.
I had not felt since my early teens. I began to get sexual urges associated
with changing into a female. I continued surfing the web in search of
forced feminization and transformation stories while I wondered why I
was becoming so fascinated with these stories. Why was I becoming sexually
excited by stories of men transformed into women, shemales, and sissies?
I’m not gay. I have had no desire to have a romantic relationship with
a man ever! But for some strange reason something has changed or is changing.
Eventually I came back to your site and felt compelled to re-read the
Adam to Beth logs 3 – 6. On less frequent occasions I included Log 7.
I’m now visiting your site 5-7 days a week for no less than 3 hours a
test. Much to my surprise the result from the test was there was an 86%
probability that I was a woman! I was in the middle of the white range.
I took the test a few days ago and got a different result. The test says
its 86% sure I’m a woman; however, now I’m out of the white range and
into about 33% of the pink to red range. I have had two responses to these
results: astonishment and sexual arousal. Also, I’ve started visiting
cross dressing sites looking for silicone breast forms (40D), wigs, sexy
woman’s under clothing, body-shaping corsets, and make over services.
of me wishes I had not done that. I have never been sexually interested
in any male sex organ other than my own. Well now that seems to be changing
along with an increased sexual interest in pretty shemales. I also found
a site that tells in detail how to expertly suck cock. (
I even got an ICQ account. You may notice I did not say Mistress Linda.
But what I noticed is the strange feeling I got when I wrote the word
“Mistress”. I sense a danger in submitting to Mistress. So at this point,
I hesitate to go all the way. Also, fortunately I don’t have enough money
to afford the necessary first three sessions. This gives me more time
to think about the changes and feelings I’m experiencing.
few hours.
stay away from this site for too long. I have to re read through all of
the stories every day. Ooo what happened to Adam.. I would give everything
to be complelty under Mistress Linda, serving her.. giving her complet
control of my mind body and soul. I want to give her everything of me.
To be her slave completly and forever.
the ones where they change into their new selves full time.. I want to
be changed complety, not just part time.
Linda wants… I would do anything she wanted, become anything she wanted..
just for the chance to go under once with her.. to feel her inside of
my mind…
doesn’t even know me.. I have given myself to her completly long ago..
your darkest desire.
boy who turns into a girl every time he touches cold water and back into
a boy with hot water… sounds fun, don’t it?
some stories here are very hot indeed). Could you please put up a transscript?
*beg* I wonder what the experience’d be like for “normal” RPG? Experiencing
everything your character does…. sounds like fun.
i’ve been around for quite a while. I have a small request though if I
may. I ask that you please oh please add some more texts and especially
erotic trance logs, they do get updated but excruciatingly slowly. I know
it’s not your job and that you owe us freeloaders nothing, but please
oh please be cheriteble to your humble admirers.
clicking that link on And I thought it was so cool. For
months and months I kept coming back to see what was happening and wondering
what it would be like to be hypnotized and feminized, to look into the
mirror and see a babe looking back out. I even filled out the request
form a couple of times but I didn’t press the submit button.
into a girl. But finally I did submit…I mean press the button. And I’m
sooooo glad that I did. I Iove being a girl! The transformation process
was the most fantastic experience…not to mention the female orgasm…*tingly
shudders*. And the cutest pointy elfin ears.
and I are going adventuring in the upcoming sessions! Battling trolls
and nemesis, in sexy leather and a shiny steel boobplate…er breastplate.
From first level barmaid to…well only Mistress knows. Wizards and witches
and kobolds and trolls. Elves and men…(lots of those…whoohoo). Being
transformed into a lusty wench is going to be fun!
heroine…captured by pirates…or maybe another Seven of Nine on Star
Trek Voyager…*laughing*…maybe Sheena of the Jungle!
ask for a fantasy adventure.
You will be all girl. You will crave cock. You will desire to please Mistress….Now
press the button!
into this almost jokingly, not treating it to seriously. I took most of
the online posts as wishfull thinking and hopefull dreams.
that caused Misstress Linda to have to take me out of trance to often.
mind like i didn’t think was possible. even whene I resisted she would
slowly start to wear me down and i would fall into deeper and deeper states
of submision.
the next one! (I can be such a bim… uhm… so absentminded at times)
I thought i could resist her, but now why would I want to? It’s feels
so good to obey. To ober is pleasure and her pleasure is my command.
Whoever I am. I’m sure to enjoy myself. 😉
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