Hypnosis Logs: Feminized Cheerleader Hypnosis part 2

Part 1, Part 2


StephM Session #4

We’re skipping ahead in the story, to the forced feminization fantasy. The idea is to come back later, and fill in the details with flashbacks of returning memory that our poor dear has forgotten. πŸ™‚

Part 1: Setup

Part 2: The Trance Adventure

Part 3: Debriefing

Part 1-Setup

stephhfx: hello mistress πŸ™‚
stephhfx: just letting you know that I am here and ready whenever you are. Hope you had a nice week so far
mind_mistress: brb
stephhfx: sure thing
mind_mistress: Hello πŸ™‚
stephhfx: hello! πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: How are you today?
stephhfx: very well! and yourself?
mind_mistress: Good πŸ™‚
stephhfx: excellent πŸ˜€
stephhfx: I was wondering if I could ask you a small favor for today’s session…
mind_mistress: Sure
stephhfx: I know you have this set up so it can continue at length, but I was hoping we may be able to have some small resolution in ths session since i have to take a few weeks off due to the bar, and i’d rather not be obessing over this every day like I have the past few weeks πŸ˜‰
stephhfx: not that the “story” needs to end, but perhaps more like the end of a tv season? like ending one aspect of the current plot while making it obvious there is more to come?
mind_mistress: Ending a TV season in two sessions is a challenge…
stephhfx: i understand if this is not possible.
mind_mistress: The best I can do is skip the dramatic tension and get you girly right away
stephhfx: perhaps we could do that, and maybe do a kind of “flashback” session when we resume?
stephhfx: like a “how i got here” kind of thing?
mind_mistress: Hmmmm
mind_mistress: I hadn’t thought of that!
mind_mistress: Good idea πŸ™‚
stephhfx: might make an interesting change to the narrative if you ever post this as well…
mind_mistress: I don’t think I’ve ever done that, but I can use that plot device with others, thanks!
stephhfx: my pleasure πŸ™‚
stephhfx: you given me so much, im happy to be able to give back, as it were.
mind_mistress: At least we’ve established the main characters
mind_mistress: So this episode would take place after your transformation then?
stephhfx: sure. or it could pick up right before it, when she actually does the transformation and all her commands. I don’t mean the session starts with her biting me or anything, but maybe during the lead in. the seduction & transformation and suggestions?
mind_mistress: I was thinking the transformation would happen across days
stephhfx: you’re the pro here, i’ll follow your siggestions. (obviously. or i’d be made to follow them :p) …i’m just throwing ideas out here πŸ˜‰
stephhfx: i’m not trying to be pushy or “top from the bottom” so to speak… i hope i don’t come across that way
mind_mistress: What was your family situation?
stephhfx: getting married in august and currently living with old friends from college
mind_mistress: When you were 16?
stephhfx: OH
stephhfx: :))
stephhfx: sorry
stephhfx: lived with both parents and drove or walked to school since I was too close for the bus
stephhfx: no brothers or sisters
mind_mistress: And an overview of your parents?
mind_mistress: So I can play them
stephhfx: back in highschool they were the classic good cop/bad cop pair. my dad would act very authoritarian (never mean, just firm) and my mom would be the one who let me get away with stuff
stephhfx: my dad has a sarcastic sense of humor
stephhfx: my mother has a sense of humor, but is incapable of telling jokes or being witty… she laughs at jokes, but mangles them whenever she tries to say them
mind_mistress: πŸ™‚
stephhfx: which is amusing in its own right, i must admit
stephhfx: my father was/is an accountant and my mom a travel agent
stephhfx: they both worked
stephhfx: by the time i was in highschool i’d be home alone usually until 6-7pm if not later
mind_mistress: Well, I think the transformation is the most interesting part…
mind_mistress: but if you want to do that later, I’m fine with that πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: and it will be interesting to do it as flashbacks
stephhfx: i didn’t realize the transformation was going to occur over multiple sessions πŸ˜‰ i thought it was probably going to be one, thats why I had suggested going to it in this one. πŸ™‚
stephhfx: i’m ok with it being flashbacks as well if it is that lengthly
mind_mistress: I can do it in one, but it’s more dramatic if I stretch it out
stephhfx: cool
stephhfx: if i’m overcomplicating things, i apologize. like i mentioned, you have me so intrigued over this that i’m practly obsessing over it (daydreaming or reading the logs when I should be studying) so I was just hoping to get enough resolution to put my overworked mind at rest temporarily. πŸ˜‰
stephhfx: i suppose that is a testiment to how good you are though.
mind_mistress: πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: Thank you
stephhfx: πŸ˜€
mind_mistress: Now, you remember what your room looked like at 16 ?
stephhfx: yes I do
stephhfx: fairly vividly
mind_mistress: Can you imagine how it would look like as a cheerleader’s girly girl sports fan one?
stephhfx: with pennents and pom poms and such? Yes, i can.
mind_mistress: And color scheme?
stephhfx: i’m imagining it pink and white
stephhfx: since it was gray and white previously
mind_mistress: What’s the school dress code for girls?
stephhfx: my school was pretty lenient. Girls could get away with anything as long as it wasn’t indecent
stephhfx: and sometimes they toed that line anyway
mind_mistress: Okay πŸ™‚
stephhfx: no super mico minis or full stomach showing halter tops. but regular minis and halters were ok
stephhfx: i didn’t mean halters in that second line i ment mid-drifts. sorry
mind_mistress: Can you think of a time when you were really excited, like wow, totally bouncy?
mind_mistress: Eager and anticipating
stephhfx: yes. on the way to by my first new car. πŸ™‚
stephhfx: vroooom.
stephhfx: i could barely contain myself.
stephhfx: I could also use the feeling i get after you sign on and say “hello” before we session as well πŸ˜‰
mind_mistress: πŸ˜‰
mind_mistress: That works πŸ˜€
mind_mistress: Okay, I’m ready to start πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: and you?
stephhfx: yes!
stephhfx: πŸ™‚

Part 2 – The Trance

mind_mistress: so as you’re sitting there…
mind_mistress: staring at the bright screem…
mind_mistress: you can feel the weight of your body…
mind_mistress: and you can feel your breathing…
mind_mistress: noticing how fast or slow…
mind_mistress: how shallow or deep you feel your breathing….
mind_mistress: feeling your body more with every breath…
mind_mistress: noticing any tensions…
mind_mistress: and accepting them as they are…
mind_mistress: just allowing them to be…
mind_mistress: just the way they are…
mind_mistress: and you can start feeling…
mind_mistress: the blue liquid…
mind_mistress: inside…
mind_mistress: everywhere…
mind_mistress: as if you were hollow and filled with it…
mind_mistress: that’s right…
mind_mistress: kind of heavy…
mind_mistress: and warm,…
mind_mistress: more and more…
mind_mistress: and feeling inside the feet…
mind_mistress: you can start feeling the blue liquid…
mind_mistress: going numb…
mind_mistress: heavy…
mind_mistress: warm…
mind_mistress: and pleasantly numbing…
mind_mistress: and do you notice that yet?
stephhfx: yes… my feet feel warm
mind_mistress: yesss…
stephhfx: and a little numb
mind_mistress: a little numb…
mind_mistress: that’s right…
mind_mistress: and the more you pay attention to that feeling…
mind_mistress: the more it can increase…
mind_mistress: and spread…
mind_mistress: more with every breath…
mind_mistress: Mmmm
mind_mistress: in the feet…
mind_mistress: and soon the ankles…
mind_mistress: and the calves…
mind_mistress: and while it spreads there…
mind_mistress: you can feel the blue liquid…
mind_mistress: inside the hands…
mind_mistress: getting heavy…
mind_mistress: and pleasantly warm…
mind_mistress: and relaxing…
mind_mistress: Yesss….
mind_mistress: and soon starting to tingle…
mind_mistress: in the palms…
mind_mistress: in the fingers…
mind_mistress: tingling feels good…
mind_mistress: as you let yourself return to trance…
mind_mistress: that’s right…
mind_mistress: and do you feel the tingly?
stephhfx: yess
mind_mistress: yesss
mind_mistress: spreading…
mind_mistress: and getting more intense…
mind_mistress: in the hands…
mind_mistress: and soon the wrists…
mind_mistress: and the lower arms…
mind_mistress: with every breath more…
mind_mistress: and while it spreads there…
mind_mistress: how far up from the feet…
mind_mistress: do you notice the numbness has spread?
stephhfx: all the way to my butt
mind_mistress: yesss
mind_mistress: very good…
mind_mistress: the pelvis going nicely numb…
mind_mistress: and soon the waist…
mind_mistress: and you can allow the feet to open…
mind_mistress: on the sides of the feet…
mind_mistress: draining the heavy blue liquid…
mind_mistress: so your feet can become enjoyably…
mind_mistress: blank and empty…
mind_mistress: hollow and numb…
mind_mistress: Mmmmm
mind_mistress: draining the feet…
mind_mistress: and soon the lower body…
mind_mistress: and while it drains…
mind_mistress: you can open the hands as well….
mind_mistress: the heels of the palms…
mind_mistress: opening up…
mind_mistress: to drain the hands…
mind_mistress: blank and empty…
mind_mistress: hollow and numb….
mind_mistress: Mmmmmm
mind_mistress: That’s right…
mind_mistress: so nice…
mind_mistress: and letting it go…
mind_mistress: flowing out freely…
mind_mistress: the hands…
mind_mistress: and soon the wrists…
mind_mistress: and lower arms…
mind_mistress: and while the arms drain… how far up
mind_mistress: from the feet are you empty numb now?
stephhfx: to my waist mistresss
mind_mistress: Yessss
mind_mistress: sooo good…
mind_mistress: draining away…
mind_mistress: more and more…
mind_mistress: *Trance Trigger*
stephhfx: i obey
mind_mistress: Yesss
mind_mistress: and what’s left to drain now?
stephhfx: my head…
mind_mistress: Yesss
mind_mistress: opening the nape…
mind_mistress: at the back of the head…
mind_mistress: in the soft spot…
mind_mistress: to drain the neck and head…
mind_mistress: so good…
mind_mistress: so right…
mind_mistress: so blank and empty…
mind_mistress: hollow and numb…
mind_mistress: and while that happens…
mind_mistress: the legs so blank…
mind_mistress: can fade away…
mind_mistress: into the blank empty place of trance…
mind_mistress: dissolving…
mind_mistress: erasing the outlines…
mind_mistress: to become nothing…
mind_mistress: nothing but potential…
mind_mistress: potential to become anything…
mind_mistress: anything I say…
mind_mistress: *Trance Trigger*
stephhfx: i obey
mind_mistress: and what’s left of you now?
stephhfx: nothing… empty hollow numb
mind_mistress: Very good…
mind_mistress: erasing even the outlines…
mind_mistress: to be just awareness…
mind_mistress: floating in trance…
mind_mistress: empty happy…
mind_mistress: so nice…
mind_mistress: and you can drift back in time…
mind_mistress: to that time when you were super excited…
mind_mistress: on the way to your first car…
mind_mistress: seeing yourself at the point where you’re most excited…
mind_mistress: and can you see yourself there?
stephhfx: yes
stephhfx: bouncing in my seat
mind_mistress: yesss… drifting closer to your body there… seeing more and more clearly the closer you drift…
mind_mistress: until you get sooo close…
mind_mistress: you drift into your body…
mind_mistress: all the way in…
mind_mistress: seeing what you were seeing…
mind_mistress: out of your own eyes…
mind_mistress: and hearing what you were hearing…
mind_mistress: and what you were telling yourself…
mind_mistress: and feeling your body…
mind_mistress: more and more…
mind_mistress: with every breath…
mind_mistress: yesss
mind_mistress: and how excited do you feel about it??
stephhfx: so excited! i;ve never been this anticipatory in my life
mind_mistress: Yesss
stephhfx: πŸ˜€
mind_mistress: SoExcited !
mind_mistress: And every time I say that word…
mind_mistress: you can feel it even more…
mind_mistress: increasingly…
mind_mistress: SoExcited
mind_mistress: Ohhh yeah!!!
stephhfx: πŸ˜€
mind_mistress: Vrooom!
mind_mistress: More and more…
mind_mistress: imagining the car,… brighter!!!
mind_mistress: Cranking up your excitement even more when I say…
mind_mistress: SoExcited !
mind_mistress: Ohhhhh
mind_mistress: can you feel that?
stephhfx: YES
stephhfx: i can’t stop bouncing
mind_mistress: Yessss… and increasing even more… making the colors more vivid…
mind_mistress: SoExcited !
mind_mistress: OHHHH
mind_mistress: can you feel that increase?
stephhfx: :D:D:D
mind_mistress: And you know that from now on…
mind_mistress: you’ll feel as excited as this…
mind_mistress: about anything you’re thinking about…
mind_mistress: whenever I say that word…
mind_mistress: and more every time I use the trigger word…
mind_mistress: isn’t that right?
stephhfx: yes
mind_mistress: Very good πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: And now you can let the feelings fade…
mind_mistress: and drift out of this experience…
mind_mistress: to drift…
mind_mistress: to seeing a girly girl cheerleader’s bedroom,…
mind_mistress: where your girl self Stephanie is sleeping…
mind_mistress: in the morning…
mind_mistress: and looking…
mind_mistress: at the poms and pennants…
mind_mistress: pink and white color scheme…
mind_mistress: it’s SUCH a girly room, isn’t it?
stephhfx: so girly!
mind_mistress: and the makeup vanity table with lights and mirror…
mind_mistress: yessss
mind_mistress: and the bed and sheets sooo girly too…
mind_mistress: and drifting closer…
mind_mistress: seeing your teenage Stephanie body more clearly…
mind_mistress: an angel sleeping…
mind_mistress: closer and clearer…
mind_mistress: until you get soo close…
mind_mistress: you drift all the way in…
mind_mistress: Feeling your curvy body…
mind_mistress: more and more…
mind_mistress: in your silky nighty…
mind_mistress: StephanieNow
mind_mistress: feeling your body…
mind_mistress: sensual…
stephhfx: mmmnnn
mind_mistress: as you start to wake up at the alarm clock music…
mind_mistress: Stretching…
mind_mistress: like a cat….
mind_mistress: letting the sheets fall away…
mind_mistress: yawning…
mind_mistress: looking around the room…
mind_mistress: and taking in how wonderfully girly and pretty your room is…
mind_mistress: feels wonderful…
mind_mistress: doesn’t it?
stephhfx: ooohhhhh yesssss
mind_mistress: yesss
mind_mistress: and it would be nice to lounge a bit…
mind_mistress: but then you remember…
mind_mistress: this is going to be your first day on the cheerleading squad…
mind_mistress: and you want to, like, totally look perfect!
mind_mistress: and you imagine yourself in the purple gold cheerleading outfit…
mind_mistress: a sexy cheerleader…
mind_mistress: that everyone desires…
mind_mistress: SoExcited !
mind_mistress: Ohhhhh
stephhfx: πŸ˜€
mind_mistress: How do you feel??
stephhfx: i feel giddy! I can’t wait for everyone to want me
stephhfx: πŸ˜€
mind_mistress: YEsssss
mind_mistress: Girls envy you…
mind_mistress: and boys want you…
mind_mistress: when you’re a cheerleader!
mind_mistress: You’re at the top of the food chain!
mind_mistress: Oh, gotta go shower and get dressed!
mind_mistress: You’re going to get your uniform today
mind_mistress: Can’t wait!
mind_mistress: even if you’re just a trainee…
mind_mistress: SoExcited !
stephhfx: YAY
mind_mistress: So what are you doing?
stephhfx: taking my nighty off so I can shower
mind_mistress: What does your nighty look like?
stephhfx: ohhhh its a naughty black with a small slit on the side
mind_mistress: You’re going to go to the shower naked?
mind_mistress: and flash your parents?
stephhfx: my parents are at work already… and the bathroom is right next to mine. besides, i don’t want them to see my nighty
mind_mistress: Ah yess…
stephhfx: my dad would be mad if he knew i had it…
mind_mistress: Ready!?, Let’s Go!
mind_mistress: shower time!
mind_mistress: So where are you now?
stephhfx: i’m in my bathroom turning on the water and glancing behind me at the mirror
mind_mistress: Yesss
mind_mistress: damn you look good…
mind_mistress: so happy to be a hot girl…
mind_mistress: and having been chose to be a cheerleader…
mind_mistress: it’s like what you’ve always wanted!
mind_mistress: For as long as you can remember…
mind_mistress: You blink, trying to remember yourself wanting this… and drawing a blank…
stephhfx: hrmn…
mind_mistress: But who cares…
mind_mistress: You want it NOW!
mind_mistress: You’re SURE you’ve wanted this since you were a little girl
mind_mistress: even if the details are fuzzy…
mind_mistress: so you get into the shower…
mind_mistress: and the water feels sooooo good…
mind_mistress: Mmmmmmm
stephhfx: mmmmmmmmmm
mind_mistress: Pleasure
stephhfx: ohhh
mind_mistress: so sensual…
mind_mistress: and you get shampoo…
mind_mistress: and start on your hair…
mind_mistress: Mmmmm…
mind_mistress: such great hair…
mind_mistress: you LOVE your hair!
stephhfx: πŸ˜€
mind_mistress: what color is it again?
stephhfx: dusky blond…
stephhfx: ohhhhh
mind_mistress: yesss
mind_mistress: and then rinsing the hair…
mind_mistress: and applying conditionner…
mind_mistress: very important!
mind_mistress: to always use conditioner…
mind_mistress: to make your hair silky and shiny…
mind_mistress: and totally hot!
mind_mistress: And while you let the conditioner do its magic…
mind_mistress: you start washing the rest of the body…
mind_mistress: Caressing every soapy curve…
mind_mistress: totally enjoying this….
mind_mistress: your breasts…
mind_mistress: I think they’re dirty… πŸ˜‰
mind_mistress: gotta scrub them good…
mind_mistress: Ohhhhh
mind_mistress: Pleasure
stephhfx: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnn
mind_mistress: Can’T take too long…
mind_mistress: but you LOVE your body so much…
mind_mistress: and once you’re washed…
mind_mistress: you rinse out the conditioner…
mind_mistress: and the rest of your body…
mind_mistress: feeling clean…
mind_mistress: perky…
mind_mistress: happy
mind_mistress: Bouncy
mind_mistress: Oh your uniform…
mind_mistress: you’ll look SO great in it!
mind_mistress: as a Cheerleader!
mind_mistress: SoExcited
mind_mistress: and you turn off the water…
mind_mistress: and towel yourself…
mind_mistress: as you step out
mind_mistress: and you look in the mirror…
mind_mistress: and you give yourself your morning pep talk in the mirror…
mind_mistress: like the girls told you they do…
mind_mistress: and what do you tell yourself?
mind_mistress: You wanna do JUST like they do… to be a great cheerleader
stephhfx: you can do it! you are sooo hot. all the boys will want you and all the girls will want to be you!
mind_mistress: YESSSS
mind_mistress: and you remember what the cheerleaders say when they start their routine?
mind_mistress: And where are you at now?
stephhfx: running into my room to get dressed
mind_mistress: yess
mind_mistress: and feeling and seeing your girly body totally real?
stephhfx: mostly, yes
mind_mistress: yess
mind_mistress: very good…
mind_mistress: more and more…
mind_mistress: StephanieNow
mind_mistress: and as you get to your bedroom…
mind_mistress: you think: “What to wear??”
mind_mistress: You start with underwear…
mind_mistress: that’s easy…
mind_mistress: what are you getting?
stephhfx: thin silky bikini briefs
mind_mistress: yessss
mind_mistress: and a nice bra…
mind_mistress: putting them on…
mind_mistress: Mmmmmm
mind_mistress: Feeling sexier already!
mind_mistress: and then…
mind_mistress: what to wear on top?
stephhfx: a tight black shirt that shows my chest, but not my cleavage… lycra
mind_mistress: yesss
mind_mistress: and bottom?
stephhfx: mmmn my favorite skirt. for luck!
mind_mistress: Yes!!
mind_mistress: What’s it like?
stephhfx: its white and goes halfway to my knees.. with think black bars on it
mind_mistress: yesss
mind_mistress: and you put it on…
mind_mistress: look in the mirror…
mind_mistress: how clearly can you see yourself now from 0 to 10?
stephhfx: mmnnn 10. so sexy
mind_mistress: yesssss
mind_mistress: so good
mind_mistress: and now… makeup!
mind_mistress: Gotta do it quick…
mind_mistress: Foundation powder brushes lightly with the big brush…
mind_mistress: to even out everything…
mind_mistress: at your vanity…
mind_mistress: with the big lights…
mind_mistress: mascara…
mind_mistress: brushing it on your lashes…
mind_mistress: a little blush with the slightly smaller brush…
mind_mistress: smiling to make your cheeks pop…
mind_mistress: brushing it from the cheeks towards the temples…
stephhfx: πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: and then some nice lipstick…
mind_mistress: creamy…
mind_mistress: and perfume… spritz!
mind_mistress: Mmmmmmm
mind_mistress: Smells yummy…
mind_mistress: How do you feel, looking at yourself now?
stephhfx: i feel so damn sexy. i’m totally going to to do it!
mind_mistress: YES!!
mind_mistress: Time for breakfast…
mind_mistress: and do you remember what the call and response is to start a cheer routine between the captain and team?
stephhfx: no.. oh no!
mind_mistress: Captain: “Ready?” Team: “Let’s go!”
mind_mistress: So you tell yourself…
mind_mistress: Ready?
mind_mistress: Let’s Go!
mind_mistress: and clap your hands!
mind_mistress: You’re pumped!
mind_mistress: Time for breakfast
mind_mistress: Grab your schoolbag and purse…
mind_mistress: and head to the kitchen…
mind_mistress: Dad: “Morning Princess”
mind_mistress: Mom: “Sleep well dear?”
stephhfx: “Hi dad! Hi mom! yeah I did, thanks!”
mind_mistress: Mom’s eyes sparkle : “Excited?”
stephhfx: “YEEESSSS! I’ve wanted this for like, forever!”
mind_mistress: She puts out your bowl with milk and cereal…
mind_mistress: you start serving yourself…
mind_mistress: Mom: “Yes I remember that you’ve wanted this since you were a little…”
mind_mistress: she frowns looking a bit confused
mind_mistress: “A little girl?”
mind_mistress: “Yes…” She smiles
stephhfx: “Yeah ma. Durrrr. :P”
mind_mistress: “I’m so happy for you sweetheart!”
mind_mistress: She comes around and hugs you from the back
mind_mistress: as you eat your cereal
mind_mistress: Mom’s so sweet
mind_mistress: Mom: “That reminds me of a joke I heard yesterday… how did it go again”
mind_mistress: Dad rolls his eyes and smiles
mind_mistress: “oh yeah, it’s a cheerleader who wants to jump higher…”
stephhfx: “oh boy….”
mind_mistress: Mom: “And then she gets… umm… I forget”
mind_mistress: “Oh, never mind.”
stephhfx: “:))”
mind_mistress: dad chuckles
mind_mistress: You’re done eating, time to hug them and go!
stephhfx: “Bye guys! have a good day at work!”
mind_mistress: “Bye honey” they both say
mind_mistress: You go and walk…
mind_mistress: feeling an extra bounce in your step
mind_mistress: your own uniform!!!
mind_mistress: WOWWW
mind_mistress: So hot
mind_mistress: You feel like the queen of the prom!
mind_mistress: SoExcited
mind_mistress: and you find yourself muttering…
mind_mistress: “Go team go, go Rams go…”
mind_mistress: and bouncing in step with that
mind_mistress: and before you know it, you’re at school
mind_mistress: People smiling at you…
mind_mistress: and you think how lucky it is you’re on the squad…
mind_mistress: since you don’t have any friends at school
mind_mistress: you try to remember how a hot girl like you could have no friends at all…
mind_mistress: frowning a bit…
mind_mistress: even though you recognize people…
mind_mistress: but then you think of the girls on the squad…
mind_mistress: Megan…
mind_mistress: Kerri and Alli
mind_mistress: Christina…
mind_mistress: and you think, “Who needs any more friends than that?”
mind_mistress: You get to class…
mind_mistress: and take a seat…
mind_mistress: Noticing the appreciative glances of the boys…
mind_mistress: How does that feel?
stephhfx: it feeeels so good. i love when they look at me. i’m glad I wore this outfit today
mind_mistress: Yesssss
mind_mistress: you are hot
mind_mistress: You DESERVE to be a cheerleader!
mind_mistress: Someone as hot as you shouldn’t waste her time on anything else…
mind_mistress: other than getting good grades of course…
mind_mistress: you remember Megan clearly telling you…
mind_mistress: “The squad need to bring up its GPA or we’ll lose funding… the team is counting on YOU to get good grades…”
mind_mistress: You remember her face…
mind_mistress: how serious she was…
mind_mistress: and how important it is to her… to you….
mind_mistress: the team comes before everything…
mind_mistress: for Megan… for the team…
mind_mistress: how important is that?
stephhfx: it comes before everything else!
mind_mistress: Of course…
mind_mistress: and how does it make you feel that Megan and the team is TRUSTING you sooo much?
stephhfx: i feel great that i’m gonna be so important to the team! they’re counting on me! on ME!
mind_mistress: So proud that they’re counting on you like this!
mind_mistress: you’re going to get great grades…
mind_mistress: pay attention…
mind_mistress: and learn all the cheers
mind_mistress: even if it kills you
mind_mistress: you also have a vague memory…
mind_mistress: of feeling Megan’s lips…
mind_mistress: DESIRE
stephhfx: mmmnnn
mind_mistress: But you’ve never kissed her, have you?
stephhfx: “i don’t remember…. no. i know i haven’t”
mind_mistress: and you’re a cheerleader, you LOVE boys!
stephhfx: yeah!
mind_mistress: And looking around…
mind_mistress: you wonder at each boy you see…
mind_mistress: how good they kiss…
mind_mistress: Mmmmmmm
mind_mistress: Squirming a bit…
mind_mistress: but you gotta focus…
mind_mistress: on the class…
mind_mistress: get good grades…
mind_mistress: so you put it out of your mind…
mind_mistress: and focus on the classes…
mind_mistress: learning…
mind_mistress: paying full attention…
mind_mistress: and before you know it…
mind_mistress: the lunch bell rings and hours have passed…
mind_mistress: Excited!!!
mind_mistress: About going to lunch with the squad?
stephhfx: yeah! I get to see my friends!
mind_mistress: SoExcited !
mind_mistress: All your new friends!
mind_mistress: You love them already!
mind_mistress: and you’d DIE for them if you had to!
mind_mistress: But for now…
mind_mistress: it’s time to drift out…
mind_mistress: and awaken at 1
mind_mistress: remembering your experiences vividly…
mind_mistress: and feeling wonderful…
mind_mistress: 9
mind_mistress: 8
mind_mistress: 7
mind_mistress: 6
mind_mistress: 5
mind_mistress: 4
mind_mistress: 3
mind_mistress: 2
mind_mistress: 1

Part 3 – Debriefing


mind_mistress: Hello πŸ™‚
stephhfx: hello!
mind_mistress: πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: I hoped we’d have time to get with the squad…
mind_mistress: but I figured you’d want to enjoy the shower and dressing too…
mind_mistress: and the memory discrepancies πŸ˜‰
stephhfx: lol yeah those were intriguiing. and being looked at
stephhfx: i liked that πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: I had a 5 minute internet cut…
mind_mistress: but you apparently stayed in trance
mind_mistress: and I added 10 minutes at the end
stephhfx: so thats what that was…
mind_mistress: after using the trigger to deepen the trance
stephhfx: yeah… i started to feel myself coming out of it, which was when i called to you
stephhfx: but you came back
mind_mistress: I didn’t get any offlines
mind_mistress: so I checked in with you about where you were at
mind_mistress: did the girl transformation trigger get you back in properly?
stephhfx: yes πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: Good πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: That’s why I asked how much you were in your body
mind_mistress: to make sure
mind_mistress: Well, I know we didn’t do as much as we hoped…
mind_mistress: but I hope you enjoyed the session anyway πŸ™‚
stephhfx: i did πŸ™‚
stephhfx: i think i’m going to buy the 5 for 4 deal next time. I wasn’t sure i was giong to enjoy this as much as I did.
mind_mistress: πŸ˜€
mind_mistress: Did the morning routine feel rushed or fine?
stephhfx: it felt good and weird at the same time. like i felt like i’d done it before but i couldn’t remember when
mind_mistress: yes
mind_mistress: I was trying to go through it quickly
stephhfx: which tied right into the other memory discrepencies
mind_mistress: heh heh
mind_mistress: So when did you say you expected to continue?
stephhfx: i’m not entirely sure right now. I may be able to sneak in a session next week. after that I need to see how extensive my bar course is
mind_mistress: okay
stephhfx: from what I understand it is usually mon-fri 9-2 or 3
mind_mistress: Do you ever crossdress?
stephhfx: i have at times.
stephhfx: usually hosiery and always under my clothes
mind_mistress: Does your fiancee know ?
stephhfx: nope
mind_mistress: Well, I’m not your mother…
mind_mistress: but in my experience…
mind_mistress: this does not go away…
mind_mistress: and spouses usually feel betrayed when they learn about it years later
mind_mistress: like having bought a house with non disclosed flaw or something…
stephhfx: yeah… the crossdress thing though I tend to keep pretty controlled. however I am trying to broach the subject with her.
mind_mistress: It would be ideal if you could let her know BEFORE you get married
mind_mistress: I deal with so many married men whose wives don’t know…
mind_mistress: and it’s often difficult when they find out
mind_mistress: because the wife feels like she wasn’t trusted at all, and was lied to
mind_mistress: If you’re serious enough about sharing your life with her to get married…
mind_mistress: she probably deserves to know first
mind_mistress: But I’m just a hypnotist…
mind_mistress: so this is just a suggestion πŸ™‚
stephhfx: πŸ˜‰
stephhfx: thank you for your suggestion. and for the session πŸ™‚
mind_mistress: You’re very welcome πŸ™‚
stephhfx: i hope to talk to you soon. ;;) have a nice week
mind_mistress: Thanks, you too!
mind_mistress: Have a great week!
stephhfx: you too!
mind_mistress: Oh, and there’s some suggestions in the story gallery in the Dear Abby Mistress section about disclosing this to partners
mind_mistress: That might help
stephhfx: thank you i’ll check them out
mind_mistress: Later dear ;;)
stephhfx: bye!

To Be Continued? Steph hasn’t had more sessions yet. Let’s hope she does!

Or, YOU be the one to continue in this universe. Get sessions, and continue living in any of the stories or logs you read here!