Dear Abby Mistress 4 : I want my wife to be turned on when I dress as a woman. Can you help?

kylie: hello
kylie: does the hypnosis truly work
mind_mistress: Hello. Yes it does 🙂
kylie: wow i have been browsing around your page for a bit
kylie: it is all really interesting
mind_mistress: your colors are really hard to read
mind_mistress: thanks
kylie: sorry about that
kylie: that was from earlier
kylie: so could you hypnotize someone without them knowing it
mind_mistress: possible
kylie: I only ask because i am interested in seeing if you could hypnotize my fiance into becoming more domme
mind_mistress: Does she want to be?
kylie: she does but she lacks the confidence
mind_mistress: If she’s willing, I can do it
mind_mistress: I even have a CD for it… CD15 Three Icons
mind_mistress: I’d suggest CD16, CD3 and then CD15 to train her
kylie: i looked at it but she isnt interested in listening to CD’s says she doesnt have the time for it
mind_mistress: Does she want to do sessions?
kylie: i dont know
kylie: she is at work right now
kylie: i am home doing housework
mind_mistress: ok
mind_mistress: Unless she’s willing, there isn’t much I can do
kylie: i completely understand
mind_mistress: I have a session… we’ll talk later after you’ve talked with her
kylie: i will talk to her but i dont think she will go for it
mind_mistress: Then find a different fiancée
kylie: lol
mind_mistress: honestly, you’ll save yourself much grief that way
mind_mistress: trying to change people who don’t want to change is a waste of time
kylie: well we have a son together and what not
mind_mistress: ah
mind_mistress: shoulda thought of that before
kylie: i found recently out recently that i am into CD’s, TV and TS and i wasnt before but
mind_mistress: Talk with her. That’s the best I can recommend
kylie: i Have
kylie: we have discussed it and done a little roleplaying but
kylie: would you like to see a picture of me dressed up
mind_mistress: Ok
mind_mistress: you look good 🙂
kylie: ty
mind_mistress: Okay, what does SHE want?
kylie: she wants just a normal sex life
kylie: average and everyday
mind_mistress: won’t happen
mind_mistress: What else does she want?
kylie: she likes the idea of having multiple partners
kylie: but i aint sure about that
kylie: as in threesomes with other men
kylie: but what she wants more than anything is my to be more passionate in the bedroom
mind_mistress: Good 🙂
kylie: but i kinda lost all interest in sex
mind_mistress: The point is…
mind_mistress: you can’t convince to do someone to do what you want based on what you want
kylie: i know
mind_mistress: Only you care about what you want
mind_mistress: she cares about what SHE wants
mind_mistress: So you have to motivate her to do what you want… with it being a way for her to get what SHE wants
kylie: how do i do that
mind_mistress: People are only motivated by what they want
mind_mistress: so find a way for her to get what she wants…
mind_mistress: by doing what you want
kylie: ok
kylie: well what i want is her to sissify me completely
mind_mistress: Think of what she wants
kylie: i try to but i just cant get aroused anymore
mind_mistress: not normal sex. You can’t
mind_mistress: Think of the other things she wants
mind_mistress: passion in sex
kylie: yeah
kylie: but like i said i cant get aroused or feel passion anymore
mind_mistress: and if you’re dressed?
kylie: i love her but im not in love
kylie: when im dressed i can
kylie: but then she cant
mind_mistress: ah
mind_mistress: Well then, you have a few choices
mind_mistress: leave her
mind_mistress: stay and both be frustrated
kylie: lol
mind_mistress: Or change
mind_mistress: or each take lovers on the side
kylie: im trying to change but it is hard
mind_mistress: In my experience, transgenderism doesn’t go away no matter what is done
mind_mistress: so it’s up to her to choose
kylie: lol
mind_mistress: to change, which I can do for her
mind_mistress: The options are pretty simple.
kylie: but there agian she has to be willing right
mind_mistress: yup
mind_mistress: What are the options?
kylie: well i wont leave her
kylie: regardless of what happens
mind_mistress: okay
mind_mistress: I didn’t ask what you’d do.
mind_mistress: Just what the options are
kylie: but i can see if she will talk with you
mind_mistress: sure
mind_mistress: Tell me what the options are. I want to hear them from you
kylie: options are that i find something to put passion back into our sex life
kylie: or we each take a lover on the side
kylie: or she or I change
mind_mistress: yes
mind_mistress: The choice isn’t entirely yours
mind_mistress: so it’s important to present to her the options
kylie: i understand
mind_mistress: Transgenderism doesn’t go away. At most, it’s repressed
mind_mistress: and without it, you have no passion in bed
kylie: i didnt have this problem til a few months ago however
mind_mistress: On the other hand, almost everyone is bisexual to some degree, so it’s easier to change her to open up to that
mind_mistress: How did it come out?
kylie: i read some stories at
kylie: and started getting really turned on by what i read
mind_mistress: and you hadn’t had any such fantasies or crossdressing before?
kylie: no
mind_mistress: and why did you go to fictionmania?
kylie: a friend of mine sent me an email link to it and so i checked it out
kylie: she is a shemale but we are still good friends and have been since HS
kylie: but I had no interest in crossdressing or being a sissy or anything of the sort
mind_mistress: and nothing else turns you on now?
kylie: not to much but then i have been around the block a couple of times
kylie: ive done most things in the vanilla lifestyle
mind_mistress: how old are you?
kylie: its the alternative lifestyle that turns me on
kylie: 24
mind_mistress: and who are you attracted to?
mind_mistress: when you’re a girl
kylie: im attracted to both men and women in femme
mind_mistress: 🙂
kylie: i know it sounds like im bragging but during my stint in the service i was with 70 some women
mind_mistress: 🙂
kylie: i had many one night stands and what not
mind_mistress: No men yet?
kylie: no no men
mind_mistress: Okay, here’s the deal…
mind_mistress: you’ve changed…
mind_mistress: you didn’t plan it, and you didn’t do it on purpose
mind_mistress: but it happened anyway
mind_mistress: Either she follows you, or she doesn’t
mind_mistress: It’s her choice
kylie: ok
mind_mistress: you can’t force her, and shouldn’t
mind_mistress: If she wants to follow, I can help.
kylie: i know
mind_mistress: If she doesn’t… well, you can guess what will happen
kylie: yeah i know
kylie: what will happen
mind_mistress: What’s that ? 🙂
kylie: lots and lots of pent up frustration
mind_mistress: yup
mind_mistress: which is either endured…
mind_mistress: or leads to a breakup
mind_mistress: both are bad for the kids
kylie: yep
mind_mistress: Frustrated parents don’t make a happy household
kylie: how much does a session run
mind_mistress: I bet a happy family is one of her wants too
mind_mistress: Sessions are 60 online, 80 by phone
mind_mistress: as this is therapy
mind_mistress: Let’s review what she wants. What does she want?
kylie: she wants passion in the bedroom
kylie: she wants multiple partners in the bedroom at times
kylie: and and she definately wants a happy family
mind_mistress: and a normal sex life
kylie: and a mormal sex life
mind_mistress: Okay, she won’t get everything she wants
kylie: normal
mind_mistress: No one does
mind_mistress: But she can get 3 out of 4. Not so bad.
kylie: lol
mind_mistress: 🙂
kylie: lol i need to run to the store soon and get some more cigerettes
kylie: anyways you think you can help
mind_mistress: I can.
mind_mistress: But the magic only works with consent
mind_mistress: What’s your girl name?
kylie: Kylie
mind_mistress: Cute 🙂
kylie: ty
mind_mistress: you should get another yahoo profile with that name in it
kylie: i have thought about it
mind_mistress: Can I use this conversation on the site? I keep getting the same question you asked today.
kylie: Sure
mind_mistress: I’d put it in Dear Abby Mistress.
mind_mistress: Thanks 🙂
kylie: np
mind_mistress: Okay, you can go shop… talk to her… let me know 🙂
kylie: I loved the religious conversation with ashley by the way
mind_mistress: religious?
kylie: It goes against everything in my religious background
Ash(11:41 AM) : And, I am very glad I picked the right Genie
Mind_Mistress(11:41 AM) : Thou shalt not be hypnotized into believing you’re a girl?
Mind_Mistress(11:42 AM) : I don’t recall any such passage…
Ash(11:42 AM) : Well, no.. but I always saw wanting to be a girl very much like homosexuality
Ash(11:42 AM) : And the bible, at least in the Southern Baptist tradition, is very much against that.
Mind_Mistress(11:42 AM) : The only thought crime I know of is coveting another’s wife… and that isn’t likely in our case
Ash(11:43 AM) : 🙂 No, I don’t even have a girl friend, so that doesn’t have a chance at all of happening.
Mind_Mistress(11:43 AM) : However, it’s not against the religion if you’re a girl
kylie: and what not
mind_mistress: heh heh
mind_mistress: ok 🙂
kylie: lol
mind_mistress: I forget some of the clever things I say 😉
kylie: lol dont we all
mind_mistress: Look, I want you to be happy
mind_mistress: I want her to be happy
mind_mistress: I’ll do my best to make that happen
kylie: so do you get a lot of people interested in the sissification
kylie: fantasies
mind_mistress: Umm… it’s my specialty…
mind_mistress: and therapy is usually related to that in some way… like your request for your partner
mind_mistress: Getting the woman interested in it is a common request
mind_mistress: few women agree to it, but it works well when they do 🙂
kylie: it feels weird telling you all this but
kylie: it did help alot
mind_mistress: Well, if it helped to express it…
mind_mistress: I’m glad for that much
mind_mistress: 🙂
kylie: it means that I aint the only one with this problem
mind_mistress: not in the least
kylie: well i tell you if i was single i would definately want to try the hypnosis thing
mind_mistress: It’s extremely common with transgenders. Many get married
kylie: like you did with adam
mind_mistress: It’s just unusual to get this happening at your age without anything prior
mind_mistress: I wonder if there aren’t things you’re not remembering
kylie: what causes it
mind_mistress: because it seems too sudden
mind_mistress: I mean, my site might have an influence…
mind_mistress: but a story by itself…
mind_mistress: without anything there beforehand
mind_mistress: wouldn’t have such an effect on most people
kylie: it was ust the story got me aroused like never before
kylie: and so i kept going back to it
mind_mistress: There had to be something there you weren’t aware of
kylie: to the site and reading other stories and what not
mind_mistress: Well, you do make a cute girl, and you’re young, so that makes it easier 🙂
kylie: i have always liked the feel of pantyhose on a girl
kylie: maybe thats something i dont know
mind_mistress: Ever been jealous of girls?
kylie: a couple of times
mind_mistress: before reading the story?
kylie: yeah
mind_mistress: what were you jealous of?
kylie: it seemed they got everything they wanted just cause they had breast
mind_mistress: how young do you remember feeling that way?
kylie: 15, 16 maybe
mind_mistress: ok
kylie: but i never had the urge to be one before i dont think
mind_mistress: What was it in the story that turned you on the most?
kylie: well the first was the forced feminization agianst his will
kylie: but as the story progressed it was the clothing that she wore
kylie: and then the sexual parts of it
mind_mistress: had you had any other fantasies of being dominated or controlled before that?
kylie: yes
kylie: all the time
mind_mistress: What kind?
kylie: of a women taking complete control and making me her sex toy
mind_mistress: 🙂
kylie: now its more of a woman taking complete control of me and making me her slut and whore to be used by both men and women alike
mind_mistress: do you ever have dominant fantasies?
mind_mistress: do you ever have dominant fantasies?
kylie: sorry got booted
kylie: but no I have never had any fantasies about being dominant
kylie: did i lose you
mind_mistress: Okay
mind_mistress: No. But I have to go
mind_mistress: We’ll talk another time
kylie: ok well will do
mind_mistress: you have talking to do with your partner 🙂
kylie: it was a pleasure to speak with you
kylie: and look forward to it agian
mind_mistress: Good night 🙂
mind_mistress: likewise
kylie: night madame moiselle
kylie: did i spell that right
mind_mistress: mademoiselle
kylie: lol
Choices choices…

Mind Mistress